Is Houndmaster the best Hex user?

Between the ability to send the dog to any totem in the map quickly and the fatty meat add-on is Houndmaster the best hex user in the game? I can't really think of another killer that protect totems as well as she can, maybe Billy or Blight because they're so fast but even they can't check on two totems at once. Twins kind of can but it takes them way longer.
Honestly with old Lifeguard Whistle being gone, yeah she might be. Fatty Meat isn't even that good for much else (maybe for getting Dead Man's Switch) but it's quite powerful for protecting totems and if you have that + Thrill of the Hunt then any survivor detected by houndsense basically can't do totems for 45 seconds since the repeated screams will knock them off.
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I do it pretty well with Sadako.
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it turns you into m1 killer if you spam search at totems. that is very good way to self-weaken you.
demo is still better. you only need hold m2 every 15 second or so to scout totem and you get a free teleport and you don't become a m1 killer. it's strange. they nerfed upside reisin add-on which makes you cleanse portals slower but now new version of devour hope demo is upside reisin+thorny vines. it makes your portal cleansing go from 12 second →16.9(17 seconds). I tried running his green speed add-on+yellow speed add-on. 4 portals is too little for totem defending.