Wholesomeness is gone

Had a game against an Artists on the new map, for context - this is my first time on the new map & I'm really excited because I love it from what I'd seen.
It's the Christmas event game mode, new map & while some games can go silly & fun, some if not most play out like normal DbD. There in lies the problem, the game played in question had my SWF teammate tunneled for the second time in a row & another member of the team tunneled too. So here's the thing a lot to unpack here, point for point:
- Teammates getting tunneled sucks for them, but also sucks for the team, it's not fun for anyone & during a Christmas event is especially sad.
- It may be many people's first time on the map & we can't just get a bit of exploration in? Also a huge shame for those without PTB access.
The killer mostly had to say for themselves that they didn't tunnel despite the recorded evidence, they also pointed out they don't care about BP's, most importantly though the killer claimed they were just playing as intended but was mad they couldn't find survivors when down to the last two (because they were trying to survive AS INTENDED). While my conversation with said killer were one thing & the irony to most of what they said was unreal my issue with the whole game was just the fact that not a single gen popped, two people got tunneled & all on a new map during the XMAS event. It's depressing, as I said to them I don't expect to just be left to live & every game we escape because MERRY CHRISTMAS nonsense, I just don't expect a more casual game mode to exist to be made just as sad as regular DbD throughout the year.
All the wholesome times in DbD are not just few & far between they're just gone. I told them to have a heart the next time they tunnel during the event, it's too sweaty for the first days of the event & it's too much when this game is like this 24/7 nowadays regardless of events. This game needs both sides to survive & survivors are hating it more & more each day because killers do this. It's not about perks in this discussion, it's not about which side BHVR is biased to or not, it's about the fact that we have a fun event, HAVE FUN WITH IT & for goodness sake please stop with all the sweaty antics. Just enjoy a decent game, with hopefully plenty of bloodpoints for all & chill out for the holidays.
I used to love playing this game, for 8 years I've tried even at the worst times to just have fun but these days that's getting harder & harder to do. A bit of wholesome times really helps this game sometimes, why can't we use an event like this for that?
I may skip the rest of this event unfortunately, I'd hate to but I really don't want to play or not play as the case may be when it's like this every time. Not everyone is happy with the game & I feel like every opinion like this is met with the usual backlash & stupid responses. Can we not all just actually admit those of us that have played for a while that this game really isn't what it used to be & it's really not in a healthy state, for different reasons on different sides but also massive ones on each too. A chill event to let all that go is all this could & should be, anyway that's all I'm done rambling now.
This is also true for survivor behavior and I'm a survivor main.
I have had the same matches as you as survivor. When I play killer its usually for Daily's or Tome challenges. If I get one where I don't need to off someone I will.play friendly but survivors are not being that way either. I'm still trying to figure these gens going off so quick with no perks. When I plays survivor it's so slow and we normally don't get any but 1 or 2.
The game as a whole is in a bad spot due to player mentality and I can't wait until TCM goes on sale.
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You're going to look for wholesomeness with TCM? Good luck with that.
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I had a match where 3 people brought same map offering, I thought "ok this is going to be a swf sweatfest". Hooked 1 guy and 2 gens popped... At that point I thought "nah tunnel time". Got 4k with 1 gen left and they complained I was being sweaty lol. Sorry but 3 map offerings and 2 gens done super fast in an event... Action and reaction.
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No not wholesome just new. I really wish Friday the 13th wasn't shutting down I was having so much fun on there.
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I've only been to the new map twice. Once against a rather laid back deathslinger who just seemed to be enjoying the event (not trying awful hard). And the other was against a wraith who seemed intent on ending the match in two minutes. I'm not judging either playstyle, though I certainly missed getting to explore the new map as it doesn't seem to come up a lot. Lol.
Whenever this kind of thing comes up, it makes me rethink how I myself play as killer. I've played quite a lot of custom matches against bots to practice killers, and I also played some pretty tough survivors, so I've had to develop a certain style of play to avoid getting curb stomped every match. Because that's what happens when you go up against upper MMR teams. Of course, it doesn't help that sometimes I have been a bit "nicer" and end up being rewarded with some nice cage or sable t bagging me at an exit gate. I must admit that kind of thing makes me want to play a bit less nice next time. And I doubt I'm the only one.
This event, I'm trying very hard to go into it with the idea of just casually playing for bp and throwing snowballs. It's hard to break out of that "do as well as possible" mindset. But I'll give it a go. For now. 😈
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If a Pig throws a bunch of snowskulls at you from stealth, it may be me. If it is me, you may boop the snoot 👉🐽
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This is the thing, while my post was in relation to a killer not having fun, the same can still be said for sure about swf teams that are sweating it out fast as well. It's crazy, it's like no one wants to play unless the game lasts 2mins. I feel for the killers that just want to play out a decent game & I feel for the survivors that aren't sweating either just trying to chill maybe goof around & just enjoy the event as a community.
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I feel the same way, when I play killer I play as best I can but try not to do the things I dislike having done to me. While I know arguments can be made for times when it's "necessary" if it can be helped I'll just play the game as it plays. You get a flashy save or tbagging swf bunch & you think hmm, I'm gonna lock in just to get you two can play that game as it were XD but when all you or anyone else is trying to do is have fun especially in the events there's no need for it all.
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sad to hear this. It’s not that often you see Artist so it’s nice when you do. I’ve playing her a lot lately and messing about with snipes. If I down someone I’ll take them for a will till they wriggle free them very in with my long range shenanigans. The survivors cotton on quick and seem to have a fun and chilled game.
Hope to see you in the fog where hopefully I can restore a little goodwill towards our bird throwing heroine!
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nothing but a camp/tunnel fest in ALL my matches.
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Stop looking for wholesomeness in Dead by Daylight or from people in general. What are you, six?
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Many adults enjoy some wholesomeness from time to time. I think it's usually appreciated when it happens in DbD too; I know a lot of survivors like to boop the snoot!
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I didn't read the thread but I agree with the title.
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Yeah, the game where half the survivors are running around with stunning builds that hold you in place, unable to do anything, for like 15 seconds.
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What a miserable thing to say. Maybe you think this type of reply makes you look tough when it really just exposes you as exactly the type of player that is the problem in modern DBD.
If you actually loved this game and wanted it to be a better experience for both killers and survivors, it would behoove you to, you know, actually care about others' experience and enjoyment.
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Yeah the TCM community makes the DbD community look wholesome and supportive.
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Nobody cares about anyone's experience and enjoyment in multiplayer games. Surprise, surprise, people suck and online games are where they get to be themselves unpunished. They're only happy when they get to bring their opponents down and rub it in their face. I'm not excited about this, but humanity is a disappointment in general, so nothing's new.
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I used to think DBD was toxic.
Then I looked at how nasty the TCM community is,
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There are plenty of people who do care. And even if there weren't, you don't need to add on to the misery by throwing in your tomatoes too.
There are fundamental design issues, like incentives and disincentives in this game, that do make the player base focus more on their individual gameplay than the overall fun of the game — I do agree. But design can be re-designed, incentives can be maneuvered to provide everyone a better and healthier experience within the game.
Shooting others down for wanting things to be better is easy, but it makes the game worse for both you and the other person.
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Agreed, the DbD community is actually pretty awesome. I used to play LoL, but got tired of the amount of toxicity in the community. By comparison to league, DbD is like a friendly, supportive book club.
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I get kindness, ggs, and sweet interactions even if I play super hard all the time. People just want a chance to play the game. Actually I think it's gotten better over time since you can't lose pips.
9/10 times I am not getting toxicity as Killer, I am getting it as Survivor. And when I do, it's usually from other Survs. Have you noticed this?
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This is the big issue, there's not enough unique or new to do to warrant this event having its own queue.
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I also usually don't get much bm from survivors. It might be because I don't do any of the behaviors a lot of survivor players consider bm (tunneling, camping, slug for 4k). So I normally get positive post-game interactions.
Of course, players' opinions on whether those behaviors are bm can differ, but either way, I agree about bm from survivors. The W+D thing or hitting on hook from killers is definitely less common than teabagging.
It often gets me ggs, 'you're fun!', etc. too. But occasionally a survivor whose team got 4ked too fast will pop in and say something ridiculous, like 'Nobody will ever love you.' I just write those off as someone who needs a minute :)