General Discussions

General Discussions

Is no one else bothered by the forced motion blur filter on the menus now?

Since the latest update they've added an obnoxious motion blur filter to everything outside the actual gameplay, and there's no way to turn it off. I can pretty confidently say the majority of gamers would turn it off in every instance, given the option.

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Best Answers

  • Member Posts: 859
    Answer βœ“

    This is only on Ultra, as far as I'm aware. It's a post-processing effect, much like the awful bloom that you also get on Ultra.

    You can disable it by navigating to:

    C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsClient\GameUserSettings.ini

    Then set sg.PostProcessQuality to 0, so it looks like this:


    0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Ultra

    Keep everything else on 3 or whatever setting you want.

    (This is for Steam, it might be different for Epic, MS, etc. RIP console users)

    Post processing is always the first thing to turn off in any game, especially motion blur.

    It is inexcusable that DBD still only has the most basic graphics options in-game.


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