Still don't recommend this game

Haven't played in months, first game backs a bully squad with map offerings and uncounterable flash bangs. Play Pokémon for a more balanced game.
You have Lightborne. Boom Countered. Killers dont like bully squads, survivors dont like getting slugged.
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Flash bangs are a sure way to avoid a slug..
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"Play Pokémon for a more balanced game"
Chat, who is gonna tell him
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Run Lightborne.
Also Pokemon has never been balanced, just breed powerhouses, stack the right items, feed the right vitamins to a mon with the right temperment, and stomp everyone and anyone. Do I need to even mention the FEAR Rattata?
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You missed my point entirely…
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So the person has to use a perk that is super meme just to be able to counter something that should normally have a counter?
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I would never recommend DBD to new players, but not really for this reason…
- price
- grind
- soloQ
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The good old "if you don't like this playstyle just buy or equip this perk".
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Yes, thats correct. Until a counter is put in place, use Lightborne. Do I think we should have to do that? No.
However, you can't complain there is no way around it presently when there is.
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Hillybilly is free. There is no buying this ole perk friend.
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Killers could bring perks that are exactly what they need to counter the survivors' builds, and it still wouldn't be enough if the survivors played well. So that doesn't help.
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It seems to work against tunneling, considering 1 DS ends a killer's game.
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If you feel like survivor is that easy compared to killer, then try soloq for a while.
If you come back and still have hope in humanity, then your stronger than a lot of us.
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Here recently I was talking to a librarian about video games that I like, and when I mentioned DBD and he looked it up and saw Pyramid Head, his eyes kind of lit up. He really seemed stoked about trying it out. A part of was glad because I like the game, but then a part of me was like, "Oh, no, what have I done?" Lol.
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I guess someone didn't wipe out the entire Elite 4 with just their starter Pokemon back in the OG Game Boy days…
Anyway, we all know the correct game to play instead of DBD is Civilization.
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There are some solutions to be considered:
1- Lightborn. The flashlights are useless now.
2- If you like risking it a bit more and have licensed DLCs: Weave+Franklin's. This way their items are useful for them, but also for you. They become a double-edged sword. Hit'em, make them drop the flashlights and when they come close to them, you see their auras. And these kind of people love their items. You will force them to either drop the item mid-chase, still letting you see their auras and giving you time to catch up, or go to an edge of the map and drop the item there, forcing them to loose time if they do want their item back.
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Umm but when survivors complain about tunnel or slug its run expo,ub,ds otr so same concept.
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"uncounterable flash bangs"
Every time I see this it's such a huge tell. Situational awareness is a counter to this every time.
What you're really saying here is that you're going through an entire chase with a second survivor who is not just lurking nearby the whole time, but in order to keep up with that chase they have to be loud, run full bore, leave scratch marks, fast vault, and then somehow the killer didn't know they were there?
It's literally the killers job to find survivors, so if you're missing all of those indicators that's either a massive skill issue or you should try turning your monitor on and play that way instead.
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As some one who also plays Civ, the only reason why that game is balanced is because of heavy RNG, and the fact that most civs are just broken. Because if everything is overpowered... nothing is overpowered!
(that being said I do love Civ and Pokémon as well <3)
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yea but the grind to prestige him sucks if you don’t play him at all. Having to grind for a perk for one specific play style sucks for both sides. We need to get the devs to do something about the uncounterable flashbangs soon.
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they don’t need to be inside you for a save. They can coordinate that they will meet at a certain point, or the save survivor can just slow fault over pallets and keep running.
you overestimate how many killers play, personally I play with one headphone connected to the game and one to some metal so I can hear what I need to but when I’m in a chase I wouldn’t be able to hear footsteps behind me when the chase theme is playing, I’m focused on the person ahead, or I am just having fun and not sweating to get the 4k.
relying on hearing to counter something is not fair to people who want to chill and listen to music while they play or people who are hard of hearing.0 -
I haven't actually played a Civ game since the very first one on DOS.
I remember I once had a bronze age Phalanx unit fortified against modern battleships and jet fighters. They just could not take it down no matter how hard they tried (terrain modifiers or something?). Anyway, it was so funny.
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Even with coordination, the killer determines direction of chase and can zone survivors. The extra person lurking still has to follow the chase in your invented scenario here.
But I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting "I only half pay attention to the game" as some kind of argument. Really kind of makes my point for me when people want to half pay attention and just expect the devs to nerf for them anything that gives them any kind of resistance.
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Yeah you still have things that are ridiculous like that in Civ 6 lol
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how do killers choose the direction of chase? I get killers with zoning powers but that’s a small part of the game. Survivors lead the chase anyway they want, I don’t think I’d be bringing the survivor to shack if I could.
and yea me listening to music isn’t the best example but most people will not be able to discern 2 seperate footsteps when they are focusing on the chase. Even when I am fully focused on the game It’s hard to see another survivor waiting for the blind behind a wall that I can’t see through.I’m a Vecna main so in chase I’m focusing on: what spell I should have ready to make sure I win the chase, figuring out what mind game to use, and keeping track of the survivor. Taking the time to listen if there is a second set of footsteps would take away from me doing these things.
Then if I’m in the open when I get the down then no matter what their getting the blind cause if I turn then they just run an extra few yards.
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how do killers choose the direction of chase?
So, when I say this I'm never taking about absolute, complete control. The survivor doesn't have that either.
You likely aren't going to approach a gen being worked on from anywhere other than the direction you started from, for example, although... If you really wanted to prevent a direction you could approach from a different way.
No, I'm taking about looping direction and zoning. Once you're at a loop, the killer completely determines if that loop is run clockwise or counter clockwise. Some loops are much weaker run one way.
You can also largely determine which direction the survivor has to leave a loop. Breaking a pallet on one side of the other means the survivor has to go the other way away from you. Again, not every loop, but the killer can go anywhere, the survivor is forced to run away from the killer. So yeah, if you put yourself on the far side from shack, the survivor is going to run away from you and toward shack. But if you can put yourself between the survivor and shack, specifically by half looping again, they have to run away from it.
I feel like these should be killer 101 things, but more and more I'm understanding that people are apparently blasting music, half paying attention to the game, and just following survivors exact pathing around the map.
And you're somehow missing not only footsteps, but also fast vaults and scratch marks at a bare minimum. If you run anything other than slowdown, you can also see their aura. Hell, infectious fright literally hard counters this exact scenario for you.
Honestly, I'm kind of done with this conversation entirely. Your first response literally boils down to "well, a killer barely paying attention to the game should be able to hard counter a well coordinated SWF without any specific perks or effort" and that's just not a reasonable take. It's par for the course on these forums, but not something that should be balanced around.
You're either playing casually, in which case cool: so do I. But then don't get so upset that people might sweat more than you do. My attitude is if they want it so badly then so be it, I don't pretend to be the best DbD player to ever draw breath. (Although to read some of the things on these forums, I'm apparently a god at this game)
But if you're actually wanting to win, then you should start with taking the headphones off and playing seriously. Not arguing that your opponent forced you to put both hands on the computer to play.
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Exactly. The argument is not worth to mention for both sides.
Nobody should be forced to always bring a perk/build just because of the possibilty of the other side playing a certain way. Mostly the way it is designed is to blame here.3 -
To be honest with you this is one of the reasons why I really struggle against Spirit. Hearing is nearly essential when countering Spirit, and if you have hard hearing or don't have high quality headphones she becomes significantly harder to face.
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The shack is a guaranteed 3 window loop by any half competent survivor, that's just for hit 1. Windows of opp has made it way too easy for survivors of all skill levels to run from one safety net to another without worry, good killers leave and potentially run the dead zone later. This is without even discussing chained loops that you're forced to leave or certain map mains with gens that are a joke to try and chase in. I'm not sure my mmr, I can assure you I 4k alot more then I don't. I've been around probably longer then most who are commenting here, which doesn't make me better but gives me the experience to speak here. The game isn't in a good spot balance nor fun wise and that's after a many month break. This games became a simulator at my mmr (what ever that is) of facing the same 4 - 6 perks on the same 2 maps doing the exact same things. This post won't change it and I'm not mad about it, I simply won't play. Like many others, just venting my frustration. For reference, devs nerf gen speeds then give out gen speed perks making them faster then ever. Make these decisions make sense.
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Flashbangs are easily counterable by being aware of your surroundings when you pick up a survivor. You don't have to bring Lightborn.
Also, I would recommend you learn to appreciate the challenge and use it to make you better at the game. Respect the players, learn the ways to counter them without the crutch of Lightborn, and you will be a better player.1 -
my bad on misinterpreting what you meant. I assumed you meant that killer could control the entire chase but your right. My bad
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The problem is Flashbang noise occlusion is still glitched even with the fix added. It's hard to be aware of something you cannot hear coming.
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True, but I still rarely get flashbanged because as I said, I am aware of where the other survivors are lurking.
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That's awesome for you.
Not everyone plays with headphones though.
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I don't play with headphones, never said I did.
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I believe a pretty big tournament was recently lost due to broken flash bangs. Guess the pro players (doing this for a living) need to be more aware of where survivors are and invest in better head sets. You could give them tips i suppose.
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I am not a pro player nor do I care about what pro players do or think. All I am saying is that I don't use headphones and usually make sure there are no other survivors nearby for a flashlight save or look at a wall/up when I pick up.
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K, have fun in pokemon and comparing apples to oranges.