The match should end if all survivors left are bots

Just had a game where 2 survs left and the other 2 gave up on first hook, all within the first 5 minutes. I had to spend another 5 minutes finding and killing the bots. Why can't the match just end? Alternatively, why can't the dc penalties be higher?


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited December 2024

    Would love to be able to end the match or vote abandon once bots are involved. I never want to play with or against bots. Would rather immediately move on.

    I don't understand the complete obsession with making lopsided matches take as a long as possible to end.

    Post edited by edgarpoop on
  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914
    edited December 2024

    The game is meant to be PVP.

    So when people being "forced" to play against AI dummies - they should be able to end the match in a press of a button, if they don't want to play against bots.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    I personally wish they hadn't added bots in the first place. I feel like they cause more problems than they solve.

    100% agreed here. I wish they would have never done it. Especially because Bots only help the Killer in a situation where they already got an advantage. A Bot is hardly useful. I have observed a Bot yesterday, that Bot was basically only wandering between 3 points, not progressing the game.

    But what is a Bot instead? A stack of Grim Embrace/Pain Res. A few uses of PGTW and Surge. And sometimes a good Bodyblock to help the Killer. That is a Survivor Bot and I dont see any difference between a DCed player and a Bot, except that the Bot helps the Killer.

    And the worst thing is that they will be implementing Killer Bots at some point. And I really dont want to play against a Bot as Survivor. I play the game to play against actual players, not against a poorly coded AI.


    DC-Penalties are lenient because crashes happen. And I think this is totally fine that the DC-Penalty starts slow.

    In fact, I would prefer if other players can DC if one person DCed already. I have 0 joy in playing out a game with an early DC on either side, since as Killer all challenge is gone at this point and as Survivor, the game is lost. And sometimes another Survivor will give up after one DC (because they know it is pointless to continue) and even if the remaining 2 want to play, there is not really any incentive to do so as Killer, since you can only farm at this point.

    So I would rather have the option to DC myself if a player DCs. Sure, they would need to add something that it can only happen until a certain point, could be time-wise or maybe progression-wise, who knows. But other than that, there would not be much restrictions (since some people will mention SWF - does not matter, everyone will have to wait for the player who DCed in an SWF, so it is not like SWF could trick the system).

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    Almost like they should punish people for throwing matches and remove the 4% mechanic. Would solve a lot of problems.

  • This.

    As a Survivor player I do not wanna play with bots. They suck at doing objectives and half the time lead the Killer to me.

    As a Ghostface Main I do not wanna play with bots. They reveal me through walls and from the basement when I am 60 m away in Night Shroud trying to stalk one of the actual players, and they can see auras through Undetectable for some ungodly reason.

    As a DBD player I do not want to play with bots, ever, and would rather everyone just die or the round just end with anyone left over being escapees and any bots being insta-killed, and everyone getting the points they would have for how much of the round they got except for the bots. Give the points the bots got to other live Survivors and the live Killer; if the Killer DCs dole the points they got out to the Survivors.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 812

    Eh, not really. Every time someone gets saved when they're trying to throw, they just sabotage the match for the other teammates. I just had this happen yesterday, and clipped it to boot. Yes, I reported that person for griefing, but we'll never know if anything will be done about it.

    It's just yet another painful reminder that if someone wants out of the match, you do NOT want to keep them around.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    Yes, now you are getting it, and you simply ban those people, its a problem that will go away real quick when they do that.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 812

    I think you might have misunderstood me. When I said you don't want to keep someone around when they want to leave, I meant that you do not want to prevent them from leaving the match by removing the 4%, for the reasons I described above. I'd rather let them leave than put up with their griefing.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,918

    I think you are misunderstanding ME.

    You remove the 4% mechanic, and you harshly punish people for griefing with bans. Even permanent ones if the griefing is bad enough. You'll find very quickly that the griefing goes away entirely and becomes very rare.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    "I'd rather let them leave than put up with their griefing"

    I feel the same. I don't stop anyone from trying to leave now, even if they're on hook right near me. Support don't ban or punish griefing - I've wasted enough time recording griefing team mates, uploading to YT, then sending it to Support to know. I'm yet to get an in-game notification that action was taken against someone griefing. I think it's a low priority report for Support.

  • DeadTeDy013
    DeadTeDy013 Member Posts: 5

    Reading some of these comments makes me feel like they believe I should be punished even more because I dc'd from a clown match because of my extreme phobia. I don't come across clowns often, but when I do, I always wait to see the skin first, because I can play against a couple of them like Mr. Puddles. I'd rather leave and give my swf a bot (I usually play with one other person I'm in vc with, and they figured out you can tell the bots to work on a motor or follow you if you're in their direct line of sight) than have a panic attack that my friends then have to spend x amount of time helping me come out of depending on how the match went. Keep in mind, we don't always know why someone dc's. They could have a phobia of the killer (clown, plague, and Myers are phobias I know of), or maybe something happened irl with them. Give people a little grace. Stick to complaining about how the bots are instead of people that aren't griefing cause they couldn't leave on hook.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,877

    I think some people might like to stay in the match anyway and see if they can finish a challenge or whatever, but I think it would be fair if killers could DC without penalty when there are no other players left.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    I'd honestly be OK with that. We shouldn't be forcing folks to play with bots. :/