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Anon mode has switched purpose of use

The whole point of anonymous mode was to protect people from being harassed but after a long time since it was implemented I've noticed that it's been the other way around most of the times. They always tend to be the most rude and directly say any slur known to mankind too, target people, etc.

Does anybody else think the anonymous mode needs to be tweaked and looked into? Maybe they also should not be able to check the profile of anybody else in the lobby if they have anonymous mode on, for instance and to have an improvement to begin with.

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  • Member Posts: 277
    edited December 2024

    A cheater once left comments on my steam profile even though I had anon mode on. So the anon mode is only helpful against honest player.

    Personally, I'm playing without anon mode, as I only play soloQ. I want my team members to be able to judge whether I fit their skill level based on my steam profile. However, I'm not a streamer and am not really a worthwhile target for harassment.

    I think the anon mode leads to more lobby shopping than necessary because players lack the ability to assess other players.

  • Member Posts: 539

    They should make it so that anon mode players can't type in chat (both before and after a match), similar to console players. That would mitigate most of the problems with it.

    Would it stop people from excessively BM'ing during the match? Not really, most of the time it's not even anons who do that. I've come across individuals who do it for the sole purpose of collecting -reps on their profiles and reveling in it.

    But yeah, anon mode yapping in end game chat should stop. Or people need to grow a pair and actually have the decency to talk smack with their usernames visible. Cowardly hiding behind anon mode is just sad.

  • Member Posts: 344

    If they aren't hiding behind anon mode, they'll be hiding behind closed Steam profile, so what's the point? It's not like the entire concept of DbD is to humiliate and morally destroy other people because the cover of an online game with randos allows it. The only viable option is to remove the chat and limit player interactions.

  • Member Posts: 277

    Ingamehours, screenshots of p100s, number of comments, the friendslist or just the language of reviews.

  • Member Posts: 749
    edited December 2024

    As a streamer no this is nice for me, being stream sniped was the most lame experience cause some sad killer couldn't get a single down or needs that 4k with slugging

    However a simple fix would be that the survivor players name is shown as the char they are using by default then there name shown after if they do not have on annon mode, if they have it on their name wont show even after the match. Or better yet killer cant see no one since survivors cant see them, idk why its so hard to do this.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 9,700

    I don't think it needs to be tweaked.

    Cheaters and people saying toxic things in end game chat can still be reported even if they turn on anon mode.

  • Member Posts: 7,009

    I could be wrong but you can check previous players that you played with on steam, its no 3rd party software its directly built into it

    I remember using this WAY back in the day when it was still p2p, so I have no idea if it still works

  • Member Posts: 14,876
    edited December 2024

    Pretty sure this isnt working for DbD anymore, as it was abused by players to find out who the Killer is it something else(?)

    Post edited by Mooks on
  • Member Posts: 190

    Luckily people in anonymous mode are still reportable, but yeah. Anonymity brings out the worst in people. I prefer the system right now though - at least I don't have to suffer so much abuse.

  • Member Posts: 456

    What if you just don't give them the attention they seek?!

    This works in all social media, just ignore them and move on why do you think they hide behind anon?!

  • Member Posts: 2,258

    I think the solution is make it so anon is effective in pre-match lobby but it goes off when the match has finished.

    So you can protect yourself going into a match but you cant hide behind anon to behave like a jerk

  • Member Posts: 3,344

    If they actually break any rules, you can still report them. If not, I'll take that over the people with everything public with Steam profiles making it as clear as humanly possible they're on their figurative knees begging for angry comments to add to heckin epic dbd trolling compilation 32.

  • Member Posts: 6,289

    Join us on Xbox!

    No chat box to worry about, and can't use their Anonymous Mode anyway.

    Y'all don't really need those steady 60 frames either...

  • Member Posts: 723

    Next time I'll be sure forum user HockeyDbD grants me permission to complain about what is of their taste. You can find many other Us Vs Them posts here, don't worry! Just ignore this one.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Doesn't matter, if an anon mode player does something against the rules, they are still reportable, as Shroompy has already mentioned.

    I personally always use anon mode so I don't deal with out of game harassment, so I'd be fine with "no checking profiles" but realistically anon mode doesn't enable anything that people can't already do.

  • Member Posts: 2,914

    Anon Mode has always been used for this, I’m not sure where this idea of it “being used to prevent harassment” came from given that setting your profile to private did the exact same thing but better, because Steam lets you look for people you were matched with previously, completely bypassing the setting with minimal effort, at least on PC

    Without fail, every single time someone has been a prick in-game, either through build choice, in-game chat, or in-game actions, they’ve hidden behind Anon Mode, I’ve had Anon’s take me hostage before, I’ve had Anon’s blatantly cheating, I’ve had Anon’s yell slurs at me in post-game chat, and honestly? I’ve just grown used to it and laugh at it now

  • Member Posts: 290

    It's mostly a streamer thing and also a response to an issue where people were using some sort of tool to grab folks' IP and harass them IRL, I think. This was a while back.

    I like it. It means that I can have a public Steam profile for most of my games but can also play Hag.

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