What Have You Done to Chucky?!

I am appalled at the recent changes to Chucky. You guys destroyed this horror icon by nerfing him into the ground with absolutely no player testing/feedback. What were you thinking?!
Here's what I'd suggest:
Absolutely bring back his original slice and dice speed (critical).
Reduce his power cooldown to 10-12 seconds.
Make his slice and dice hitbox smaller so hits aren't so generous/survivors can dodge them easier (currently hits that clearly miss connect).
Give him an increased turn rate for a short duration after a slice and dice scamper (like a Hillbilly curve) because currently this ability is useless.
Bring back his manual scamper under pallets but make it take longer so it's fair (make it take the same amount of time it takes for Wesker to vault a pallet and put away his power).
Let him start the matches with his power already charged.
Please and thank you for listening to this feedback.
He is fine, just need more skills to play now, not a brainoff m2 power with always free hit
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Sounds like you want Chucky back to the S tier. This is only desirable for Chucky mains…
I would partially revert two things :
SnD cooldown from 14s to 13s and SnD movespeed from 8 to 9 m/s (was 10 m/s pre-nerf).
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He is garbage now and all his nerfs needs to be reverted.
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13 sec is still too much, it needs return to 10 sec.
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You meant survivors don't need skill anymore to play against him because they now have 3 business-days to react and he got his cooldown nerfed 2 times at once didn't you?
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I literally opened forums to make a post with the same exact title lol. This was first post i saw.
What the actual heck. He's a slow moving killer with some stealth and a power that only works in certain spaces. Most of the time his power can be avoided if survivor has a brain.
I think with the huge power nerf, his base movement needs to compensate , but honestly just revert him..6 -
imagine forcing survivors to learn every little counterplay for 30+ killers, predict their addons, stop turning this game into super comp game!
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Glad I could help. It's so bad even survivor players are saying he's awful now.
I don't think increasing his base movement speed is the way to go because his 3rd person camera/short stature/smaller body hitbox than the typical killer allow him to mindgame and move around loops more effectively than other killers. He should stay 110 base speed so survivors have a fair chance to react to him mindgaming at loops.
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The cooldown should be 12 seconds. 14 is too high, but 10 was too low.
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That's literally a skill issue, and if you don't want to learn any counter then why bother playing this game
Do you even play Chucky at all, cause his skill level is just the same as before, he's not as fun to go against and now he's less enjoyable
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I find your statement amusing.
So he has lower killer than both Blight and Nurse.
So isn't he simply weak, when he is so easy as you say? He should killrate compare to old skully, if it was so free as you claim.If he is easy and low killrate, then it would mean he needs a buff, no? It's fine to have low killrates on difficult killers, because it makes sense.
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I think even 10 would be fine with current version of dash. It's way weaker.
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Imagine nerfing others, because you don't want to learn the game you play.
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How many of these chucky post'swill there be? He still fine, just not brain dead now with rat poison and use to be easy hits, look at him as you would look at the knight and his deserves nerf, both shouldn't have gotten away with able to hit for free and as I say in every chucky post am tired of him as much as those who got tired of Wesker. Tired of that ######### talking weasel.
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Maybe the fact that you're seeing so many Chucky posts disparaging the nerf (from both killers and survivors) is indicative that he was indeed overnerfed…
And I don't want him braindead easy. To compensate for the suggested buffs, I want his slice and dice hitbox smaller so those hits take more skill and can be more easily dodged by survivors. I want him to be like Billy; decently strong but requiring a lot of mechanical skill. That would be fair. As he exists now, his power's just too weak.5 -
It's fine if they wanted Dash to be weaker, but his cooldown should be way lower, or make him 115%, so he is not so weak against hold W.
I couldn't care less about rat poison.1 -
Its understandable if you don't like certain killers, but they don't deserve the nerf they got, what happened to knight previous version and Chucky made them less enjoyable for both sides
Just because you dislike going against them doesn't mean they deserve nerfs
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I like the people who complain about it on YouTube like Turtalent showcase a 3-4 kill rate constantly. DBD cares about keeping the kill rate for killers at a certain rate NOT ABOUT THE 10% pro-players. If the kill rate for Chucky drops they will fix it.
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Its not about counterplay it's about kill rate I dont care if you agree or not about what the Dev intends on the game but that is their golden standard.
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Wasn't he even under 60%? xDDD
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Ive been playing as chucky and like the changes. When he was extremely fast it was to hard for me to turn and hit the survivors. The only thing that would be better is increases the range of his power slightly
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Very true my dear, killer mains here don't want to adapt because they wanna brainoff m2 power that allos them to get free hits and plus they don't forget to insult survs (especially soloq) by saying if you can't learn to play against 30+!!! (that's a lot on survs shoulders) killer then it's your problem because only my fun as a killer main matters and I don't care about that your soloq player
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Imagine saying this when each chapter killer have constant power changes, addon changes, perk changes, you are asking way too much from survivors especially from solos like me, killer should be nerfed so they are actually fun to vs with my fellow randoms and that's it! AND CHUCKY IS FINE RN I PLAYED HIM, SO STOP IT HE TAKES MORE EXPERIENCE NOW!
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Same honey, it's easier to turn him now thanks to longer dash, I like to play as a killers who don't zoom around like it was with old Chucky, as a buff they can make cooldown 13s as a golden middle :)
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woah changes in a live-action game you have to react to if you want to get anything done, that's so... unexpected. I think you really found something out that no one has ever seen.
No let's be real, the only people that die against that kind of chucky are people that weren't able to play against him before lol. Anyone that knew how to play against him find him funny as hell xD
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not no feedback. the feedback for survivor was that he is unfun to face so bvhr has to make him more fun to face. for killer he was very fun to play.
as per usual, chucky received negative changes. given that they have changed chucky so frequently. it is very likely that they will change chucky again. all you have to do is be patient.
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Very true my dear, killer mains here don't want to adapt
Funny to say, when this is your next comment
Imagine saying this when each chapter killer have constant power changes, addon changes, perk changes, you are asking way too much from survivors especially from solos like me, killer should be nerfed
You don't seem like you wanted to adapt either, just saying.
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At the risk of riling people up... I don't think the changes to his dash are actually a bad set of changes... his S&D distance is pretty insane now, and where it is slower, it is easier to control, especially for a controller player... and I always support any change that bridges the PC/controller gap.
One thing I really like is the duration and slower speed makes it easier to control your dash after you scamper... this means scampering during slice and dice actually feels more viable as a legitimate mind game, rather than how it was before, where it was stupid to even try… while it isn't his old scamper, this actually hits a nice middle ground, that makes it an actual part of his kit, and makes Chucky feel a little more unique again.
Now all that said... the 14s cooldown is UNDENIABLY a nerf... but I think that's the part that is actually hitting people the hardest.
His new S&D when people get used to it I think is almost fine. Obviously I'm a scrub Chucky so hard for me to assess, but I went looking it up to see if anyone else had put any work in on Chucky, and it looks like Hens found pretty much the same thing, though he also reckons the acceleration could be improved a little to get up to that speed… but these changes aren't as dire as people seem to be making them out to be... a lot of the mind gamable hits remain the same and he feels easier to control to me.
I 've clipped his summary to avoid the 51 min video, but it's an interesting watch throughout to get the full context.
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I do partially agree. I think the speed nerf reduces his potential slightly but it does make it easier to maneuverer.
Cooldown is what makes it so he can't keep up with Spirit, Wesker, Blight anymore. Their cooldown add-ons are also insane, relatively.3 -
I do see that the duration definitely has more utility, but I vastly prefer speed for fun factor, not really a fan of killers feeling slow no matter how much you get used to in my opinion
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That's fair, and I am a console player myself so these changes are a lot nicer for people like me... but obviously that's just one perspective, I can see how for experienced PC players Chucky players this would be a negative change.
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I wonder if they made some of these changes specifically to make turning Chucky more controller friendly, or that it's a happy side-effect?
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I am 99% sure that's just an accident.
Otherwise they wouldn't nerf cooldown too. Such a big cooldown nerf along with nerfing dash doesn't seem like it has anything to do with console players.2 -
Devs, why the heck you even add new killers into the game? Can't you see people still haven't learn how to play against more than half of existing killer roster? Go back and keep nerfing every killer until survivors feel confident enough to play against them and only then do introduce something new!
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I completely agree, it is better to release a max of 2 new killers per year so that veterans and new players have time to adapt to old and new killers
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and give them more time to actually make the game not an buggy af mess, with unforgiving gameplay.
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Im tired of facing nerfs on chars i like to play…
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I think if they keep him like this, at least make him a 115% speed Killer… I'm not a fan of the nerfs but I understand why they needed to happen. He was too strong.
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Asking for EVERY Killer to be nerfed until Survivors find them super easy to handle is certainly… a take, friend. Tell me, do you believe Trapper is too much?
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Of course!
Trapper should have all his addons revised and recent buffs reverted.
His traps should also emit a bright glow so survivors have easier time distinguishing them in the grass. Can you imagine how much effort it takes to look at the ground and run at the same time? It's unbelievably difficult!
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The changes would be fine if, he would run at 115% Speed or if he would get his old scamper back. However right now, he's just a worse Pig.
Right now the Pig can literally do everything Chucky can do, but better. (Exept scamp under pallets, which is not really usefull without his old Scamper)
The only "Problem" Chucky ever had was the Rat Poison Addon. All his other Nerfs and the Scamper Removal just happend because he was a new and relatively unique Killer to go against, so it just would have taken some more time until Survivors learn how to play against him, compared to other new Killers.
Same thing happend with the Xenomorph. He was really fun, good and fair to play, but nobody used the Flame Turrents correctly. So many Survivors just complained that he is OP etc. Then he got nerfed and became trash. After a bit more time Survivors then learned how to use the Turrents effectively, leaving behind a weak Killer that gets kicked out of his weak Power all the time.
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i believe pig has lower dash speed. chucky moves at 200% while pig moves at 170%. her dash duration is higher at 2.3 seconds vs 1.8. charge time of chucky is 1 second. dash time of pig is like 0.75+1 second to crouch(?).