Freddy rework and his addons

I spoken already on what I expect for Freddy in January but I want to discuss the fate of his addons. I would love to see paint thinner, red paint brush, z block and pill bottle to be basekit which isn’t much since pallets and not getting out of the dreamworld with failed skill checks should already have been in his kit. Z block/ cat block is newish addon they gave him when they reworked hemmorage/mangled and I love it definitely should be basekit. Pill bottle is not viable or even good but it is fun and seeing survivors carried by nothing would be fun. All his addons except unicorn block and black box should be completely changed. Unicorn block Blindness is so good for Woo gamers and black box is a fun addon like Alucard shield.
By rework they're most likely reworking his power completely again, so his add-ons aren't gonna be the same.
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Doubt it. Recent Rework have all been a bunch of small changes. Trickster rework was just a bunch of small changes. Only time a killer really had a rework that changes the power entirely was Freddy but that was long ago. At most we’re getting snares + pallets and teleporting to completed gens
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All Im hoping is that he can only hurt asleep Survivors and that he has a way to pull Survivors into the Dream.
Would already make him 10x more interesting
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I'm really hoping they just give us original Freddy back.
BHVR's strategy of making an obvious mistake & then committing to it for years is mind numbingly upsetting.
The only issue Original Freddy had was the 50% gen repair slowdown while asleep. All they had to do was decrease that to make survs stop complaining.
Wouldn't mind keeping the teleport though.
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Pill bottle is old Freddy before his rework.
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Skull Merchant's rework completely changed her power
She went from having the yellow exposure radius to scan lines.
And then a scan line. 💀
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There's also Doctor who originally had "treatment mode" which allowed him to use his shock but no attack. He also didn't have static blast back then.
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She still had drones as her power. Freddy went from pulling survivors in and seeing auras to not having any of that and having pallets or snares.
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Permanent wallhacks was also pretty bad, even on old maps.
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By design, that makes him a weaker killer by default. The worst part of original freddy was that first he had to find survivors, and then pull them into the dream world, which took 7 seconds, giving survivors plenty of time to make it to a loop, all while being able to see freddy during this time as he pops in and out of sight. Having to wait 7 seconds just to interact with survivors is downright painful, no matter how lore accurate it is
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Im sayin that I hope thats a change they make, and then moee on top of that as well
Ill take something fun and unique any day of the week instead of strong and boring.
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Sound like you couldn't use him well.
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"Small changes" if nearly gutting a killer counts as "small changes" then I dread what would be considered major.
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It's already been confirmed by devs they're not reverting Freddy to his original design.
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he's likely receiving total overhaul on his gameplay.
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I'd love to see his add-ons do anything of worth.
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I said a bunch of small changes that add up. Nothing new added or complete power redo
110%—> 115%
6 knives to 8 knives
Throwrate changesChanging how many hits get main event
Changes that on there own are small changes that all add up to a “rework” but not really since nothing of trickster changed just number changes no new mechanics. He still throws knives. Freddy will receive this treatment 100% a bunch of small changes like basekit pallets, 4.0m/s while placing snares, teleport to completed gens, and timer to teleport reduced will all add up to be a “rework” which I’m fine with.
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In a perfect world yeah Freddy will get a way more creative power that is completely fresh and new that takes advantage of his dreamworld by adding some really creative illusions or something on Freddy Kruger can have like in the movies. But we are talking about 2024 BHVR they don’t have new powers to be giving left and right. The twins rework was a disaster, so was the trickster rework. And skull merchant was gutted because they didn’t like the rework they gave her. I highly doubt we’re getting an overhaul. At most we will see basekit pallets, teleport to completed gens, and red paint brush basekit. I can also see them reusing mechanics from OG Freddy like pulling survivors in the dreamworld and make a combination with the current Freddy. I am still excited if they go with bare minimum since he can take anything
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Cat block and Z block are awesome on current Freddy
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Cat block and Z block are awesome on current Freddy
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That would make him more interesting but obviously he would be weak if it was anything like OG Freddy. But I agree that I rather prefer uniqueness then strong and boring. Xenomorphs power is strong but boring af sad too because xeno looks so cool. I also think nemesis is strongish and boring would love if he had like a secondary running ability that stops if you break a door or pallet.
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bvhr releases brand new killer powers every 3 months or 4 months. you think they can't release a completely new freddy? they're 100% capable of brand new killer powers, including existing killers if required. judging from The king interview, I imagine they are hard at work to make best possible freddy that will fun for as many killer players as possible. i do wish there was…maybe little bit more info on what is exactly is changing or maybe some hints but that is the fun in waiting.
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I been talking about the Freddy rework and counting down the days to my brother since it was announced that he got me a Freddy pop figure for Christmas. Pretty funny but yeah waiting is the fun part. I hope it’s a new power but I’m fine with major buffs. Ptb might be on the 14th if it lands on a similar time scale to the Alan wake ptb so only 18 more days.
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Well… its December 28th.
In under one week, we will get the Dev-Update for the PTB, which in my calculation will release on January 7th or 8th.
Midchapter at the end of January.
So… lets hope for the best. This guy needs massive support.
What I expect:
1.) Can teleport to finished gens (Houndmasters Ability to send the dog to finished gens, which are highlighted in yellow, are the prototype for this in my opinion)
2.) He will be able to use Snares and Pallets Basekit
3.) Add-On-Past.However: I would rather take a complete rework.
I actually dont expect any nerfs (lets be honest: you simply cannot nerf anything of this poor guy).
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Addon passes and all that would be great. What I hope for the most is a slight rework to the dreamworld itself. I would love it if they made something that survivors WANT to try and stay out of instead of it just being a mere suggestion.