Bhvr's recent twitter reply

I would sincerely hope they actually listen to the Chucky players who are frustrated about the recent changes to them and not ignore this issue for several months
The irony of that statement is actually hilarious.
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His level of thinking is the exact same thing with the nerf, I know this cause I play him regularly, the nerf doesn't make him more skill full, the nerf makes him less enjoyable
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more enjoyable for survivors who don’t have to deal with lose/lose situations because he was overtuned.
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That still happens, the nerf speed to Chucky didn't fixed these issues, all it does is make him less fun for both sides
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Hopefully, they will fix him. I have just quit playing the game now.
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Chucky needs to be an extremely strong chase killer, because he has one of the poorest macro presences in the game. If he doesn't get fast downs he loses, since fast downs are all he has to work with.
I do agree that he was a bit too easy to play. His biggest problem to me has always been that he needs to put in a fraction of the effort of other top tier killers for similar rewards, which tended to attract a lot of unsavory players who just wanted easy wins.
But this nerf hasn't made him any less easy to play, he's just less lethal. They did nothing to increase his skill floor.
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I think they will end up reverting him. It was a bad change. But it will be in January
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The issue isn't really a matter of power level. It's that a change was made, with zero testing or feedback permitted, that made him pre 'rework' Twins levels of clunky to play.
Then, when asked about it, BHVR basically said 'lol sucks to be you, maybe take the hint and play another killer. Not open to feedback on this, sorry'.
He wasn't overtuned. He had one decently strong tool in chase to make up for him having zero map presence. This is on par with the original Billy rework or the Skull Merchant changes.
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Hopefully they have a plan to make things like Ghostface's reveal more fair and consistent both sides, then. I'm sick of being seen through walls.
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Tell that to Freddy mains
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my feedback is that he is unfun to play. everything he is suppose to be good at. he under-performs to do effectively.
- He is suppose to be good at outplaying strong pallets with scamper because he is able to vault pallets but he is unable to do this effectively because his turning-rate post scamper does not reset and is wildly restrictive.
- He should have capacity to use his dash between loops like a long attack to gap-close distance but his movement speed makes him too slow to use his power between loops because survivors get to next pallet before he can dash towards them.
- The cooldown of his ability makes his power incredibly punishing to miss while hampering his ability to use his power for mobility or use it for its stealth purposes.
Each of these point comes from his negative changes
The first problem stems from them removing manual scamper without adjusting his turn-rate after performing a scamper in Slice & Dice. The second problem stems from his most recent change by reducing his movement speed by -50% in Slice & Dice. The most notorious change is 3rd change which increased his cooldown from 10→14 seconds which is making killer feel like a m1 killer with no ability for ages.
If their any change that need reverting, its cooldown but other two changes are just as bad and reduce his fun factor. that is my feedback on Chucky. unfulfilling to play.
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I won't pretend to be a Chucky main or even to be all that skilled with him, but he is a Killer I enjoy playing and he doesn't feel all that different than before the nerf…
I'd say he still feels stronger than before the removal of his Scamper (imho, the "nerf" that wasn't really a nerf. They just raised his skill floor a little and ironically made him an even more powerful Killer in skilled hands).
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We shall see - we give feedback but it’s not always heard. That or ignored.
Still waiting for Houndmasters search ability larger.0 -
I wouldn't look too much into Twitter posts either way.
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needs to be an extremely strong chase killer, because he has one of the poorest macro presences in the game. If he doesn't get fast downs he loses, since fast downs are all he has to work with.
Slightly off-topic, but I feel like this is the perfect description of both Chucky and other killers, and it is easily the worst kind of killer design we have.
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Off topic but in regards to BHVR response on twitter which I don't feel like responding to directly solo q MMR system has been garbage for years, rank based was better. The constant killing on hook and dc's are a direct response to bad matchmaking. Not saying it's the only reason but I believe its the most prevalent. I just want to be matched with players that play like I do, if I run the killer and do objectives and someone on my team decides to give up instantly first hook or do almost nothing the entire match I expect some reward in terms of matchmaking, you took that away. You the developer has made casual solo q so awful that I no longer judge survivors for giving up, they have no reason to stay in a match they feel is unwinnable. You have truly ruined this game for so many players and I find your response laughable. You don't listen to players, you look at overall stats and how much money you make.
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Don't know if I agree.
Several other killers also fall into the category of having poor map presence and needing to get fast downs for presssure, and I like playing against most of them. in fact several of them are among my favorites to play in the game. Huntress, Leatherface, Myers, Pyramid Head, Deathslinger, Doctor.
It's really just, like… Clown and Trickster who aren't fun to play against to me. Especially Clown.
I'm mixed on Chucky himself. I don't really mind Chucky so much as the kind of players who were attracted to his combination of ease of use and power.