What changes should chucky have gotten instead of nerfing his speed

jasonq500 Member Posts: 309
edited December 2024 in General Discussions

I want to hear solution in what changes you would like to see from Chucky whether he's strong or weak

For me if they wanted to reduce his lethality, he should at least feel good to play

Revert the speed reduction and the increase duration,

Keep his 14 second cooldown

Give Chucky's laugh lullaby for people of hearing when in stealth

Increase his charge time of slice & dice (one of his downside add-on silk pillow as basekit)

Slightly increase slice & dice angle when performing a scamper

Rework rats poison and jump ropes add-on into something different

I never cared about the strength of the character so as long as it feels good to play which to me Chucky doesn't feel good to play with the recent nerfs


  • Monkeypox
    Monkeypox Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2024

    Nothing. He got changed before where they removed his manual scamper he didn't need anything. It's just bhvr pampering baby survivors yet again. Look at skull merchant and freddy for example.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 631

    Yeah, never understood why devs like double nerfing so much. Like you are already making power worse, why also increase cooldown? Should be doing an opposite instead…

  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 429
    edited December 2024

    I'm still annoyed that manual scamper was completely removed. It was core to the characters DBD identity.

    What I would have done to balance it was allow chucky to keep his original manual scamber, but increase the cooldown of his power to 60 seconds each time he does it. Once his power comes off that lengthy cooldown, the cooldown returns to normal.

    He'll have his super strong scamber back, but at the cost of being a 110% killer with no power for a full minute, which is an eternity in DBD time. Strong, but at a cost.

    Post edited by Sandt1985 on
  • ControllerFeedback
    ControllerFeedback Member Posts: 207

    I really don't know. I think Chucky's design has just always been a little…boring. Having a dash killer that largely ignores traditional dash counterplay due to the flexibility & hitbox of the attack (and it's tied to a stealth killer) is just eh. And on the killer side of things being 4.4 m/s without a map traversal ability kinda sucks sometimes. And now that Dracula exists having a 3rd person camera isn't exactly novel anymore. You pretty much just play Chucky if you either A) want to turn your brain off or B) just really like the license.

    The only thing I can think of is maybe do something weird like the dash inflicts some sort of status effect but can't actually down survivors (I would love a better animation here to make the hitbox feel better, like he physically latches on to stab the survivor), and when in chase/near a survivor affected by the status effect, you can scamper under pallets like the original design (maybe make him 4.6 m/s in this state, or just basekit). So essentially he becomes a sort of primer/detonator kind of character that has a little bit more going on instead of "dash, wait for cooldown, dash" or "wait for drop, scamper, dash" as was the case originally.

    But really, I don't know. I don't think they should've changed him before going on break, that's for sure.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,192

    I haven’t played Chucky or against him enough but I’d like someone’s opinion on something.

    Is reverting his movement speed the correct direction? It seems like it is based off of playing against him + watching streamers use him. What if his speed was even less than it is now but he had more enhanced auxiliary powers? Albeit more restricted like @Valuetown ‘s proposals like making slice and dice a straight line?

    I’m not hard committed to this idea. It just seems neat if he could be a Killer doll that may not be super fast but can do many little tricks to terrorize.

  • RedGreenBlue
    RedGreenBlue Member Posts: 23

    Revert his nerfs it was overkill.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,223

    Honestly, reducing the speed a little bit would've been fine, but reducing it as much as they did was overkill.

    I would try something like this:

    • Put the dash speed somewhere in the middle of what it is now and what it was before (I think somewhere between 8.8 - 9.2m/s would be good)
    • Lower the slice and dice duration accordingly (ie. 1.5 seconds)
    • Set the cooldown back to 12 seconds (but not 10, that was too low) and nerf or rework the cooldown reduction addons (ie. lower Power Drill to 5% instead of 10% or give it a new effect)
    • Keep the nerf to Rat Poison, that was 100% warranted and necessary.
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,264

    A revert on all his other nerfs, returning him to peak strength. How are people gonna complain he had no counterplay when sliding under a pallet/over a window + the speed add-on from doing so was still barely a 50/50 at a weak pallet? They don't realize how much weakness a killer has just by being 110%. He has zero map pressure at all, and he never did have it. But please, tell me how he was as strong/stronger than Nurse/Blight/Spirit. 🥴

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,264

    Ironic, considering the manual scamper removal was part of that pampering. Notice how Wesker still has his pallet slide which is the exact same concept. People's logic on killer nerfs is never consistent.

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 298

    i find incresing the cooldown such a boring change . I like killers who can always acess their powers . Huntress, nurse , singularity etc are some of my favorites. Waiting 14 seconds everytime is just boring

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,264

    And the moment it becomes a discussion on the cooldown of a power, it's like where do we draw the line? 5-second cooldown? 10-second? 15? 20? 30?

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694

    They should have brought back manual scamper with a performing time of 2 seconds.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 238

    Plain and simple, he should be reverted to his release version.

    Everyone arguead that the new Chucky with short Cooldown required more skill, but in the end those of us who said he was braindead were right. Chucky should never have been reworked, especially now that we have Vecna in the game with his Magic Hand, proving that all the complaints were exaggerations.

    The devs get too carried away with social media outrage. At best they should have had Chucky go into CD after using the manual Scamper, so that he wouldn't be able to continue with Sly and Dice.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited December 2024

    he only need scamper buffs and turn-rate buffs after scampering. now he needs all his changes revert+scamper buffs.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I'd revert his most recent nerfs, keep the 14 second cooldown, and re-adjust his hitbox because hitting with his power is way to easy.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092

    Revert everything, especially the removal of manual scamper.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 835

    He should have got deleted along with skull merchant ah well its such paradise not seeing that pipsqueak every match, think I hate chucky as much as generalIV hates wesker. He is fine just requires abit more of thinking to play. He being so short specially on dark maps is already strong enough. Let that doll burn in hell

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    the lore reason as to why he's so close is not because he's a small doll, but because some one knee capped his ass