Is no one else bothered by the forced motion blur filter on the menus now?

Since the latest update they've added an obnoxious motion blur filter to everything outside the actual gameplay, and there's no way to turn it off. I can pretty confidently say the majority of gamers would turn it off in every instance, given the option.
Best Answers
Come on now, it wouldn't be a genuine new chapter if we didn't have some sort of inexplicable change that nobody asked forβ¦
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This is only on Ultra, as far as I'm aware. It's a post-processing effect, much like the awful bloom that you also get on Ultra.
You can disable it by navigating to:
C:\Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsClient\GameUserSettings.ini
Then set sg.PostProcessQuality to 0, so it looks like this:
0 = Low, 1 = Medium, 2 = High, 3 = Ultra
Keep everything else on 3 or whatever setting you want.
(This is for Steam, it might be different for Epic, MS, etc. RIP console users)
Post processing is always the first thing to turn off in any game, especially motion blur.
It is inexcusable that DBD still only has the most basic graphics options in-game.
Yeah, I noticed it too.
Thankfully, it doesnβt seem to be present in matches. While I donβt usually get motion sickness, motion blur seems to do it for me, for some reason.
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I don't see any motion blur in the menu after the update tbf. Maybe I'm just getting old.
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I have not noticed any motion blur yet.
But I guess if there were any, people would definitely call for an option to turn it off. There is a reason why it is optional in so many games.1 -
I always spin my character around and yeah I noticed it immediately. Very annoying.
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Oh, I got it. I see a slight motion blur when I spin or any animation being played in the menu. Doesn't seem in the shop tho:
In general, doesn't bother me at all, since there's non in the game\match.
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"How is this can bother someone, like come onβ¦"
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That makes the game look better. Like, what?
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I don't mind it, tbh, it feels smooth.
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"yo this edible aint sh-"
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I agree, but I can see why it can be disliked by some people
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It's only purpose is to make moving things blurrier, it has zero purpose. This very poor sharpness/clarity in motion leads to the image looking smoother due to "softer" transitions from a frame to another, except the image really isn't smoother and it's an illusion, the framerate is the same.
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This is an aesthetic choice, and while I personally like it, I think we should be given the option to turn it off.
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Only really hits ya when you go to stand up. Then the truth of the entire universe gets revealed....
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Aint that the truth
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These kids just don't know π
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If you haven't already, play the game under the influence
I use Outplayed to keep clips of my "highlights" and just record the entire session in general, and my god I might as well just be a different person
I become a complete noob at Trapper, but a member of Faze when playing Slinger on God
Highly recommend π
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Forum user name checks out!
Happy New Years π
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Good tip. Cool there is a workaround.
It's funny cause although I've studied game development and post processing effects in depth (I even used testing them in a game engine as my dissertation for uni), I've always had a personal beef with depth of field specifically.
To my mind it doesn't make sense... your eyes focus on whatever you are looking at... so by adding depth of field, you make it so if I look at anything other than where the developer thinks I'm looking... it looks blurry, which isn't how my eyes work... your effect now makes my eyes behave less like how they should than it did before... xD
Motion Blur I always felt takes a fraction too long to go away. It's somwthimg I mostly ignore and am indifferent too, but it is noticable, and to my mind the effect is also slightly less convincing that just speedy thing in my vision that my brain blurs on its own...
So I've never really saw the point of these effects... turn them off for teh extra performance xD
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Oh I don't touch shrooms π
Believe it or not this username is because of a typo of shrimp
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Younger Me's record was 26 caps. Older Wiser Me is amazed Younger Me didn't get us killed.
Love the origin story though! π
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I'm a little late, but this helped tremendously. Not only did this disable the motion blur filter, the game itself looks more clear now, and runs clearly better. I appreciate it.