Why is finesse and dramaturgy combined together

I’ve seen a rise of these two together but what is the synergy behind them.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Dramaturgy if used correctly is like OG Dead Hard and Finesse allows you to greed a loop even more.

    Been saying this from the start, Dramaturgy is slept on, HARD.

  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 405

    Darn that sucks. I had two of those combos on a garden of joy game.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,207

    They both require you to be healthy. The upside of Drama is the on demand nature (as long as you are healthy), with the downside that you might get exposed / less sprint time. Combine that with Finesse and it takes a lot of danger out of it.

    On the other hand, if you were using another exhaustion perk you might have made it to the window without ever needing to engage in the dangerous close call.

  • because of content creators. I used that combo months ago before it was popular. Now that’s more common I don’t use it anymore

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    They both operate off of being healthy, and don't work while you're injured, so getting value off of 1 allows you to get value off of the other. But Dramaturgy in particular is really strong. Time it perfectly, and you'll get the killer to swing and miss. Otherwise, you get a speed boost regardless, and maybe a decent item.

  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 405

    Just curious don’t need to make it an us vs them thing. I play survivor to and tried it and didn’t see to much synergy together.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    yeah i am kinda surprised that i don't see med-kit+dramaturgy on every survivor.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    They're just a decently solid combo you can use in a variety of situations imo, I quite like them paired with Resilience to consistently guarantee faster vaults

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 418
    edited December 2024

    Popular combo among 1v1ers for months now. A popular content creator talked about it recently, I'm guessing.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    It's not really greeding if you have a perk that does it for you. Greeding is a skill, not a perk.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    People use that trite cliche all the time but it really doesn’t mean much. The nature of DbD is divisive; it is an asymmetrical game with two sides that have fundamentally opposed goals. That creates two camps and there is no way around it. Even if you play both sides—like most players—you’re going to prefer one role over the other and/or come to believe that one role is underpowered.

    To your question, those perks have synergy and if you search Dramaturgy Finesse on YouTube you’ll see how. You said you saw two different players using this combination—presumably as killer—but you didn’t find synergy when you tried it. What did you notice about them?

    Long story short, they allow survivors to greed more efficiently and can make killers whiff hits as they’re an unpredictable combination. Killers can’t easily time a hit against them unlike with other exhaustion perks or resilience, etc.

  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 405

    Well I noticed nothing that’s why I asked. I killed them all and since I was playing bubba I out ran there dramaturgy and then when they finessed I wasn’t near them so it didn’t matter. Maybe if I was playing Freddy or myers It would’ve been mega effective.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137
  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Probably would have felt it more as either of those killers. The Cannibal has an inborn speed boost. If you’d like to actually see the combo work well, you should just look up YouTube videos of people using it. It’s not a game-breaking combination (you didn’t even notice it do anything at all) but it can feel like a nuisance if used under the right circumstances.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    Nope. Exhaustion power creeps M1 killers to the point if they get buffed to specifically counter it they become obnoxious to play against without it. It's in the same tier as nurse where they have to be extremely careful when making new exhaustion perks because they add one too powerful then we have DH for distance all over again.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Dead Hard isn’t really relevant as an exhaustion perk and I suspect it only has exhaustion as a function because otherwise it could have the endurance effect on top of synergy with (another) exhaustion perk. As for the true exhaustion perks minus Head On, which also shouldn’t count here… fortunately for killers who are M1-reliant for downs maps are trending toward small, barren, and bright.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    Thats why I said DH for distance specifically before 6.1.0. They're a nightmare to create as proven why we only get like 1 per year if we're lucky.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Exhaustion perks don’t seem difficult to balance. They are just perks that give a speed boost for X seconds in exchange for performing some action… then they enter cooldown. It’s arguably more difficult to balance boons, anti tunnel, anti slug, healing, and pretty much every other survivor perk type. And if we’re being honest we don’t get many of those types terribly often either.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 433

    1vs1 rules make these perks look much better than they actually are in 4vs1, because the survivors start healthy and the match immediatly ends after the 1st chase.

    But in a real game, the person chased will realistically stay injured for a while after the unhook, and then they cannot use either perk, which makes them worse than a regular exhaustion imo. If the killer tunnels you, you might not even be able to use them more than once in the entire game. If you play against Legion or Plague, you might not even use them at all.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,137

    See you underestimate the power of each survivor running faster than the killer each chase. That little speed boost can easily cost 20-30 seconds across each survivor. The time wasted by them is tremendous value.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,164

    Wasn't it Hens who said the reason STB is essentially broken OP is because things like exhaustion exist to make the exposed downside meaningless? I hate to be that guy, but when a dude is right, he's right.

    If exhaustion had an earning requirement (and no, "vault pallet/window" isn't earning anything), they'd be in a better spot.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,578

    Finesse only works while Healthy, it does a good job of making unsafe loops significantly safer, specifically window loops. It's good for more greedy playstyles since you can get more from a loop and conserve resources.

    Dramaturgy works like old Dead Hard, you can use it to avoid a hit and/or to get distance, it also allows for greeding loops more. Since it also requires you to be Healthy, it makes good sense to pair it with Finesse

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    They have no direct synergy, them both requiring one to be healthy is just that, a requirement. But they do complement each other well enough: Finesse can help your survivability if Drama exposes you, and it can also help you stay healthy for longer so you can delay your Drama use for more precarious situations.

    In general the popularity of this combo is absolutely something that trickled down from the 1v1 scene. Drama has grown immensely in popularity in 1v1 DbD over the last year or so (mostly because DbD League's 1v1 ladder allowed it at some point around that time, I believe), and Finesse is also just a really solid chase perk. They are also really fun, and it's especially fun to just about avoid a hit with some Drama into Finesse vault play.

    From a 4v1 perspective however, these perks are more so B tier, maybe lower A. Macro perks in general are much more important than chase perks, as matches at a high level are decided much more on a macro level than with chases. You can think of it like clutches in a game such as Counter-Strike perhaps: yeah they are really flashy situations where impressive micro skills are on full display and that can be hugely impactful, but they are not the norm, not what can be expected to win matches, what people can rely on, and they usually require one side to have messed up in some way tactically. Regular gameplay revolves around strategical, positional play, trades, and so on, and in DbD it's much more important for the right person to die in the right place than to prolong chases at all costs, for a very basic macro concept.

    Drama is an Exhaustion perk and therefore in direct competition for slots with other Exhaustion perks. And there are objectively better ones, that don't come with the risky Exposed downside and work regardless of whether you are healthy or not. And one particular strength of these Exhaustion perks is that they are not merely good to prolong chases with, but can have macro utility too, such as allowing their user to contest gens or hooks more safely, the value often being that you don't even get into a chase to begin with. Sprint Burst hands-down being the best among them (which by the way is banned in DbDL's 1v1 ladder, otherwise you'd see much more of it in there too). So with Drama being strictly worse from a 4v1 perspective than other Exhaustion perks that it also cannot be used alongside of, it is something people seriously trying to win would never use if they were free to use any other Exhaustion perk. Unless they want to gamble on getting some good item from it, I guess.

    The downside of not being able to use these perks whenever injured is just categorically excluding them from top-level viability. They do nothing for you if you're getting tunnelled, and that's already a bit of a non-starter. And it also just drastically reduces the amount of value you can possibly get out of them. They are good perks, certainly good enough to be used when you aren't playing in some tournament or whatever, but personally if I were asked to put together the loadouts I believe give a team the best chances of success, I would not find slots for these perks among them. Maybe Finesse on a Deli player to increase their likeliness of surviving should they be caught first? But even then there's better things for that, including things that allow the Deli player to not be found to begin with. As well as things like Shoulder The Burden, or having multiple Delis.

    I think at least for Drama it would actually be perfectly fine if it were also usable while injured. I think one if not the major reason why it isn't sillily enough is that it would clash with Dead Hard, using the same input. But that can naturally be remedied. The Exposed effect could be turned into an effect that immediately puts the survivor into the Dying State if they had been injured at the time of activating it, keeping with the meme theme of Cage's perks and cementing the perk as still too risky to be objectively better than other Exhaustion perks.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,827

    Dramaturgy can have its exposed part negated by using it outside chase. If I know the killer is busy across the map, I'll use it while doing gens to get items and get the exposed out of the way. You can't get exposed twice in a row...