Disable Killer Mori

I have no real use for sites like these. Yes, they help some hardcore players, but can survivors disable the moris at the end now? I got it when it was once in awhile...okay...fine....now it is just annoying as heck....if the killer wants it fine. Survs should have the option to opt out of the mori scene without penalty.
Nah. If you find a few second cinematic that usually takes as long as the "sacrificed on hook" animation annoying then that is a personal problem you need to work out.
There is an argument to be made about slugging for the 4k, but mori animations themselves? Not a problem.
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I agree with op. In the time since the finisher mori was released, I've come to find them more like officially sanctioned teabagging :/
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I don't have an issue with Moris and have never seen them as toxic in any way, ever, at all. However I do think people should be able to skip Moris if they really want to, just offer it as a slider setting. I don't see why not.
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I feel I need to dig into your logic a little more before I respond.
What is your primary issue with the Moris?
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I see no issue with that either way. It's not like the mori is anything toxic or whatever but if enough players want to skip the animation, then I don't see a reason why they shouldn't be allowed to.
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Personally, I'd take a mori over the same hook sacrifice animation that I've seen over a thousand times already. I'm even kinda disappointed if they choose to hook me when I'm the last Survivor left.
Killers that slug for it are a frustration, but hooked or Mori'd you're still dead either way, so what really is the difference? The ability to skip all death animations might be a neat quality of life feature though, so players can go next a little quicker if they wish to.
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This is the point I was dialling into with my line of questioning also, as I know I've seen similar discussions on here previously.
Ultimately, a Mori is probably quicker and more interesting than the full process of being hooked and the sacrifice animation, so unless OP's also putting a case forward to be able to leave as soon as they're downed and on death hook, I don't see what's to be gained
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I thought I'd see you here! 😂
Post edited by Gunshow on3 -
lol It would be uncouth of me not to show up to one of these posts ;)
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This could only work for the very last Mori tho, I think it sounds incredibly petty to not be able to sit through 10 sec of animation.
If we are being petty, idd like to get the time back I have walked to the exit gates to push Survivors out and end the game.
I don't see why not.
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I find Mori Animation to cinematic pleasing then annoying, way much better then survivors teabaging in exit gate or killers intentionally slugging and teabaging in their own way (Ghostface crouching or any killer that moves back and forth on a downed survivors)
I personally don't understand why people feel the need to quit on a epic Animation when they possible have seen it in a while. You win some, you died on hook on other match, you die in the most epic Killer's Animation as the last Survivor.
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That's like… Just your opinion man. There's not even a hint of disrespect with the mori(s) - it's something both sides can enjoy. Where as teabagging is born from disrespect. The two are not comparable.
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That's just... your opinion too.
You're right though, the two aren't comparable in an important way: While both things are actions taken by one side that essentially let that side show off once that side has won the game, in the case of the finisher mori, the losing player is forced to watch the opponent show off their win. But with teabagging, the people doing it can be forced out of the match or the losing player can just choose not to watch it. So moris are inherently worse than teabagging since they force the losing side to watch the winning side show off their win.
Forcing your opponent to watch you do a victory dance on top of them once they've lost them game sounds very disrespectful to me.
The finisher mori has also given the killer a basekit ability to deny the benefits of perks and gameplay for survivors, and has given an incentive to slug for 4k. It has essentially only negative impacts on gameplay all so that we can bring official victory animations into the game.
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It’s the same feeling when you get bagged at exits gates by the survivors. Moris are fine.
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Did you just say it's fine for people to taunt their opponent when they win a game? I imagine that's not what you meant?
People choosing to taunt or show off when they win a game is very much not fine in any environment and is extremely unsportsmanlike.
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Did you see me type that or are you just putting words in peoples mouths/making assumptions to fit your appeal?
Mori is an ingame mechanic. By itself, it’s not toxic. Slugging isn’t toxic. Proxy camping isn’t toxic.
A simple mori isn’t “showing” off anything. Whether you die on a hook or by the killer makes no difference. The killer is completing their objective. If they wanna see a little reward animation for it, so be it. 🤷🏼♂️
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I did see that you typed that that moris are like teabagging at gate; you said the feeling from being moried is the same as when people get teabagged at the gate. But teabagging at the gate is taunting and/or gloating. And taunting and gloating don't have a place in games. That's why I asked if that's what you meant :)
Post edited by smurf on2 -
To clarify - and I see where you had the confusion, my apologies. In my humble opinion I feel like Mori's are just fine. Its only a mechanic. Its not a means to gloat, and it doesn't have the same meaning as a Teabag. If you are going out of your way to teabag killers at the exit gate then that isn't cool. Its toxic. Its the same for killer that walk back and forth on a survivor when they are slugged. That is not cool. However - a killer deciding to just mori you, is fine. A simple mori.
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Just two fine folk having opinions huh…
I will say something that I probably should have said earlier. I'm all for letting survivors skip the mori animation and head to the lobby quicker. That seems like it could really benefit everyone. Killer is happy they got to see their cool lil' animation and survivors who have seen that animation 6 times that day can skip out on it an go next. Nothing wrong with that. How ever I still don't feel the mori is equivalent to tea bagging. It is definitely gratifying as a killer player to be able to see your killer do something cool at the end of the game, maybe more so than the survivor player who worked hard to prevent that. But I've said it before - I will always feel like the mori is more of a handshake meaning "gg glng" as opposed to tea bagging which has always felt like "gg ez gfys". Again these are just our opinions but there's a reason to have an open discussion about them. People should want to understand the other perspective not just scream in vitriol about how the other side is unfair.4 -
A mori isn't toxic. It isn't the killer gloating. It's them getting their last kill and getting a different kill animation (that's faster unless you go down right against a hook) as a reward for it. A killer being toxic about a 4k would be carrying you to hatch only to drop you and slam it in your face, teabagging you as you bleed out as a killer that can crouch, or smacking you on hook as you die. Those are the killer equivalents to sitting in exit gate or on hatch teabagging and flashlight clicking until either time runs out or you force the killer to force you out.
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You're definitely right that a lot of people also enjoy having access to their moris, and even some people enjoy watching them as survivor. Personally, I don't even use moris as killer since I have that view of them.
I think enabling skipping the animation would get people like me more on board with the finisher mori though. There are also people who are quite concerned that the finisher mori is encouraging slugging for 4k, which I tend to agree with; some people who like to see their killer's mori will be inclined to slug to be able to do it. My feeling is that I've seen more sweaty games and also fewer killers giving hatch since the finisher mori update. Admittedly, some players who like seeing their mori still won't care enough to slug for 4k, and others don't like slugging for 4k and won't do it. That all is kind of to say that you're right; the playerbase has a diverse set of opinions, and it's useful to talk them out :)
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I would be for mori killing if the killer was deserving of it. No camping the hooks. Double hooking after so many seconds. Yeah then mori killing activates. But to tunnel double hook back to back to get that kill plus now almost a perfect score is nauseating, to me.
Case in point playing several games today....survs left on ground looking while killer searched for number 4......never use to be this bad..…it is ridiculous
Post edited by quazzi76 on1 -
I think that's fair, but then again doesn't it seem pointless to let it be for the last guy and nobody else?
I don't like Plague's Mori. I never wanna die last against her, and I never want her to Mori me, I genuinely get nauseous and can't handle it, it ruins my night and my games. If I can't win against her, I almost always try to be sure I'm second to last to die, or at least try to make sure my team doesn't unhook me towards the end JUST so I do not get Mori'd by her. That is how bad it affects me. I'd gladly take an option to skip her Mori every time.
But for me as Killer, a Mori is special and I want to give it to the person I find most deserving of seeing the cool animation. It's meant to be a cool reward that you got the special animation in my eyes, not a taunt and certainly not a means to kick the other side when they are down nor a victory dance. It's not in any way toxic ot the same as humping ot teabagging are, it's just a special animation you got to see as a reward for being the last one out. Maybe being Mori'd should GIVE some points, since you got the coolest kill? Would that take the sting from it?1 -
About the Plague Mori, why don't you turn head away from the screen and unplug the sound and plop fingers in your ears?
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Brother, I should not be expected to leave the room every time something I dislike appears on the screen. Would you tell people who were motion sick against Clown's older gas effects to "turn their head away from the screen and unplug the sound and plop fingers in their ears"? I would rather allow her to ensure she kills me second to last, or simply ensure she does not get the chance to Mori me. She gets the same exact result, she still gets her Kill and she probably gets the Mori on someone else in a round that is most likely already over when there's only 2 people left at 2-3 gens. The result is the exact same for everyone involved, my discomfort is simply lessened if I do this.
Please don't be this tonedeaf. Please. There are people with emetophobia, there are people that recovered from eating disorders. It goes deeper than just "turn off and leave", by the time you see it happen it's already a problem.
Why do I have to suffer and do something inconvenient others don't have to just because you want to see your Mori? Why can't YOU just watch it on Youtube or something?
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Well Clown is different, you are expected to survive his gas potentially and they implemented fixes for it, but Plague mori is stationary and requires no input. I imagine it would be easy to look down or away from screen and kill the sound via headset, or use fingers if you dont use headset. I am not trying to make fun of your condition nor am I tone death to your issues.
I was asking you a question and I didn't say turn it off and leave, you are making a strawman of my question because I insulted you and I'm sorry, I didn't intend to insult, but I wanted to know why. please accept my apologies.
I think you would need a different solution if the problem is already started by the time the mori is out, and I have voted up for solutions for people with your condition regarding Plague in the past, idd like to see it for you, but even so idd rather see her shoot lasers out or her eyes and have a mori where she eyeball grills you.
Post edited by Emeal on0 -
Clown is different.
Why and how? Both he and Plague create issues. Both he and Plague are uncomfortable to play against for people who have those issues. I see no difference.
I was asking a question
You phrased it in a way that comes off very poor, then. And does in fact come off tone deaf. I'm sure you didn't mean to and I forgive you, but it really doesn't sound nice to tell people "Oh, you have an issue with X? Just don't look at it!" instead of implement something for when they have no choice other than to get up and leave. I don't want to get up and leave mid convo with my friends just because of a Mori triggering things I have no control over. And I don't think anyone ought to be expected to watch a Mori they do not want to watch just because I may want it. If someone wants to skip the Dredge Mori, fine, I like the Mori as a Dredge Main, but I certainly don't expect people to just "look away" and post things that come off like they don't care that the other person might be upset.
This isn't like a movie you opt into, you do not control what Killer you encounter. I know going in to watch Saw I will see gore and violence, and if I don't want that I shouldn't watch. I don't know for sure going into a round that I might encounter a Plague and she may want to Mori me. And I don't know how the match will go and if I even will be Mori'd. Hence, I'd rather find a way to let her have her win if she is beating me, then sit and watch an animation I don't want to watch.
Thank you for your input though, I'm sorry for coming off a bit strong.