What are you expecting from the New Year's FNAF News?

Hello everyone! Hope It's a Happy Holiday for you, it's currently the Morning of New Year's Eve for me.
Awhile after the FNAF Collab was announced, we were told to expect more details around New Years. Given the timeframe and generally mysterious nature of this tease, I'm curious to find out what people think is going to be revealed.
This might be our first look at a teaser or models, and I am atleast expecting Springtrap to be confirmed as the Killer, maybe with a reference as to how it's going to tie into the Anniversary this year?
Maybe we'll get survivor and map information, but I digress. What are you thinking/hoping to see?
I don't think there's going to be anything on new year's eve itself, more likely bhvr meant that we can expect more news in the new year in general.
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It's cancellation.
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I wouldn't expect anymore news until after the March chapter is out
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Praise be
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Was waiting for a childish response. The FNAF community thanks you as this type of response makes them look like the adults….
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I don't enjoy the IP, I've always found it to be childish and woefully uncreative. It's taken horror backwards, imo. That's not really the issue though.
FNAF's license is owned by a man who donates money to people who, at the very least, are intent on silencing LGBTQ+ people's voices in our world. If BHVR are intent on supporting that sort of thing financially, I cannot in good conscience continue to support them.
Likewise, although moderately less immediately serious, FNAF is marketed towards children. Not upper teens or young adult, but genuine children. I don't support exposing children to the predatory pricing BHVR does. It's bad enough some skins are 20 USD, but when you're bringing in a whole bunch of kids as potential buyers? Yeah, not a fan.
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The foundation of Fnaf is child murder, but thats also not the point. Scott did make a donation, but he didn't make it because he was against the lgbtq. He made it because he supported the military views at the time, and never made a another similar donation after. I'm pretty sure he was unaware as well.
On your second point, there are plenty games and services that are way worse than Behavior. Roblox was certainly guilty of it and Fortnite is way way worse. Kids shouldn't even be playing Dead by Daylight, yet they still do. Behavior can't be blamed for whats exposed to kids on an 18+ not meant for them.
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I mean, your entitled to your opinions and I respect that. However, in regards to FNAF being marketed to children, I'm going to push back on that. While yes, this game does have a large fanbase of children. the core series itself was NEVER marketed to that demographic specifically, and frankly, I'm kinda sick of that myth being pushed out there into the world. Similar to how must of us current DBD players grew up watching Jason Voorhees, Freddy Kruegar, and Michael Meyers, we loved them sure, but it was NEVER marketed to us when we were kids. IT was for adults exclusively, but that didnt stop use kids from loving it, and its the same with FNAF.
But lets ignore all of that for just a moment. I ask you to keep in mind that a great many of those FNAF kids who loved it as youngsters ten years ago are now FNAF adults, who still love it just as much as one of the best horror properties out there (Yeah, I said it, and its a hill I'll die on.) So even implying that the majority of FNAF fan are children isn't just factually incorrect. Its downright insulting8 -
This post certainly went a little off the rails. I don't really wanna argue about this with anyone. It's been years of this debate and I think we all know where we stand.
In my eyes, FNAF has been trying to cage some of its more adult demographic for years. There've been smaller projects that take a darker tone like the recent Frights game and Tjoc which is M rated and officially funded, and a cancelled gritty remake of the OG was planned. The lore of the games have naturally been dark but the presentation is purposely "clean" as per the creators own admittance, and the more recent games have disappointedly been much more kid friendly (the Help Wanted set are creepy enough, but Security Breach just sucked). I was 8 when I got into Fnaf, 10 when I got into Dead By Daylight, and I'm old enough to vote now.
Some would argue that because of how kid aimed the series is it doesn't belong, others would bring up licenced chapters like Castlevania and D&D and point out how many of them are outwardly kids games. It's ultimately up to personal preference if you think it belongs in DBD.
To the more important point, I don't consider this series anymore anti-lgbtq than most big companies projects. FNAF creator Scott Cawthon has donated to causes I think are awful, but among Konami, WotC, Disney, Park Avenue Entertainment, Netflix, I don't think even in the context of damage done to the LGBT community he's the worse offender sitting at the table. And from my perspective, it is kinda strange to see so many controversial creators be pushed aside or ignored in favor of dumping on FNAF when so much has already been let slide. It's ultimately not my place to judge anyone on this, and there's honestly just so much built up animosity over the years that it's necessary to understand the different contexts so many people have interacted with FNAF, especially in regards to DBD.
At the end of the day, people will want this no matter what, people will hate this no matter what. I just wish people could be more civil when discussing it.
Post edited by ArkInk on1 -
Maybe it wasn't once, but it certainly is now.
The game is for children.
Okay, so now the choices are that he's either woefully incompetent and somehow missed MASSIVE red flags in the people he was donating his money to (unlikely) or he just didn't care (possible). You can't claim ignorance in this day and in age and certainly not about the people he supported.
More likely, he's only sorry he got caught, which to be fair, is most people.
Your argument here is that…. there's others worse so it's okay? BHVR can't stop children, no, but they can also not directly market towards them either by bringing in a game that is almost exclusively marketed towards people 13 and under. The game isn't even F2P either, every Killer costs money and kids are gonna buy them. It's extremely predatory, imo.
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This is a game for children. It is marketed towards young teens.
I am sorry, but if you think that FNAF is anywhere near something like Psycho, Alien, The Thing etc. etc. or even something like Dead Space, early Resident Evil titles or Outlast, you're crazy.
There aren't any surveys conducted, but I think it's pretty obvious who they are marketing towards.
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He was not sorry at all, he made a reddit post explaining his decisions at the time of the controversy
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Perhaps I am being too kind then
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First off, is it for children, or is it for young teens? There are two very different marketing demographics. I ask because the post you made that I originally commented to said "FNAF is marketed towards children. Not upper teens or young adult, but genuine children." I'm willing to have this conversation in good faith, but only if you do the same.
Second, I never once implied that FNAF was on par with the all time juggernauts of horror. I only brought up said juggernauts to say that we as kids watched horror we weren't supposed to, and children of the modern age do the same.
Third, I'll respectfully request that you keep the insults to a minimum. (Crazy, huh?) Again, I'm having this conversation in good faith.
Fourth, I'm actually curious what point you were trying to make with the photos you posted? Something that looks kid friendly can still be used in a horror setting quite effectively. Childs Play, Annabelle, Gremlins, Children of the Corn, and any horror media based of clowns are great examples of this. I actually think this is what FNAF does best: Take something kid friendly and make it scary. Add in a touch of child murder, and BOOM, you have FNAF in a nutshell.
Finally, if FNAF isn't your cup of tea, more power to you. I'll admit that its an acquired taste. You don't have to like FNAF, and thats okay. But the majority of us do, and thats also okay. I wasn't a fan of Castlevania making its way into DBD, the fact that it did didn't make my life any worse by any stretch.3 -
I would suggest not entertaining people when they ask you to elaborate.
You can almost feel the thirst through the screen to argue about 'cancel culture.'
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Not sure what you mean there. I have been consistent. FNAF is not targeted towards upper teens or young adults, it is targeted towards children. Young teens and under.
"…as one of the best horror properties out there (Yeah, I said it, and its a hill I'll die on)"
It's an expression meant to convey my disbelief at the hill you are willing to die on.
Bright flashy hyper-stimulating colors aren't the usual market pattern for older audiences. They are almost always indicative of games geared towards the 9-13 range. This does not mean you can't enjoy those games if you are older. However, there is a STARK contrast of the original games design and the newer games design.
I have noticed this hasn't gone uncontested in the FNAF community, with many bemoaning the departure from a darker/gritty design and the attempt to endear itself towards a modern generation of children. I suspect we are not going to get anywhere unless Scott himself says something. It would be like arguing over Fortnite's marketing.
There is a difference between not liking something and objecting to it being included. I do not like the Resident Evil games; I've never enjoyed their gameplay. I have no objection to them, however.
This is because I do not feel the games are marketed towards children, and their direct creator did not donate money to people trying to erase LGBTQ+ people.
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Okay, NOW I feel like your having this argument in good faith. :-)
I have a feeling that you and I have differing opinions on what constitutes the meaning of what "children" are. I get the feeling that you think children are 12 and under, while i believe that children are tweens are two different demographics. SO I say we leave that differing opinion by the wayside, ad I doubt we'll come to an agreement there.
I wasn't trying to convey your disbelief. However, I can definitely understand how what I wrote can be interpreted as such, so I apologise for that. IT was quite snarky of me, and was uncalled for. However, I do stand by my statement that I still believe that FNAF is one of the best horror properties out there. However, I feel I need to draw a line where FNAF kinda stopped being one of the best horror properties out there. Everything from FNAF one to Pizzeria Simulator is mostly what I'm referring to, and is (more likely then not) what DBD's FNAF chapter will exclusively be based on. Now, while I still enjoy the FNAF franchise for what it as after Steel Wool took over, I'll be the first to admit that it simply doesnt compare to the horror and lore that the first 6 games gave us. Funnily enough, all the photos you posted to show that FNAF is marketed for kids were exclusively from the post Afton era of FNAF, after Pizzeria Simulator. So I ask you, in good faith, how well would your argument hold up during the day's of FNAF's prime, The Afton Era? I honestly believe that there likely can be some agreement somewhere between us on the subject of FNAF. With that said, i again contend that FNAF is not as great as it was during those dark grittier times, so no argument here on that part. I do, however, still get enjoyment in the post Afton Era games.
As for the political leanings of Scott………totally agree. Screw that guy.4 -
This is actually why I'm disappointed. I have nothing against FNAF itself. My kids (9 and 7) are actually massive fans, and I have spent alot of money on merchandise for them (and most of the merchandising is marketed for children, not adults), and that there is the problem for me. My concern is that the license will attract kids to this game. And before anyone points out the game is 18+, we know that doesn't matter to alot of parents. I don't think a young and immature influx of players will benefit the game. Just my personal view. I also think most games, for the longest time, will be against Springtrap. And I think it will get old fast. In terms of player numbers, this license will be a windfall for BHVR. But I can't say I don't think it will be to the detriment of the game. At least for awhile.
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Like I said, it's the ethical or moral side of it for me.
I already do not like DBD's monetization. However, we are all (should be) adults. FOMO sucks, and it's scummy, but at the very least it isn't being used against kids.
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Possibly. I think once you get to be in the mid-teens (able to get a job in the US and thereby have your own income), that you are official not a "child".
I still think that early game benefited from being accessible to kids whilst not being overly horror. However, it does have the benefit of not overtly marketing towards a younger audience. Its veneer is at least consistent with what people say.
As for the last point, you understand why I am so endlessly upset that BHVR, who has long championed LGBTQ+ causes even to their own detriment, has seemingly sold out to someone who shares the opposite view.
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Regarding Scott, i completely understand and fully agree. With that being said, Springtrap is still the undisputed most requested Killer in DBD history, with only Jason Voorhees standing a chance at being more requested, and even then, I still think Springtrap beats him. The overwhelming majority of DBD fans, including those in the LGBTQIA+ community, want Springtrap in the game. I'm guessing that Behavior weighed the pros and cons, and decided that the pros outweighed the cons by leaps and bounds.
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I am excited for sure. I was 12 when the first game came out in 2014 and am 22 now. I hope the chapter is based around FNAF 1-4. Modern FNAF isn’t my thing but I bet Scott knows what games people want adapted.
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Which is a sign to me that it's time for me to dip out of DBD, so to speak.
If BHVR is willing to throw LGBTQ+ people under the bus for more money, then I'm not interested in supporting them. I really should have seen this coming during the NFT debacle, but I had hope that it was an exec decision and not a reflection of the company as a whole.
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Re ages, my 9 yo has all the books and graphic novels. Some of them state reading age 8 - 12 years, and some state 12 - 18 years. So it's targeted to both kids and teens, evidently.
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I’m confused why this is even being added to DbD…? The primary target audience for FNAF is young teens and children. Is the next collab gonna be Granny or Piggy from Roblox?
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Huggy Wuggy for sure
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I am sorry, but if you think Psycho, Alien, The Thing, F13 etc. etc. are anywhere near something like strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde, dracula, frankenstein or even something like Lovecraft's stories or Chamber's the repairer of reputation or the yellow sign, you're crazy.
There aren't any surveys conducted, but I think it's pretty obvious who they are marketing towards.
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I'd say Alien and The Thing are up there.
I'd really like some good and faithful modern adaptations of those stories though, we could really use them.
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I further elaborated in the replies below your original question
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I'm honestly just concerned about possible health hazards a FNAF Killer can bring.
Fnaf is a game which has the "horror" label almost only because it's 90% loud jumpscares and flashing screens, those kind of things (which will become beyond infuriating even for people without any medical issues after a while, imagine just getting fnaf-jumpscared but repeatedly every 1-2 minutes) can cause issues (seizures, diziness etc.) for many people.
Remember the flashing basement bug? The thing that justified a seizure warning to show up on startup? Yeah I'd rather not have a Killer that has jumpscares and flashing screens/ear-blasting noise as it's entire gimmick.
BHVR, for all their faults and issues, have a good track record when it comes to making licensed content. Even the weakest licensed Killers are lore-accurate gameplay-wise and, even if weak, are interesting and unique in their own way during gameplay. There's no way to make a fnaf Killer without basing it's power around sensory overload and epileptic seizure hazard, even if somehow they manage to not make the most visually and audibly insufferable Killer yet, there's no way that the Mori will lack the classic "death" animation jumpscare (and with the horrid ill-thought-out Finisher Mori... hopefully the community unites once more toward a common goal against it, it's bad enough that it incentivizes slugging for the 4k).
I honestly don't really mind an animatronic Killer (although a possible wave of kids is unnerving, although manageable thanks to not being forced to hear other players) but for once, the Killer can't be too close to the source material.
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you missed the point.
original six fnaf games (no, not including fnaf world) are horror, whether you like it or not.
Unlike new fnaf, that is directed at children, Scott wantet old fnaf to be represented in a good way, that's why he didn't choose fortnite for the collab (which is funny, because we have alien, evild dead, halloween and others there). Your entire complain is you not liking new media because it's new. in another 20, 30 years fnaf will have the same status as halloween or friday the 13th, again whether you like it or not. Also Chambers needs more recognition.3 -
the jumpscare element is not a big part of fnaf as you might think.
Original fnaf is you fighting with time against impossible to beat robots. You can only hide in your office. The power will have jumpscarse for sure, but not as much as you think.The power will probably be more about stealth with some kind of ability to know where the killer is.
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I highly doubt it.
It'll probably be remembered like Slender, if Slender hadn't had those killings.
Also, yes, Chambers needs more love.
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No you
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considering we have more games each year (and another movie) it will be remembered like all the other horror icons. Also slender is a creepy pasta so he was different, not worse, but different
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I think we had one reply on topic? Pretty good for a FNaF thread.
About what this thread has become - to me horror (especially the slasher subgenre) has always been somewhat directed at children. I think the first horror movie I watched was in 3rd grade or so at a sleep over birthday party (this would have been 1990 or so to date myself - though I also was allowed to watch a compilation of horror movies when I went to a Haunted House as a Kindrergaterner). I remember kids having Jason and Freddy costumes for Halloween. If someone had put a horror movie on when I was in my mid-teens at a party I think I would have found it silly unless it was a Halloween party, but when I was 10 it was exciting and pushing the boundaries.
Now there were always people who had a problem with it, but there's always been some pushing of slasher content from a teen audience to a tween audience. But if FNaF's has gotten campier as it has aged, I think that is pretty normal compared to the rest of the genre.
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I don't really think this is that big an issue tbh. FNAF jumpscares aren't just strobe light shows, and honestly it kinda annoys me how you say it can't be done right because of this when I see tons of concepts without this all the time.
My own personal idea was to express the notion of a Jumpscare through the gameplay mechanics, giving the FNAF killer stealth and Instadown abilities to create a Ghost face like playstyle where you stalk around undetected for surprise attacks. In my mind, a "Bite" M2 ability for Springtrap that functions as a short range lunge and Instadown attack would be a fun callback to the series most memorable moments and would be completely devoid of the issue you mention.
Yes, faithfulness to the source material is key, but the devs have absolutely not been afraid to rework, recontextualize, or scrap iconic abilities from killers if they think it isn't working gameplay wise. A good example would be Xeno's original wall run power and lack of Facehuggers/Chestbursters.
I've seen this said a couple amount around the forums, and it kinda confuses me. Are you referring to the singular Slender Stabbing in 2014? Even I remembered that when it happened but I see lot of people describe it like multiple people died when there was actually only one girl who got seriously injured, and thankfully ended up making it in the end.
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Yeah, my bad, I was pretty young at the time, but I remember it being all over the news.
Definitely fueled that whole "Video games cause violence" thing that was going on. After that point, that franchise didn't have a chance, too much bad press around it.
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morals don’t keep the lights on
BHVR will choose money over morals they don’t care about your feelings. FNAF is a multi million dollar brand BHVR will not give up a deal this big cause of some personal donations
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were probably not getting a update till June.
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You have to have some kind of standard.
I had hoped BHVR standards would include protecting LGBTQ people from others who'd wish them harm, either by negligence, apathy or malice, but it seems that is not the case.
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So are you going to check the political affiliations and viewpoints of the owners and employees of every single business that you ever patronize to make sure they don't hold any views that you find objectionable? That seems incredibly exhausting.
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Do what you can where you can.
None of us can stop pollution. None of us can bring our own to zero, it's just not feasible in this modern world. Doesn't mean I can't do my best to do what I can when it is feasible.
Lucky for me, I don't need DBD. Ergo, it's feasible for me to not support them.