Invocation Rework Suggestion to encourage better teamplay

How would everyone feel if Invocations were not dependent on perks?
Essentially - Any survivor can perform an Invocation and fill up the meter as usual. However when the Invocation is completed it's a full charge waiting to be claimed. You could compare this to the Halloween event with the Dark Crystals that create smoke bombs that survivors could leave for other players.
So essentially - An invocation could be completed by anyone at any time and once it's complete a full charge would be sitting in the basement. When it's ready to be claimed or activated a survivor with the Invocation perk would go to the basement and interact with the circle. Upon interacting a wheel would pop up similar to The Lich's spell book (If they have multiple Invocations in their loadout) and they would select the Invocation to activate. If they only have one Invocation then that perk would just activate.
Then the perk would activate as normal and another Invocation could be channeled.
I also feel having an Invocation waiting for a player to claim its charge opens up the avenue for other things such as spawning items in the basement in exchange for time. It would give survivors another objective even if they do not have the perk but also be flexible to be claimed at different times.
Note - I am not suggesting a change to the currently existing perks. However upon using them I found the biggest issue was simply activating them at the wrong time. Yes the perks are still bad regardless but I feel the actual mechanic of Invocation could use a second pass to feel better for the team instead of being a self sabotage perk.
What about invocation being basekit, and invocation perks alow to do multiple invocations in one game?
Invocations are okayyyyish, but not worth perk slot1 -
I'm all for this - I am partially suggesting that already. I feel Invocation as a mechanic should somehow be basekit and the perks should just be "sweeteners" for the actual mechanic.
The main thing I'd like to see solved is the actual activation. I feel with the last Halloween event BHVR did it's the perfect example of how Invocations should be. Charge up and allow anyone to claim them at any point. The current being you are forced to commit and complete them makes them incredibly opportunistic on top of being likely to throw your game.