Penalties for DC/ing

Please explain to me why we are still getting penalties for dcing out of a match when a bot is put in our place? Especially now when the amount of times survivors are dealing with slugging, and over all really crummy game play from killers. I would understand more if there wasn't a bot put in our place but there is, so why should we still get punished for leaving a match we don't want to be in? Day after day, I spend hours playing DBD and as a survivor main, this game has lost it's fun. Out of ever 10 or more matches I play I can escape maybe less then a handful of those matches due to the current meta surrounded by the base kit mori AND the fact that there is more insensitive for the killer to get their 4k by any means necessary. Why should I have to stay in a match where my team is already getting slugged and tunneled off hook at FIVE GENS. Also there have been enormous times where the GAME has kicked me out and I have gotten a penalty for that. It's not fair and needs to be addressed. Why even have it set so a bot takes our place, might as well just remove that feature if people are still gonna get punished for dcing out of the game. I am so tired of going into match after match with killers that can't stand the thought of losing, of even a single person getting out so they resort to slugging just to make sure that doesn't happen or tunneling the person they just hooked right off hook OR camping to ensure no one can get them off or even if they unhook they are just knocked down and hooked again. BHVR needs to rethink how they address these issues because they favor those who play killer above those that do not. It makes the game enjoyably and for most games unplayable.
A bot is there to sorta help fill the role since you straight up abandoned your teammates. The bot helps circumvent that a little bit. Survivor is very much playable.
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The issue with removing the DC penalties is whenever they do evil things happen. Every time.
When they have to turn them off players proceed to leave for the slightest inconvenience. Don't like the map? Yeet. Don't like the killer? Yeet. First chase too long? Yeet. First surv downed? Yeet. Quickly the trials get out of control.
They'd have to improve the AI of the bots massively to approximate a decent surv anyways.
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While I can see that, there have been times when I have legit crashed either due to server issues or just wifi issues and have gotten a penalty because of it, which adds up. It's just gotten to a point where these killers are so badly wanting that 4k they are playing toxic just to make sure they get it. And it makes the game no longer fun. Like I said, out of 10 matches I play I probably get out of 1 or 2 due to the slugging and camping that is running rampant and if I no longer want to play in a match like that I should be able to leave and not be constantly punished for it. Idk, it's just one of those things that something needs to give and slugging and camping needs to be more punishable as well.
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I mean it's really not. At least it barely is. I go into matches and match after match after match I am getting killers that are so scared of losing they are slugging at 5 gens, slugging at end game and camping hooks just to make sure no one gets out because they can't fathom even one person getting out. When I first started playing this game, the focus was for the killers to go around kicking gens to prevent the survivors from getting them done, and hooking when ever possible. These killer mains are so hell bent on winning they literally punish any surviror for doing what they are suppose to be doing, going and rescuing someone off hook or trying to prevent them from getting hooked. I can't count how many killers I had yesterday that were so toxic they were literally hitting people on hook as they camped. I understand fully that I can't expect to escape every match and I don't but I do at least expect to have a match that last more then a minute or have a match not take 30 minutes because the killer as slugged at 5 gens and refuses to hook.
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Because the game is built for 4vs1, not 3 and a bot vs 1. It doesn't function as intended without 4 players on survivor side, and by queuing for a DBD match, there is an implied commitment to play that match, same as if you signed up for a game of sunday football at the pits, the game is reliant on your participation to function.
Bots are there to somewhat mitigate the issue of someone leaving in the event of genuine unexpected real life events. If Gamers could all be trusted to only use DCs for this purpose, then removing the penalty would be fine.
Unfortunately, gamers cant be trusted. There are far, far, far too many people who will DC because they are childish brats who don't respect the above commitment. In real life their behaviour would come with a healthy dose of shame, and repeat offenders would be appropriately shunned by the community, but behind the safety of their computer screen where such things are not possible, a DC penalty has to suffice...
In my opinion, BHVR are far too lenient with DC and SoH players, and the only reason I begrudgingly accept it and don't advocate for harsher penalties, is there would cases where an innocent person with a dodgy Internet connection would be unavoidably caught in the crossfire.
Regardless, players who DC/SoH should be ashamed of themselves, and should absolutely not be encouraged to continue to ruin other people's games with their selfish behaviour unpunished.
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I do think that DC penalities should be removed, but we'd need a lot more changes with it.
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Cause the bots are so well-made, even a jellyfish would be more decent at playing this game.
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I never slug as a killer i carry you handsome fellas to the hook and i think i am on like a 30 plus winstreak atm with ghostface so its not like you cant win without slugging even with the weaker classes. Its not even fun and you dont get any BP and even if you dont need BP what is really fun to que up like oni and then slug 4 people and wait for them to bleed out?
I try to play my character as intended. 70% of every down i make is marked. Dont take the game so seriously, who cares if you lose? You just make someone happy occationally0 -
You don't wanna play the game to completion by BHVRs terms? You get the DC penalty.
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idk how many times ppl need to explain basic sportsmanship rules of PvP games, but here we go again.
Bot is placed to serve as a bandaid for a player intentionally leaving the match so that team isn't instantly left in a 3v1 situation soon after match starts. It's not there to be your "uwu i wanna be free to cherrypick my matches with 0 punishment for it" feature.
In your case, and many others, people simply don't want to bother with matches where your opponent is either an unfun character or plays in a way that is unfun for you.
Your opponent has the right to play to win, and so do you. This is a PvP game with set win conditions that is competitive by nature. Deciding to leave matches just because your opponent doesn't fullfill your "fun to vs" requirements is peak of unsportsmanlike conduct and should even be punished harder.
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People sign up for a PvP not a PvE. The bot being there is to lessen the bs you just dumped on your teammates.
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The DC penalty is working exactly as intended - to discourage players like you from ruining other people's games because you quit if you aren't having fun. Screw everyone else, right?
Also, the game will not give you a DC penalty if the server kicks you out.
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Bots are killer sided, they don't help the survivor role at all, so thats why DC penalty needs to stay
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Wrong, the games still give you a penalty if you are disconnected by the game itself during the match
I have video evidence
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Killers have always slugged, camped, and tunneled- even at 5 gens. There were too many players DC’ing for various reasons, including the ones you mentioned. Because of that, the DC penalty was introduced. Do not have the impression that slugging and tunneling is something that blew up this year. Those two tactics as unfun as they are for survivors, have been popular strategies since at least 2018- maybe even before.
The bots are not very good substitutes for you as a human playing. They are a mere distraction for the killer at best.
Trust me, you do not want DC penalties removed. If they are, when YOU have your fun matches of looping the killer and getting things done, there will be someone else who is going to be having a miserable time. And when they ragequit on you and your team in a match that was very much winnable, your fun will go out the window when that bot doesn’t measure up and you die at 1 or 0 gens left. Get a few games like that in one day or over the course of the week, and you’ll be just as annoyed and frustrated as you are now.
A better solution is to properly balance the game so killers do not feel like they need to resort to those strategies. Time to complete/defend gens needs to be looked at, flash bangs being unavoidable if timed correctly needs to be addressed, and creating perks like background player are not healthy for the game. Creating a perk that enhances something that already makes playing killer annoying, is baffling.
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I've been tossed from trials with that "Server is not responding" message many times over the last year and a half or so.
Most of the time I do not get a DC penalty but sometimes I have, so it is certainly not very consistent.
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I got a penalty last week for dedicated server not responding. Last night I did not however. I
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I don’t think we should get a penalty for dcing. Killers having terrible ping, making the game not playable at all. Rubberbanding, killers being sweat lords. If I’m not having fun I’m going next. Dc penalty needs to be removed asap. It’s killing the game . Honestly don’t understand it at all as most games nowadays do not give you a temp ban by dcing. If im not having fun I should be able to DC without penalty. Maybe it’ll make the killers actually play the game instead of tunneling and slugging every match. The game for survivors is just dead
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I think they should remove the immediate penalty and instead the system keeps count and the main punishment being that you will be queued with other people who frequently DC. Make going next reportable as unsportsmanlike conduct and ban the top percent for a period of time (days not just minutes).
I feel the current DC penalties discourage leaving your team with a bot, they trap players in very unreasonable situations such as killers who slug at 5 gens to bleed everyone out for 4 minutes, or even when you get a cheater than hooks you faster than you can move and you get an AFK penalty.
I feel most people actually want to play matches out, as why would you bother with the game if you never get any points because you always DC?
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Because the boys are worse. If you haven't noticed.
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Imagine removing the DC penalty in the game where people will give up for literally the most trivial thing then you'd complain about having to queue for 2 minutes only for someone to immediately DC against Freddy
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I think it depends if it was just you or everybody as well
Just you = penalty
The entire match = no penalty0 -
I was livid last week. I played a 30 minute match as Killer, maxed out all my points and was jumping in and out of snowmen for extra BP while the survivors escaped. As soon as the last survivor left, Boom 💥 Dedicated Server not responding...
I have learned, at least on PS5, if you go back to Killer lobby right after you'll notice your anniversary cake was consumed. However, if you then close the application and reopen the game, it is returned to you.
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As always advocates for the removal of the DC penalty have no idea what they are asking for.
This posts only asks for survivor not having fun, completely forgetting that killer then would also be able to leave at any inconvenience.
- A chase taking too long
- Too many gens pop at or directly after first hook
- Too many flashlights
- Head-on stuns
- Uncountable flash bang saves
- And so on , and so on
All met by an immediate disconnect by the killer IN ADDITION to the leavers mentioned from survivor side.
No match would really come to an end with a full lobby. Only if either side would get their subjectively perfect game and the other side would still leave.
There is a reason and have been many examples why people can't be trusted with a free exit in pvp games.The vast majority have DC penalties for that exact reason.
The exceptions are games/game mode that have features like reconnect, lobby fill up and so on.