Lets make a list of things that we can remove because they are useless

First off, this a semi joke semi fix this post.
Windows of Opportunity - Nothing on most of the maps to see, most of the time anyway
Boon: Circle of Healing - Absolutely gutted, practically pointless
Distortion - Extremely hard to charge, low max charge
Cut Loose - 6 seconds is a tiny window and you have to be in a chase and have to be able to string the vaults that you can't see with Windows of Opportunity
Fogwise - Many killers go undetectable either by ability or by perk and is highly countered by the perk Mindbreaker
Dead Hard - Absolutely tiny window for very little gain
Self Care - Takes absolutely forever
Wiggling - Never happens
Medkits - Barely useful
Maps - Do very little
Broken Key - does nothing on its own
Diversion - Creates a notification near you
Feel free to add any that you think of
Remove generators. They are just time consuming and boring.
Post edited by Dwight_Fairfield on12 -
Oaks are trash they use to separate hooks good and far when 4 was played, the killer can simply bring a green one and those 4 purple ones just was a waste. Op already said most of what I would state so ill stop here.
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I should have stopped reading when you mentioned Windows of Opportunity, why did I keep reading? It just kept getting worse
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- holding shift - creates scratch marks and loud noise notifications
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Some of the perks you listed are very strong, I don't think they belong on a list like this.
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Dead Hard?!?
… Medkits?!!!?3 -
I think we should remove the Killers Terror Radius. It's pretty useless because you can already see the Killer, oh and while we're at it, we can remove the Red Stain too because as Survivor it just looks ugly.
So for the same reason we should also remove Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood from Survivors. They're red so it would be fair to remove them because we're removing the Red Stain.
Lets also remove 2 Hook States because it prolongs the game unnecessarely. This will also remove tunneling because you can't get tunneled since you instantly die now. Having 3 hookstates causes headaches because you have to remember them all the time.
Since we are making games shorter now, how about we make them even shorter so people don't have to spend more useless time inside a match. Killers can now Mori Survivors as soon as they're downed.
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If we're removing red things, we may have to remove my favorite killer! 👉🐽
Also, your approach to solving tunneling is innovative and I would like to hear more.
Personally, I propose removing the left mouse button from the game. Gens, healing, and attacks should be removed in favor of a more meme-based system.
Also, at first I totally forgot that op wrote that the post was part joke... 🤦♂️
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That's a sacrifice we need to take. Or we can turn her colours on negative.
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Remove Tier 1 and Tier 2 Perks.
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Coh is cracked
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I had only generic perks to purchase on 3 of my Killers. I shouldn't have to buy Iron Grasp 3 times, NOED 3 times, ect.
Reduce the grind for everyone and just have a single perk with Tier 3 stats.
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I do have to admit the boon circle of healing lost a lot when the self care thing was removed. I'm not saying that it wasn't miserable to go against as killer, but I just don't see the value of using it in its current state unless you're swf. Whenever I've run it, trying to get another soloq survivor to go over there to heal them is like herding cats. They just do the "begging for a heal crouch" wherever and get mad I want them to follow me to the boon. I just stopped using it all together.
The only value I could get out of it now is making a killer paranoid. Because some killers get all up in their head about boon heals and will keep running back to the boon area to "catch the booner." Of course getting caught as the boon player could result in a tunnel out. That's just the risk of boons.
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Remove the exit gates, they just sit there doing nothing for most of the match
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You're certainly not the first to suggest this, but it only makes more and more sense as perks continue to be added to the game.
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Don't remove it but Undone deserves a buff for sure. So much potential in there
Maybe just combine overcharge and undone into one perk
______________________________________________________________________________When a Survivor misses a healing or repair Skill Check, gain 3 tokens, up to 18/24/30.
When you perform the break action on a generator, if you have any tokens, consume all of them. For each token consumed, the generator loses 1% total progress and then becomes blocked for 1 second. Then, once the generator is unblocked, it starts regressing.
The next Survivor interacting with that generator is faced with a difficult Skill Check. Failing the Skill Check results in an additional 2/3/4% loss of progress.
Ez W
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At least someone gets it
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I think people enjoy repairing generators more than you think.
That and Green Keys. Nobody playing this game ever uses green keys w or w/o addons.
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They should allow self care in circle of healing if you have the perk equipped. So if you bring the perk, you can self care in any circle boon that anyone brought/lit.
It gives circle the self care that made it useful, and also eliminates the complaint that one perk allowed every survivor to use it fully. If the survivor team brings 4 perks slots for everyone to self care in a boon, that's more than a fair trade.
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Notice you didn't mention removing lockers, Dwight. :P
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You were not programmed to understand human emotions, Hux.
Hey lockers have great power. They can block aura reading, stun killers, neuter Doctor's shock blasts, heal survivors, expose survivors.
The Dweets knew about the power of the locker before everyone else.
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Remove map offerings, remove bots from public matches.
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You’re clearly a killer main lmao
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Surprised red herring didnt make the list
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the 2M BP cap makes no sense, it should be gone
the insta mori bs addons for myers should have been deleted years ago
and the time you waste spending BP in the bloodweb should be reduced a LOT, what an absolute waste of time
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oh, and the killer's red stain. It's stupid to have it. With the terror radius it's enough.
and to make the game actually scary, I'd remove the terror radius as well and the scratch marks. Just make the steps a bit louder so players can hear them better and we're cooking