Event MMR and Comp Messed Up

For a long while, it has often seemed that people get oddly more competitive during events, or at least for me. Sadly, so many tunnelers/campers/etc. go into a literally CHRISTMAS event to do that, when there is the completely normal mode for more comp. players. They likely do this just to make things easier to win in hopes of facing more casual survivors and vice versa, as they never use the event itself to just chillax.
During this event when I have missions more needed to get sacrifices or high emblems, I go into the normal mode. However, when I do I keep facing very new players. Like, earlier, I faced someone with 24 hours-worth of experience… and I have 3500. 😑
Those arent comp players. You wont see such players in pubs at all. Those are just the normal sweaty players or those want to make the game as miserable as possible.
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True, many are toxic. But still, there are a lot of comp players that only care to win, not play casually. Makes the toxic ones happy to play events to get easy wins, because it'll probably make them angry if they lose.
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The event was never marketed as a casual mode, and that is not a realistic expectation.
Also, this event mode often has a higher incentive than the normal mode, so it’s perfectly acceptable for anyone to join this event mode.
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Didn't a dev in a stream, a long time ago, say that MMR doesn't apply to events/modifiers?
I can't recall where but I heard that events & modifiers ignore MMR.
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Those are just people who only play during events and they typically play with friends.
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There's literally snowballs to throw at each other for nothing more than point and hi five snowmen that body block better than zombies…if it isn't realistic to expect a little more casual play in here we give no hope for anyone
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Events don't increase/decrease your MMR score but it is still used for match making. When queues are long you will see a broader range in skill level. So it can feel like SBMM is turned off.
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Have you tried hitting something with a snowball, as killer? Did you know killer snowballs fly in random directions, so it’s near impossible to hit something with a killer snowball unless the killer is like super close? The game literally forbids the killer from having any fun snowball fights.
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They don't, but when the queues are long for one side (and likewise instant for the other), it doesn't just "feel" like SBMM is turned off, it really is turned off.
I've had some of the most miserable DBD games of my life playing the event mode today. Just nothing but the strongest builds and Killers back to back. I do not escape often enough to justify facing Killers like this. I somehow even went up against a 12,000 hour Deathslinger in Japan that probably had more hours in the game than my entire lobby (I'm on the UK servers). I've also had Survivors in my Killer games that were either way above my skill level or way below. So yeah, SBMMR is not working today.
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...idk what to tell you except maybe aim better?
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Please play a game as killer, and throw 5 snowballs without moving your camera at all, and notice that the snowballs literally fly in multiple different directions, because BHVR purposely made them super inaccurate.
I know how to aim. When I'm playing survivor, I can easily hit a moving snowman, while I'm running, at a decent range… because the survivor snowballs are very accurate.
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I mean, I play killer a lot and the snowballs are fine for me!
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Do you honestly think that snowballs are equally accurate for survivors and killers?
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Exactly! On a Christmas event where you hop in snowman and throw snowballs, it is a bit clear you should play more casually. Isn't it "Happy Holidays," not "Boring Holidays"? Yet so many just hop in and do their normal try-hard things just to get easier wins, not caring at all about the event itself. I often just get everyone to death hook and then let them all go, especially in events like this.
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Been fine for me! It's just harder to hit when you are running around, as well as balancing the height. But when standing still or following straight behind, they've been perfectly straight for me the entire event so far.
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I don't think it's realistic to expect killers to throw snowballs when it's that much harder to hit. I shouldn't have a thrown snowball drop straight to the ground, and then when I move my camera a tiny bit, the next snowball flies way over a survivor's head.
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Mate, the deviation is literally not that much. Unless you're going for cross map pelting, we can hit with 80ish accuracy from the top of rpd stairs to the doorway (with vecna, don't know if each killer is actually different). And these are semi moving targets.
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Sooooooo, that might be what's happening.
Snowballs might be based off of a survivor's height, so the different killer heights are actually offsetting the snowballs, because a killer's height affects their camera height, which means it's more difficult to use snowballs with tall killers than with average height killers.
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The problem is, BP. BP gain is higher in events. And everything, from gens to hooks, is extra BP encouraging going for those overall during events. It's the same reason the game gets so sweaty during Blood Hunts and Blood Feasts.
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It is not turned off. I have killers that I purposely keep low MMR that get low hour noobs and my main killers get high hour swfs.
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Of course it's still trying to find a good match, but past a certain point it "turns off" in the sense that it stops trying to find a suitable match for you once a certain amount of time has elapsed and can match you with anyone. That's my understanding anyway.
Please send some of those low hour noobs my way for when I play the Killers that I hardly ever touch, because the ones I get aren't so much different than the ones I get for my main. Not that I trust playtime these days, what with cross progression being a thing now.
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Like stated above, its the BP. You got the opportunity to level your character getting 4 times or higher blood points per game and for those who try to get a certain prestige will do anything to squeeze out 2-300k per game when usually you get like what, 40k?
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Stop killing and eventually you will get them.
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Making a mountain out of a mole hill, every time I see this topic. The reason killers play sweaty in events in because they want to win AND they want the BP bonus, of which they get more BP if they win rather than lose, so they're gonna play to win, not to "have fun." This isn't recess at kindergarten, it's a rated M game. Survivors play equally sweaty in these events, and that fact is brushed over far too often.
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The key difference is that killers have a much easier way of getting said BP bonus, while survivors has to work their asses off to get a similar amount.
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And it's sad that people DO play so sweaty. Dude, it's a game. Not all games are meant to be tournaments.