Killers with no new chase/menu music

jasonq500 Member Posts: 309

Wraith, plague, huntress, freddy, Leatherface, and pig are the only killers with no menu/chase music in the game

It's been 2 years since we last got a new chase theme and I would hope at least some of the final 6 gets they're own theme in this following year

Here are some fanmade music from what I found


  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 150

    Honestly, Pig needs a complete and total overhaul. New model, new animations, VA by Shawnee Smith, new TR music, the whole nine yards. One of the main aspects of her character in the Saw franchise was that she wasn't strong enough to pick up and move around grown adults, so why is she now suddenly able to haul them around like nothing?

    I know "The Entity" can be used as a cop out excuse for pretty much everything that doesn't make sense, but I feel like they didn't try very hard with her and could really stand to give her a glow up.

  • ftwleon
    ftwleon Member Posts: 18

    I believe they will no longer introduce new chase music for old Killers, when 6.5.0 was released, the patch notes say that The Nurse is the last Killer to officially receive chase music.

    I guess that's the reason why we haven't received any new chase music since January 2023.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,176
    edited January 6

    Plague and Huntress really bother me by having no unique chase themes, as they both got custom menu music.

    Pig, Leatherface, nada Freddy depend on their licenses, and considering how stingy Freddy and Bubba's licenseholders have been with BHVR I am not sure they are coming anytime soon. However, Freddy's rework is coming, so maybe we will get a surprise.

    On Pig's case, I am actually surprised she didn't get unique music when they released her tome.

    Also, Myers also needs unique menu music.

  • ObsidianButterfly
    ObsidianButterfly Member Posts: 150

    That says "LATEST" killer. Not last. Meaning most recent (at the time of that patch).

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    These are all great ideas! I love it! It bothers me that Plague, Pig, Freddy and Bubba dont have their own unique music.

  • ArkInk
    ArkInk Member Posts: 820

    At least for the original members of the cast, it definitely feels wrong they haven't gotten them yet. Plague and Huntress especially since they weren't launch killers unlike Wraith.

    Hopefully we'll get something for Freddy soon. It'd be nice to hear new tunes for licenced cast, though I just wanna see this months rework.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955

    I mean, technically Trapper doesn’t have his own theme either. But I guess we’re just kinda going with the idea that he gets the 6 default tracks as ‘his’ thene.

  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 405

    I absolutely hate how bubba doesn’t have a unique terror radius. So boring to listen to the default.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,501
    edited January 6

    It is quite strange, but It's never seemed to be something high up on their list of priorities. It is what it is at this point.

    Who knows, maybe there's still hope for them to get some theme lovin'. Here's a few from my own fanmade theme playlist.

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 597
    edited January 6

    I hope so for some reason I sigh with cringe when I hear it's a killer with default chase music.

    They need to be more robotically sophisticated like me 😏