What power would Jason Voorhees have?

If Friday the 13th would come to Dead by Daylight, what power would Jason have?

There is only a few things I could think of.

He can go through walls and make a whole new opening for everyone.

He can break windows.

He has a teleport.

He can brute force himself through breakable walls and pallets.

In-built spirit fury.

I don't know what else he should have.


  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 420

    He is a pretty basic slasher mechanic wise in the movies. Myers could be a close comparison to how a simple classic movie slasher can be put in game. He doesn’t have something obvious like a chainsaw like bubba or the dreamworld like Freddy. DBD been out for so long so all the simple powers were taken already. Singularity has built in spirit fury enduring. While walking through breakable walls would be very fitting and should be in his kit it will not be so useful especially how walls are becoming less used in map design. However would be awesome for jumpscares in “the game” and breaking all the breakable walls at the saloon. He would probably have a teleport since he mysteriously gets to places like myers and imo myers should have a teleporting power as well. Breaking through walls and making new opening would be so cool but I don’t know how much BHVR is willing to add mechanic wise for killers. The last couple killers has me believe that they aren’t willing to program whole different mechanics for one killer and rather recycle. Houndmaster is like pinhead+ wesker. Dracula is like spirit, pphead, and wesker. Vecna is unique but his little powers are very simple things the most revolutionary one would be the orb since blocking pallets isn’t new ( blood favor ) moving fast has been done, and flight if the damn is kinda like artist. I’m really hoping that the FNAF chapter will add something we never seen before. If BHVR was willing to actually do massive coding for Jason yes breaking walls ( not destructible )would be so cool. Perhaps even having multiple different weapons available in locker as the game progresses maybe. Maybe this is ft13 game talking but somehow survivors hitting Jason with stuff would be cool but idk how that can be incorporated

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We'd love someone having the "off screen teleport" thing. As long as no one is looking at Jason he can "disappear" and "reappear" in areas not seen by survivors via high speed movement ala spirit (there's a more mundane way but we want this). Could give him a bear trap and some throwing knives (a single trap to block areas and throwing knives causing deep wounds or some add on related debuff like hindered/mangled/whatever).

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 976

    Jason doesn't really have anything for him other than what Rulebreaker said could have a teleport as long as no one looking at him, but we already got several killers that have some kind of teleport. The only thing I can see making sense would be just making a legendary Jason skin for Trapper.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    Jason usually presented as this unstoppable tank (especially in the later movies) so i think he should be able to just rush through resources with ease. Walking through breakable walls and down pallet with only slight speed hinder, a non stackable enduring againststuns at basekit, and the ability to destroy standing pallets. I know a lot of them things would be problematic with perks and strategies but i feel Jason should be primarily a M1 110 tank that hard to stop. He should be simple and not over complicated (kinda like the older killers). Behavior track record with license killers in my opinion is pretty good. They embody the sneakiness of chucky, methodical approach of Ghostface, the menacing presence of Myers, and the wild savagery of bubba.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379
    edited December 2024

    That really is the bad thing about getting him this "late" it really becomes a "what do we do with him that hasn't already been done?" type of thing. There are a ton of things they can do but do they fit the character. Any power/ability doesn't have to be lore accurate, just not too crazy to make people go "ok, but why did they give him the power to phase through walls?" or something like that.

    I like the idea of basing him around him being a tank and someone mentioned built in endouring would be cool. Not a main thing but just something extra he brings to the table, and yes, stacking with the perk should they run it would be pretty nasty too.

    I do like the idea of him being able to suddenly appear somewhere like he does in the movies. So the "teleport but survivors can't be looking at him thing" I'm also on board for.

    Those were already mentioned by others, but here's my original idea to go along with them:

    Jason is known for his machete, definitely his iconic weapon, but he will also use literally anything he can get his hands on too. Axe, pitchfork, hammer, knife, whatever. So maybe he starts with his machete, but around the map there are 3-4 other weapons he can pick up (He'd be able to see their auras) to use instead, and they all do something a little different. And there can be 2, maybe 3 of each weapon around the map so swapping out isn't as taxing.

    -The Machete would be normal M1, but maybe less of a cooldown when he swings it. Each quick swing would maybe be a charge that has to refill. Or maybe endless faster swings but less lunge.

    -Pitchfork would have more range (so big lunge), but slightly longer cooldown.

    -Maybe a fireaxe he can use as regular m1, but can also throw it. Should he miss, he can just go pick it up, or just pick up another close by weapon if he wants. I guess he'd have to have the ability to m1 with his fist too so he's not weaponless if he throws his axe and it goes flying across the map.

    -Sledge hammer that can put you in deepwound or if he hits the ground with it in chase and the survivor is close enough it causes them to be hindered from the shockwave for a bit making him able to gain ground. MAYBE it could have an instadown feature, or just another weapon entirely that does that, but there has to be a drawback to using it, or why use any of the others?

    And cosmetically speaking, no other killer just changes weapons like that, so what happens when you get the bloody machette when you P9 him (or whichever prestige is the bloody weapon)? All the weapons would have the blood on them too. He would likely have limited cosmetics anyway, but whatever theme the machette has should there be options in the store to buy, the other in-game weapons would/should have them too.

    But tank related stuff, some sort of mobility (that survivors don't see), and a variety of weapons with different abilities I think are the way to go. He would feel lore accurate, BHVR wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel TOO much, but I don't think he'd feel like a mix between other killers. Like "he's basically just Myers and Dredge" or something along those lines.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,020

    Of course, his vaulting, breaking and stun times slowly reducing as the match goes on.

    Some kind of a stealth mechanic is a given too.

    Maybe some kind of a boost while he is out of sight, similarly to one of the 2v8 classes?

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  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 433

    He needs to be able to walk through dropped pallets and breakable walls, maybe with a slight hinder when he does. Walking through walls and objects with no issue whatsoever is kinda Jason's thing

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,232

    He would be a tough killer to do. Being able to destroy walls would fit, but I think BHVR has said they had a killer like that once planned and the coding wasn't possible (and now there are a lot more maps). A lot of the things he might have basekit, like shorter stuns, are already covered by perks.

    People bring up teleporting, but I never liked that idea. In Slashers the villains can move really quickly to build tension, suspense, and jump scares. Within reason it also covers the fear of the survivors that they've lost track of time and location. But I think just giving a killer a power that doesn't actually follow what they can do would feel like a cop out.

    I think the most accurate, though not necessarily fun, idea would be to just make him the ultimate M1 killer. Faster move speeds, faster blood lust, go ahead and let him even take more perk slots. You could then put chests / spawnables around the map that the survivors could use to lower his extreme levels of power.

    Alternative to that, some combination of Oni and Myers that powers up over the course of the trial, though link it more to injuries than stalking.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    I would imagine he would have a rage ability and some sort of ability to throw both pallets and survivors using both as weapons. I would say environmental executions because realistically the only real interesting thing about Jason is how many ways he's killed people before.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,955
    edited December 2024

    That's the idea I like. Environment interaction I feel is where Jason's power has to lie, because he is a very versatile and creative killer without a specific/standard MO.

    He obviously has his machete as his iconic weapon of choice, but his actual number of kills with a machete is surprisingly low... he basically uses anything he can get his hands on to great effect; his kill list is extremely varied, so an environment killer is where he lies to my mind. While you couldn't make his power just this, Jason slamming a pallet on a survivor is the most Jason thing I can think of in DBD...

    Thus I'd consider a stealth killer with a grab like ability, like a Myers extended lunge that can then pick up a survivor and break things with the survivor, like gens, lockers, even unused pallets for additional affects, e.g. instadown or broken or whatever. You have to give him something else do he doesn't get bodied like Myers, a rage power sounds like you could do some stuff, like endure/break pallets, but you obviously have to be careful with such a power it doesn't become stupidly dumb... but that kind of rage mechanic is where I feel Jason finds a place.

    I wouldn't want his teleport from the Ft13th game though... like Myers he is never expressly shown to teleport in the movies, it's portrayed as an uncanny ability to read/predict his victims movements and an uncanny level of stealthy yet fast movement. There have been times his catching up can only be explained as a teleport... but that is bad writing to my mind, and giving him a teleport in DBD is a cheat.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 129

    There's a mechanic in Five Nights At Freddy's Security Breach that I think would work pretty well for Jason. The exo skeletons in that game move a million times faster if you aren't looking at them. So you have to adapt this playstyle of always looking over your shoulder to stop them from coming after you. The devs could give Jason a haste status effect if you aren't looking at him or if you mainly look forward in chase.

    Another idea would be to have his mother's head aid him in killing survivors. I'm thinking that you can place her head around the map and she will alert you to any activity in that area.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,955
    edited December 2024

    Now that's a cool ability.

    I like the fact it's a decent map traversal tool that feels right on Jason, cause he isn't a lumbering slow moving menace like Myers, he's actually quite nimble and tends to move/chase at a decent clique... it also has a Whispers like 6th sense to it, where he knows when a survivor can see him, so gives him a light detection ability... which is also pretty lore accurate.

    I wanted something like for Myers, but my suggestion was make it based on if a Survivor was within 32m instead of line of sight, but either could work. It makes just as much sense on Jason, and since it doesn't look like Myers will get this, it's an idea I would love on Jason instead.

    Good shout that man!

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,120

    Honestly yeah I can imagine this. As long as no survivor can see him he can enter and exit a wraith-like mode and move at high speeds. If done midchase he sees the aura of survivors he was chasing. Said survivors also still hear chase/terror radius as if he's close even if he leaves the area.