I would like to hear your Lore-based Builds (Survivor OR Killer)

Siachi Member Posts: 26

Title. Bonus points if, for KIller Especially, you're changing your playstyle some to get into the role.

A couple of ones I have, just to start the conversation.

EXECUTIONER: (Enduring, Play With Your Food, Deathbound, [Dying Light OR Hex: Wretched Fate])
Idea of this build is that the Obsession becomes the "James" of the match: "James" can get chased and even hooked some, but he's moreso there to be punished by seeing his friends and allies die around him with him being unable to help (even being punished if he does try to help). And Enduring because PH is basically unstoppable in his game. I like the thematic of Dying Light more, that "James" is the designated hero that has to try (and ideally fail) to save his allies, but that doesn't work as well with PH's cages, so I think Wretched Fate is a suitable replacement.

SINGULARITY: (Tinkerer, Surveilance, Zanshin Tactics, Batteries Included)
Batteries is mostly for its description of "Being somewhere between man and machine[…]", and the rest are map awareness-based perks. I'd imagine a hyperintelligent cyborg like Singularity would be incredibly aware of its surroundings, able to predict survivors movements based on their vault locations, and with his Biopod cameras, would know basically everything that's going on in the map.

GABRIEL SOMA: (Technician, Built to Last, Troubleshooter, [Flashbang OR Blast Mine])
Gabe being an Engineer focuses on Generator Repair, and being efficient with his tools, as well as crafting up some items as needed. I wanted to put Deja Vu on here, since any Gen Repair speed would be great, but I don't know if his "Being a Clone" thing would be enough to justify it thematically. Resilience would also probably be a good choice as well. I think there's a lot of potentially good options, so this one could definitely use refining.


  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited January 4

    Making up lore builds is one of my favourite things to do in DBD. I'm sure I've shared variants of these before elsewhere, but here are a few of the ones I've come up with:

    Alan Wake's build is themed around mechanics from his first game. A Flashlight is a must have, along with his perk Champion of Light to get max value from it. He also has Flashbang (a strong weapon also available in his game), Built to Last (to put fresh batteries into his Flashlight) and Dark Sense, which mimics the mechanic that alerts you to the presence of The Taken.

    Ripley's build is themed around game mechanics found in Alien: Isolation. Diversion replicates the noisemakers that you can craft and use to make distractions, Premonition acts like the motion tracker, Urban Evasion (because you spend a lot of time crouching around) and of course she's the last surving crew member, so Sole Survivor is a must. A weak set of perks, so you really do feel vulnerable with this build and it can make the game feel quite scary again.

    Ash's build is Flip-Flop, Power Struggle, Soul Guard, Plot Twist and is themed around second chances and just being a tough old boot and a real pain in the backside to kill.

    Steve's build is Resilience, Babysitter, This Is Not Happening and Made For This and reflects his willingness to look out for his friends, take physical punishment and push through adversity. Bardic Inspiration is also a good choice if you fancy your chances and want to try and rizz the Killer for a cheeky hatch escape.

    The final build is my Legion lore build. The build is Dark Devotion + Friends 'Til The End + Batteries Included + Fire Up. Add-ons are each member's own personal mixtape and the BFFs necklace. The build represents their high energy, cult like devotion to each other and escalating criminality.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 968

    i use a build on haddie that would fit REALY really well with the new survivor

    The ´´killer´´ survivor build:

    Visionary (you can see gens like a killer)

    Saboteur (you can see hooks when a killer grab someone)

    Inner Focus (you can see scratch marks from other survivors)

    Wake up (you can see gates) or Fixated (you can see your own scratch marks)

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Not really a set build per se, but I'm much more likely to run something super sweaty or slap on NOED with Freddy. It's the whole point of his character. You're in the dream world. It's rigged.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    I'll run adept Piggly Wiggly if I don't feel like winning this week! 🐽🐷

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    Rigged!?!? I'm using that it's so good!

    When playing as a surv NOED just felt so cheap when it pops, always has. But coupled with Huntress and Blood Warden it can be so satisfying if you time the hook correctly! 😎

  • tricks5776
    tricks5776 Member Posts: 114

    I do my best to build around survivor and killer teachables as I feel the teachable perks are a part of the character lore. And we have 3 presets so focusing on one perk to build around accentuates a part of their kit.
    I’m a spirit main and these are my favorite teachable builds for her (with a fit that I think matches the energy of the build.)

    Shaman Spirit: Being the game’s original onryo, an all hex build feels very lore accurate.

    Brute Spirit: Being hacked to bits by her father feels like the same energy needed to resist and instantly break a pallet dropped on you

    Obsessed Spirit: one can argue that the only way you can master a subject in school is to be completely obsessed with it

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 822


    DECISIVE STRIKE: he decisively likes doing pillow fights

    BALANCED LANDING: He jumps through dark deep halls yet maintains his balance (sometimes)

    NO MITHER: in water isn’t cannon but the pre-silent hill 2 lore was building up to it and one of the conditions to that ending is to stay injured 60% of the game

    EMPATHY: he is a very sympathetic person, even if he’s known for doing a terrible thing you literally can’t say that he isn’t redeemable because he’s very redeemable as a character and he’s empathetic towards others in game

  • Siachi
    Siachi Member Posts: 26
    edited January 5

    I've got another build I'd like to hear some opinions on, especially because I don't know the character as well.

    Oni: [Hubris, Thrilling Tremors, Dead Man's Switch, Hex: Ruin]

    So Kazan's whole deal is that he hates "False Samurai" with a murderous passion. But I imagine that if a Peasant knows their place, he would be indifferent to them, so that's what this build is, but you HAVE to change up your gameplan a bit: If a Survivor is working on a generator, you DO NOT attack them. The Survivors are "Peasants" who need to toil at the generators, so as long as they are working, you have no cause to attack them. You go on patrol and check on them to make sure they are working, and if they "Shirk their duties" by running when they see you, that's when you chase them down.

    Now, if you see a "Peasant" wandering about, you should give them some leeway: They could be on their way to the next generator, and may be in need of an escort. But naturally, if it's clear that they're not moving to a Generator, then yes, they must be punished.

    Now of course, if they catch on to what you're doing, that Survivors is 100% going to get away, but let's be honest, staying put at a generator when the killer gets near is not what any Survivor is going to do on a first instinct, so I'm sure most games are going to be indistinguishable from a regular match, but now you have motivation when you're putting those disgraceful, slacking peasants on hooks.