What are your problems with the game atm

this isn’t a thread for people to say “all killers _____” or “all survivors _______”

this is to discuss actual problems and how to fix them. Problems like tunneling, slugging, flashlight squads, sneaking survivors.

for me I have 2: one survivor one killer.

For survivor:

Slugging. I invited my friend to play and on out 2nd match that day he was slugged by a huntress on lery’s without a way for us to get him up without us also getting slugged. On our 6th match we were 3 Man slugged by a Billy on garden of joy but luckily we both made it out by the last person up. There isn’t any counterplay by being on the ground nor is there a way to get up without unbreakable.

for killer:

Blinding squads:

it feels like every time I get happy or feel like I’m improving I get hit with a bully squad or worse a blind squad. I’m not calling anyone who uses a flashlight one of these but the people who go out of their way to blind the killer any chance, never allow a pickup, and abuse any perks that are broken atm. They ruin the game cause you lose all pressure when they have 3 gens done and you have 2 downs and 0 hooks. It is the worst feeling I’ve had in any game when your skills don’t matter they are on comms and decided to make your life worse.


  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    For me... killer side its gen speeds. I feel they fly too fast especially on some maps where they are so big it's very difficult to maintain map pressure. It's a race to get as many out before gens get complete which often results in the need to tunnel as I don't have time to spread hooks between survivors. I tried regress perks to slow things down but the gens still fly too fast. I think either base gen speed should be slower or regress perks should be buffed.

    For survivor it's matchmaking in soloq/no coms. Swf have the advantage of coms to coordinate but soloq doesn't have that so when I'm teamed up with low skill survivors and no way of telling them "don't go for save, killer is camping so just do gens" they go for the save at the wrong times and end up getting me or themselves killed. I'd love to get a heads up about a camping killer from my team mate that is on hook too. I don't think there is a solution to that other than provide coms base kit for all survivors. Maybe if the game worked on getting soloq to a similar place swf is then it would be easier to sort out game balance. As it stands its impossible to get true balance because killers need to keep you with the swf teams which means soloq players generally get stomped.

  • justadreampallet
    justadreampallet Member Posts: 224

    for killer: I’d say doing a gen speed nerf wouldn’t work by itself. Sure the theatre will feel better but midwich will be much worse. Having the speed be map dependent where large maps take longer then small maps to complete a gen would help this out a lot.

    for survivor: I’d say something like a quick chat could help so much. Bind it to a key we don’t use yet and have 4 options depending on what you’re doing. While hooked you could have “rescue is safe.” “Killer is nearby” or while looking around it could be “help me with this gen” “let’s split up”. That and some basic callouts or directional audio for where you are if you are being chased by the killer.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I've got one for killer, one for survivor too.

    From the killer perspective: Toolboxes.

    Gen speeds overall aren't bad at all, they're pretty balanced. Gen speeds when survivors bring toolboxes, though, are much worse- in the rare event that everyone's bringing a toolbox with a dedicated build, it's almost unwinnable for a huge chunk of the playerbase. Absolute nightmare item, the gen speed needs to be reworked to do something else at some point.

    From the survivor perspective: Tunnelling.

    There's a couple issues still present with tunnelling. It's still far too easy for how much value it can give, the tools against it should absolutely be strengthened, but more than that I take issue with the fact that a killer can tunnel someone out and still have access to strong slowdown combos in the resulting 1v3. If slowdown perks deactivated when someone died, players would be pushed towards a much healthier playstyle while still getting results and if they did tunnel, their opponents would at least have a slight chance from the fact that the regression is only going to come from gen kicks.

  • bleep275
    bleep275 Member Posts: 404

    For survivor:

    Slugging and Tunneling. Its been so bad several of my friends stopped playing DBD in general and I stopped playing survivor.

    MMR: I either get the most brain dead team ever or a killer LEAGUES above my skill set and my teams.

    BMing: I cant tell you how often this happens to me. Smacking on hook repeatedly, getting dry humped, etc. Like why?

    For killer:

    Gen speeds: if you geta team hell bent on gen rushing. The casual vibe i try to bring is just kinda dookied on.

    In General:

    Honestly i think the game is pretty well balanced outside of the garbage MMR system. The main issue is the player-base. Its been taken over by extremely sweaty Esports meta-slave mentality people, whose only sense of fun and validation comes form a 4k or making the killer as miserable as possible. DBD lost its casual appeal, I wish there were separate lobbies for those who are competitively obsessed so the meme lords and chill people can have their fun too.

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 135
  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 135

    Okay I only play survivor and solo queue because this is not the single player game I would choose. I think this game is fine you know you play it in short bursts or whatever maybe just during events. The only problem I have with this game is it's like the same thing over and over and over and I can't keep doing that. Like it was fun for a while and then the devs started making it more accessible to dilettantes and that may be the problem with games across the entire industry.

  • hermitkermit
    hermitkermit Member Posts: 593

    My biggest gripe with the overall game for the most part right now is that there is no way for survivors to practice against killers, and I think that leads to burn-out, possibly inflated kill rates and overall frustration. As it stands the only way to practice against a specific killer is to get them by random chance. And as the roster gets bigger and bigger, the chances of encountering specific killers get smaller and smaller. The macro knowledge for both sides get bigger because there are new perks to learn, but for survivors it’s new perks, new add-ons and a new killer entirely. It’s consistently trial by fire which ends up with a lot of people getting completely overwhelmed, the game getting worse to newer players, and a misunderstanding of killer powers or counters leading to devastating mistakes that can be unrecoverable from. Add this with the constant changes on minor buffs, nerfs, reworks to killer powers, perks, and add-ons, and it becomes even more difficult to keep up with the best strategies or counters.

    Killers being able to practice against AI survivors, having access to every survivor/killer perk, item or possible build combos to practice facing against their opponents is a great resource and tool that I think survivors players would benefit just as much if not more from, (simply due the to amount to learn in comparison) if they were given the same resource with killer AI bots.

    People say “skill issue” and yeah, oftentimes it very much is! But there is currently no consistent way to work on that skill, and that’s an issue too.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Slugging and having to face killers I absolutely despise.

    I would rather face longer queues than have to face a single Twins, Trickster, Knight or SM and it is frustrating as I am expected to endure matches I don't want to play.

    I am sure killers don't want to play against SWF's and I also think it should be clear when you are facing a SWF or not.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Gen times on both sides

    Killers: it feels to fast to get meaningful chases and hooks

    Survivor: it feels to slow to get any Gens done

    90 seconds is 90 seconds but then adding in distance and which Gens "have" to be done... plus whatever perks are in play

    Maps for both sides

    Killers: either to narrow for some Killers or to wide for others

    Survivors: either to narrow to get any progress on Gens or to wide where no matter what happens at least 2-3 Gens will be done but at the cost of a teammate or 2

    Tunneling for both sides

    Killers: some of us don't want to Tunnnel so we chase and down Survivors whom we haven't hooked yet then get flamed in end game chat or in messages that we Tunneled

    Survivors: actually getting Tunneled out of the match at 5 Gens is distasteful to say the least

    "Meta" Perks

    Killers: which Perks can we run to have an easy match or which Perks to avoid so we don't get called "Meta slaves"

    Survivors: Same as Killers

  • Heliosse
    Heliosse Member Posts: 158

    My problems with the game:

    Stomp or be stomped, very strong killers like Nurse, Blight, Billy, the extreme difference of value between perks, unecessary bleed out, every game being a slog against the same killers (yesterday i got 3 Blight in a row with the exact same build and add ons ...........). The constant bugs and the game not working properly, the extreme toxic ambiance with people tbagging and killer humping you for 4 minutes straight. Survivor teaming up with the killer in a 2v1 scenario to get hatch and some more.

    My points of solutions :

    • Stomp or be stomped: No solutions, the game is designed this way, you would have to change the game immensly.

    • Very strong killers: I feel this especially for the mobility killers, like Blight, Wesker, Billy, the only one that i think is perfectly fair and balanced is Oni. Mobility is such a pain to go against, you can't reach anything, you can't make distance, you can't finish your gen, you can't heal the unhooked because these guys laugh at the concept of distance. Facing a Ghostface and a Blight is just day and night and it's one of the most frustrating thing in the game, especially when you chain 5 or moremobility killers back to back (yesterday i did 3 Blight, 1 Billy and 2 Nurse, after that i switched game because i was frustrated to die at 5 gens under 4 regressions and endless slugging in soloQ, mmr be damned). The solutions would be to nerf their speed or up their cooldowns idk, i might be the only one to dislike them, but they feel miserable. Anti loop killer are easier for me, a mobility killer can hit me almost everytime if he does it right and you can never distance yourself from them, a deathslinger or Nemesis can't do anything when you are not in their effective range or behind cover, they will down you when they are in position to do so but they are easier to counter for me atleast.

    • Perks: Nerf gen perks for both side, give side objective instead of "watch bar fill up/down" and buff other perks.

    • Bugs and toxicity: Slow down the chapters and take some time to patch the game and take care of it's health.

    I love this game, but it is very hard to play without descending into madness after 3 games of survivors, and it's not better with Killer. Somehow the game is frustrating on both side ( Killer when the mmr decide to obliterate you, being outmatched is normal, but sometimes it's so drastic there isn't even a match, you just get decimated) and survivors for the endless Blight with 4 gens perks and a passion for watching you lick the floor.

  • Linkdouken
    Linkdouken Member Posts: 342

    Potato servers of recent

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,660

    Simple: a majority of the playerbase.

  • tricks5776
    tricks5776 Member Posts: 116

    bugs bugs bugs. All the other stuff is manageable but god the bugs make the game So unenjoyable to play for long periods of time.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,211

    Bloodweb spending could be faster.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 412

    there is one singular problem for me right now and its burnouts. people that quit out of matches at the slightest inconvenience, that really should be taking a break from DBD but for some reason persist with a game they clearly are not having fun with.

    its not a problem the devs can fix bc its a community entitlement issue, but its my only problem with the game nonetheless

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,302

    Yeah, nobody likes forced mismatches, especially ones where you lose and it's beyond your control. You're just never getting the benefit of your role's strength, even though you go against it all the time.

  • CursedPerson
    CursedPerson Member Posts: 272

    Slugging for 4k or bleeding survivors out(this wastes ungodly amount of time and is super frustrating). Body blocking gates or survivors(if someone has 3 crows they should lose collision).

    No control over matchmaking on either sides(mainly strong add-ons/items matched with someone not running those)

    Killers able to see survivor items in lobby

    survivors not able to see teammates' perks

    bloodweb doesn't have a auto buy expensive items and is too loud(needs a mute or volume slider)

    champion of light is frustrating to play against

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602


    I don't feel like skill is rewarded enough. Being efficient on gens and having good chases does not consistently correlate to results. Matchmaking seems to favor queue times at the expense of quality matches. I wish matchmaking was a bit less focused on engagement and more focused on quality.


    Asset collision is my biggest frustration. Map objects are often too sticky. I get stuck on a branch, or a random piece of wood sticking out from a filler tile.

    The other frustration would be the sheer randomness of matchmaking. It can feel like you have to prepare for the sweatiest possible game because you have no idea what to expect from opponents one game to the next. There's very little consistency. I may only need 1 slowdown for 9 games, and that 10th game will be against a team playing like it's a tourney grand final. There's no transparency with matchmaking, and that's frustrating on both sides.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513


    Soloq has too much of a perk tax to play the game. you tend have to go into 3 avenues for survivor perks. the first is that you play super aggressive, try to get chased. Run anti-tunnel perks and waste the killer's time in hopes your teammates do gens. The second is that you play super defensive and run gen-rush builds to make up for the fact that your teammates might play too bad and that your teamplay will have no stabilization(i.e you will make many gameplay errors and potencial lose/be punished for poor plays). The 3rd avenue is to run information perks to attempt to create stable gameplay style. Perks like Kindred, Window of opportunity and Bond.

    I dislike how survivor soloq is unstable. it's too unpredictable and i wish the the info perks were in some way put base-kit to make their gameplay more stable. a more stable gameplay would make soloq survivor have more interesting opportunity to over-come challenges and hardship vs different killers in a strategic manner that is more skill-based.


    Killer has poor perk variety. the majority of killers that i play against are running 3-4 slowdown all of different types. there isn't a style for killer where different killer players run a different style of perks such as Chase perks to create an oppressive chasing play-style that you need over-come as survivor, Expose perks where the killer plays off-snowball, Stealth perks where the killer is unpredictable. Most of the killer players play off Tunneling and running game delay perks to delay the survivor from doing their objective while fulfilling their own. There are many different variations of this but the gameplay styles for killer are all homogeneous and there is lack of killer creativity.

    I would like that killer builds were more creative and than different layers of imbalance would occur in the game for killer playing different perks. Killer perk load out should have more critical thinking involve and be less of copy-paste everything because x gameplay style is dominated/good while rest suck/under perform.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I just want Ghostface's Reveal and Lean to be fixed and be fair, and then I want him to have an addon pass and some sort of slight buff. Chaseface isn't fun, reward him for using his power.

    I also lowkey think we need to simplify pipping and wins, since it's just a measure of how much you played anyway - it makes no sense to make it harder to pip in Iri than in Silver… at all. Why is it harder the more you play? Proposal:

    - Pips are no longer tied to emblems or BP gain, but the categories remain - they're just unlinked and no longer matter.
    - One Pip and 20k BP for participating in the round win or lose.
    - Two Pips and another 10k BP on top of the above for Escaping, getting at least one Mori, or 3-4king (so winning).
    - No pip and 0 BP if you DC or give up on Hook from first Hook.
    - Everyone dead before a gen is done, or out before the Killer could Kill one person? 10k BP for everyone, no pip for everyone, because that wasn't a round.
    - Out really fast because the Killer's a jerk? Everyone left is bots? 10k BP as an apology for having your time wasted, but no pip.
    - The remaining 10k BP comes from using your power, doing stuff in the round that isn't just your objective, etc.
    - Survivors and Killers earn BP at the same exact rate, Survivors don't split BP between the whole team.
    - MMR gain and loss is the EXACT SAME, if you lose one round then win one round you break even. If you lose a lot of rounds you go down, and win a lot of rounds you go up, making it easier to get out of low MMR hell for Survs and high MMR hell for Killers.

    There.Now nobody is upset. Everyone loves BP. This way you can't point to any excuses, because everyone gets progress and BP. Nobody can ever complain about genrush, slugging, camping, tunnelling, etc. again because no matter what, you get something.

    Because that's apparently all the playerbase can handle, I guess. Ultracasual scoring as long as they get their fair BP.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 129

    I feel like more could be done to make the game more interesting. Change it up a bit. Maybe add some events where people solve puzzles or escape from cages or a labyrinth type event where you're trying to escape before the clock runs out and you're sacrificed to the entity. More maps. Death traps. Mini games. Treasure hunts. More maps. I think some of the frustration of this game is created by how repetitive it is. People get bored of going to the same maps and doing the exact same things. I think a creative break could be positive for both sides.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013
    edited December 2024

    Killer :

    It feels like survivors still have a lot of nuclear options. Things that survivors have that are easy to use, have a high reward, and are hard to go against for the killer.

    Exhaustion perks like Lithe, Overcome and Balanced Landing can buy survivors a lot of distance that wastes the killers time especially if they don't have a mobility power, and the survivor can just simply run in the opposite direction of where the gens are being done and the killer has to spend all that time walking back to those gens, which they may not be able to stop because of…

    Commodious Toolboxes, Brand New Parts, Deja Vu and Resilience. These are all things that increase repair speed which reduce the opportunity the killer has to regress them and stop them from being completed. They are simply anti-game, and they force killers to tunnel and camp.

    Map Offerings are also a major annoyance, they are survivor sided because 1 survivor out of 4 can bring a map offering to favour all 4 of those survivors whilst killers are 1 of 1 and can only bring one to benefit themselves. It's really not fun when survivors can load into a map of their choosing because it allows them to plan against the killer instead of embracing unpredictably and adapting on the fly. Sacrificial Wards being made common is appreciated but it's not a perfect solution because killers still want to use bloodpoint and event offerings. Survivors can also still bring 4 of the same to cancel a Sacrifical Ward anyway. Needless to say, map design is what makes this an issue in the first place. Maps that have a lot of line sight, difficult to navigate buildings, many safe pallets and vaults to be chained into allow survivors too much safety.

    All these things can make the game feel competitively frustrating, where survivors are evading you in ways that feel cheap, making you feel like your skill is invalid.

    I would prefer that survivors need to rely on looping well and unpredictably, hiding at the correct times, unhooking at proper times.

    Survivor :

    I don't play survivor much and when i do it's Solo Q. Teammates simply give up too much. It's why i usually prefer to play killer.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,071
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,071

    Survivor probably just teammates that are clearly just not doing what their supposed to. Like doing chests or totems are fine, but when you can clearly see on your HUD that some one is on hook, some one else is being chased, and then the other is on a gen, I dont think that totem or chest should be a priority

    As killer, probably losing due to REALLLLYYYYYY bad RNG. Like playing Trapper without good add ons on Eyrie while theres a burrito with crystal bead in play and my cat wont leave me alone despite me literally petting him for the past hour and my grand father rushing me aince he wants me to go on a 5 hour side quest.

  • Equinox_One
    Equinox_One Member Posts: 290


    Right now, as a survivor - most of my friends list is taking a break because the event is borked (offerings actually give you less BP half the time and this will likely not be fixed as devs are all on holiday). So…probably solo queue players suiciding on hook on the first down or sometimes for seemingly zero reason, in completely winnable games.

    As a killer? Hook suicides and survivor groups who will hide for the entire match, avoiding AFK crows to try and make me DC.