Why do you guys save teammates in 3v1 at +3 gens?

In solo q, lets be honest bros, if you get a tunneled out before getting 3 gens done its just a go next situation, and even that its being ultra hyper optimistic. But there is always gonna be a "we can do this!" surv who just comes right before the second skill check on second stage to save you and be like "let me heal you!", and then be shocked when you refuse to continue playing. Like bro, how much time do you have to waste in your daily life? Just hide for the hatch or something like why are you taking me to hell with you, what even is the point. Just le me go next.
I think that's just flawed game design. You're not wrong about an early sacrifice becoming hopeless fast. But the survivor players should always be able to go for surviving and not just give up.
My approach to that is that as a survivor, I'm always trying to make sure my teammates have a chance at hatch or a gate, very often being satisfied if a teammate escapes instead of me because I took aggro or unhooked in a crazy situation.
Having said that, I think the ability of survivors to get through their teammates' mistakes or a tunneling killer isn't strong enough. A game can easily become hopeless on the survivor side if one teammate makes a mistake or just isn't strong enough at looping and the killer decides to tunnel them out. And the whole team is just stuck in that situation for the rest of the game.
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The point of the game is to play it why would I just skip every game that isn't going in my favor? Maybe take Cote's advice and play a game of CIV if just playing out the game is too bothersome for you.
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Not everyone gives up as soon as they believe that they can't escape, some of us want to play the game even if we don't escape.
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I think there's two possibilities for the situation you mention. Answer one: There's more than just escaping on the line. Some survivors, if they feel the game is hopeless, will immediately go into farming mode. Or try harder to complete any challenge or daily they have. This means getting in the altruism stuff, opening chests, cleansing totems, taking chases. Anything they can do to salvage all the points they possibly can. I'm not judging it. It's certainly a way to make a losing game a it more worth ones time.
The other kind of survivor lives off the hope that somebody is getting out of the trial, no matter what. I've played some pretty hopeless games, and seen some miracles happen in the final hour. I've also seen killers like Myers players just open up the exit gate and let the remaining survivors escape after having a strong game. You never really know how things will end in DBD. I certainly don't at any rate.
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The thing is, once the game is an early 3v1, the Survivors basically become BP-Pinatas. It is not really possible to win and at this point you just prolong a unwinnable game.
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I assume they're just farming you for bp at that point
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Those who do not subscribe to the "go next" philosophy won't go for this.
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If you're only playing to win you'll be giving up 60% of the time as a Survivor.
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Nah, I dont play to win, it is totally acceptable to lose in DBD. Or in any videogame.
But IMO if a game is impossible to win due to an early DC, I think other players should also be able to DC without penalty and with all the BPs they gained until this point. Because if there is a DC at 5 Gens, the game is lost for the Survivors, Bot or not. And honestly, I also dont think it is fun as Killer at this point, because the challenge is gone.
To give you an example - would you also say "If you are only playing to win…" or "some of us want to play the game even if…" when the Survivors, who were WAY better than the Killer, would stop repairing Gens after they have done 4 Gens and then just go on chases with the Killer? I mean, the Killer should not have a problem with prolonging a game they most likely lost, according to your logic. But a pretty bad feeling, eh?
And the same feeling is what you get as Survivor when the game is lost early on.
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I also don't understand that. The game is obviously over at that point, so unless the other survivors have an unhook challenge, there is absolutely no reason to draw out a lost game.
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Right. Like let's be honest, there's no real chance of coming back from this in solo queue. I don't personally go next in these situations (because I like to get some BPs myself) but I totally understand why my teammates do and I never resent them for it. The match outcome will almost certainly be a loss. Staying does honestly feel like you're just entertaining the killer at that point.
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There's a difference between a match not going in your favour and a match becoming outright unwinnable. An early DC/give up/tunnel out almost always spells doom for a solo queue team, even if they all knuckle down and try.
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I do find it annoying when team mates farm me for points in what is obviously a hopeless situation - a go next at 5 gens for example. But all you can really do is try to maybe get in some chases and consider it practice or salvage some BP which is something I will do with 3x BP but normally it isn't even worth it and I'd rather go next.
I had a team mate try to go next at 5 gens, I always run We'll Make It so when I unhooked I tried to heal but he just kept running at the killer. I knew the match was cooked so I kinda trolled chasing him and healing him the second he stopped moving lol.
What did I get for that? He ran at the killer, the killer ended up going for me instead, proxied me and tunnelled me out of the game then let the survivors farm.
So yeah, I give up caring anymore.
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There's a solution for people not being good enough at looping.
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Sometimes a comeback is possible
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Way too many of these types playing the game. Really kills the immersion of 'horror' with 'boring gamers' instead.
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I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here. Is this in reference to the bit about tunneling?
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For that reason the game is so much boring today, because every single people give up isntantly after 15 seconds from start when someone goes down. DEVS changed perks, maps and this game is boring to play today. We have a "give up epidemic" even a lot of incentives, bp extras, events, game mode, people still leaving and BHVR still make the gap between soloQ and SWF more bigger with their decisions. This game is impossible to play Soloq today, and they refuse to see this.
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absolutely agree. This is a brilliant example of the attitude that’s ruining this game.
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Is it difficult to escape at that point? Yeah
Is it possible to get 1-2 survivors to escape? Also yes
You just need 1-2 good chases. Good thing is most killers in 1v3 situation are more willing to overcommit on wrong chases.
Well, I think playing with mindset to "win" the game as soloQ is not really good. You are playing in disadvatage, so you should adjust your expectation to it. I play soloQ quite often lately (or Duo) and I really don't expect to win, or even escape. Just give me good chase and I am happy.
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Why are you playing the game if you're just gonna give up the second things get tough? Especially in solo queue where you're already putting yourself at a disadvantage?
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I agree that in the OPs scenario the game will snowball in the killers favour and the survivors will be offed, but I’m not going to make it easy! Even popping just one gen before dying is an ‘ in you face ‘ to the killer. Also I’ve seen games came back from some situations that seem unwinnable!
I don’t like giving up and I won’t. I’ll take my licks and appreciate I was outplayed them move onto the next one!1 -
Because successfully fighting back in a 3v1 is one of the most satisfying things for me
Just Solo Q in general, having people on your team that are sentient is great
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I'm aware of that but I'm still going to keep on playing to get more bp. And let's be honest many people just give up as soon as it's not going their way.
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Well, I think playing with mindset to "win" the game as soloQ is not really good
You’re not wrong, but the fact that half of the game needs to go into every match expecting to not win is a really sad state of affairs.
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Why do you give up so easy?
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I mean, that's same for several killers. I really don't expect to 4k every game, when I go to play Pig…
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The Piggly Wiggly lifestyle is more about the fun and memes really! 🐽🐷
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Yeah, there are killers where you won't do well mentally if you take games with them seriously. SoloQ is same to me.
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It's only hopeless because you made it hopeless. In my 5k hours in this game I've seen comebacks where the killer (me or against) was actively trying to kill.
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Half the game doesn't need to go into every match expecting to lose. That's just a defeatist attitude that needs to be thrown away. Survivors on average have a 40% win rate, not 4%. This means you expect to lose slightly more than you win in the horror pvp game when you're playing the role of the horror victim. What it doesn't mean is every match is hopeless and you should never expect to win.
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In your favor and 99% unwinnable are different things, your point of view is delusional. I think you should apply at BHVR and help with future game design/balance, you'd fit right in.
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That's the sanest approach. I don't play much Ghostface and always try to get some wholesome dancing going when I do.
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Ok let's pretend like people aren't just giving up as soon as they get hooked the first time. And it happens far too often. And a 3v1 isn't a completely unwinnable situation, I've won plenty of games in the past even if there were 5 gens remaining.
I see no point of not playing the game, at this point why even play it?2 -
I think the ops point was the game was unwinnable. At least from their perspective. I have no problem going 3v1 when my team is actually playing.
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Well there are many matches that seemed to be unwinnable but we managed to do all the gens. And even then, trying to go for unhooks and doing gens simply awards me more blood points and in some matches I had some fun chases.
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Even the match is probably unwinnable at that point you can still try to pip, farm bp and complete challenges. So you can still play the game and. I don't tend to stick though on these kind of games too long though and I take the aggro on killer so he takes me out and maybe one of my teammate can escape.
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Sure me too, I've been surprised occasionally. Regardless, I don't care to play a match out if I'm 99% certain it's a loss. The 1 out of 100 games were I'm wrong are not worth it.
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Because I want my unhook and attempted safe save points. Because that's more fun than hiding in a corner waiting for hatch while my friend dies in 2 minutes and I do nothing. And because I don't give an utter toss about winning as Survivor, and neither should anyone else in this game (that goes for Killer side too, who actually cares about your winstreak or getting a 4k anyway? Like who actually cares?).
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this type attitude is what causing lots of d/c. i play through the game until the end. if the result is lose at 1 gen than it is lose 1 gen. sometimes you even win without believe you should win. survivor has more comeback factor than people will lead to believe.
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This. Swf anybody?
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Some mindset make no sense to me
If I play the survivor role then the whole objective is to survive and escape, hence why people don't like when a survivor dies on hook on purpose at the beginning of the match (with reason)
But if the match is already impossible to win, I'm the one being selfish for wanting to go next as soon as possible?
You just can't win with this community
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Exactly like this when I see my other two teammates trying. If they're trying their hardest, I'm gonna give the same just so they get out. More people should consider the "f it, we ball" mentality on survivor.
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I promise as a Killer if I see you trying, I am 95% going to keep the game going so you get the chance to try. It's when you don't try and just want out that I will kill you without regret, and then if it's too soon to end probably meme or farm with the ones who have the cojones to stay.
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To this part you wrote "A game can easily become hopeless on the survivor side if one teammate makes a mistake or just isn't strong enough at looping and the killer decides to tunnel them out."
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Once in my entire life I single handedly did all 5 generators in a 2v1 where the killer was actively looking for me and me alone
Even if things are hopeless, sometimes it's more interesting to play it out just for the sake of improving, much like saving a friend against a face camping Bubba with NOED.
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I'll be honest, I live in soloq Hades and any hopes I ever had of escaping matches died a long time ago. If I only played DBD to win, I might as well install the game right now and play Minecraft. I play the game to see what happens. Get some BP. Do some challenges and times. That's it. So I'm gonna stick it out till the end of the match. I don't take this game super seriously anymore. If I win, great, if not, oh well....
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It certainly doesn’t help how wishy washy the community can be about these kinds of topics. It was not long ago when the, “I am not responsible for your fun.” Mentality was preached by so many. Promoting selfish gameplay is not new. Unfortunately.
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3 gens in a 3v1 isn't unwinnable if someone has a good chase but at 4-5 it's unwinnable but like so what? It's still fun to see how far you can get.
Why is everyone's willpower so weak these days?