Freddy tweaks are not cannon.

Why are dream world abilities affecting survivors that are awake? Isn't whole point of freddy to have no power while wake but stronger when asleep.
Also the alarm clock allowing you to wake up on any alarm clock is not a good change.
5 dream tokens with snare+fake pallet is irrelevant. you cannot place any snares or fake pallets. You will run out of tokens in no time.
Pallets and Snares main effect on awake survivors is to make them fall asleep faster. Plus one of the biggest downsides to Pallets was that awake survivors didn't see them so it make it easy to figure out which were fake.
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does not matter. it is not lore accurate.
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Freddy could teleport to gens regardless if survivors were asleep or not. Did you complain about that not being Lore accurate?
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He only has 5 tokens?
For both things?
And (I assume) no add-ons to get more?
Well that's not good.
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freddy is always in dream world so he is always teleporting to gens. it is suppose symbolize his ability to control dream world and travel quickly through it. it is hardly fast teleport consider 5 second channel time. they nerfed the tp. you can't cancel his tp.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on5 -
That wouldn't explain why awake survivors would see a gen bleed...
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It's only really bad for the pallets. Hopefully they add more pallets and keep the tokens for pallets and snares separate.
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i agree. it is not cannon either. the blood splat should be invisible if your not in dream world but they do not want freddy strong.
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I would care more about Freddy's portrayal in the game if it actually was Freddy and not some discount version of the character from the remake.
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The problem is if we went with a perfectly Lore accurate power, Freddy couldn't do anything until after Survivors fell asleep which he would have no ability to influence since he can't affect people who are awake. Which wouldn't be fun to play as.
It's fine that Freddy can interact with awake survivors in the trial even if not Lore accurate.
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Survivors who go against Freddy aren't actually fully awake, they're in a state of drifting between microsleep (it's why Freddy can actually interact with them in the first place and what the timers on their portrait represent). It's not unlikely that Freddy's powers can hit them in this state, considering how he hunted Nancy in the aisles. It's actually got more validity than the popular suggestion of reverting him to manually putting people to sleep, which is something that Freddy has NEVER ONCE done in any of the movies.
I'd normally agree that any alarm clock waking you up is bad, but the fact that Freddy will be able to teleport to sleeping Survivors who are healing kind of necessitates being awake before you heal, which will probably start wearing on the clocks. It'll have to be a "wait and see" thing.
There is nothing that states how many tokens there are anywhere in the post. They do what you fear, or they may increase the number of tokens, or they may keep the tokens separate, or they may do both. We don't know until the PTB how this will work.
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I don't think the snares will have tokens anymore. The dev update made it seem like they are going to move like a projectile, instead of being stationary?
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@GeneralV what do you think my friend?
I want to hear your opinions first.0 -
Hello friend!
Well, as I've said on a different thread (there are a lot of them about Freddy rn), I am still trying to process everything. But, after reading it, I must say that I do not like it, at all.
Now, don't get me wrong, strength-wise it solves most if not all of his issues. Chasing an awake Survivor is now viable, the Teleport is very strong, and I am guessing the Alarm Clocks no longer grant you temporary immunity, which is excellent. However, the gameplay loop with him remains the same, trap and teleport.
And well, that is what I have an issue with. Because I don't like that gameplay loop, it isn't the one Freddy originally had and it is not the one I want to play with. The whole point of my own campaign was to get Old Freddy back, and granted we were eventually told it wasn't going to happen, but I never wanted Freddy to keep the basics of his post-rework power. These changes are positive to the game because Freddy really needed buffs, but they aren't positive to me in particular.
In terms of Freddy's portrayal in the game, yes I agree with OP here. Though this isn't a new issue at all, it had existed since Freddy's rework.
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Isnt that literally how old Freddy worked?
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Old Freddy could force survivors asleep which is not lore accurate. You would have to remove that ability as well and you would have a killer who couldn't interact with the game at all for 60 seconds and as long as survivors keep themselves awake you couldn't do anything at all.
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Aren’t people from the remake in a constant state of microsleep ? The story is based around it ?
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If we go entirely lore accurate, then the game would end after those 60sec.
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Balance is always more important than being lore accurate.
Freddy outside the dream world before was basically a powerless killer, now he won't be. That's a good thing.
Same reason why Adrenaline got nerfed to not wake up anymore. It was super lore accurate, but only affected Freddy and no one else and in general the devs have gotten away from perks affecting certain killers like that because it feels unfair.
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I disagree with you completely there man… It's actually quite the opposite, it's very lore accurate.
Freddy is always toying with his victims, walking the line between having them unsure if they are awake or asleep. His victims often see things suddenly appear while they are still awake as they begin to drift off, and the best parts of the films are when you're not sure if you're awake or asleep. Even his ability to wound you while awake is still in line with his lore, as many people have picked up injuries during this half awake/half asleep state…. but it was always a lesser version of the power he wielded when he had you in the dream.
All these awake interactions can immediately pull the survivor into the dream, which feeds into that uncertainty of being awake or asleep, where he appears more limited while you awake, but once you are asleep, he is far more dangerous when you are in his world… he doesn't start gooping your legs in sludge, appearing next to you at will, or attacking you directly with his claws or via the world around him until you are asleep…
Honestly the only thing missing to make it highly lore accurate is hiding the sleep progress timer from survivors.
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@UndeddJester just beat me to it, but in the movies the survivors are not immune to Freddy in the awake state.
Also, all licensed killers suffer from the fact that this is the Entity twisting them to fit within the Entities realm for its entertainment.
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Who cares?
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When it comes to licensed killers I like when they capture the essence of the character and make you feel like you're playing them. They've never managed to do that with Freddy sadly.
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I disagree, the rework sounsd way better.
Hes always a threat, with snares chasing you down, pallets able to explode cross the map, freddy able to show up in an instant anywhere.
That sounds like Freddy to me0 -
It sounds better than his current version strength wise. That's good. But from a character perspective it doesn't feel like Freddy. Freddy operates as a threat in the dream world. His victims need to be asleep in order for him to kill them.
The only time we had anything close to that was his original version.
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They ARE alseep. BHVR has said several times that when a trial starts, survivor are only in a mirco sleep. Which means they arent fully alseep but are falling alseep.
Im sorry but his orginal concept will never work in this game. You cant have a killer who can only interact half of the time2 -
Then why can he hit you straight after you use a wake up box? What is the point of waking up if he can still injure you? That's not Freddy. If they wanted to make it feel like Freddy there would be a clear distinction of asleep and awake.
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There is though?
Awake survivors can be injured by pallets, slowed by snares, be teleported to by Freddy if they heal, cant hear his TR.How much more do you want? Make them permeantly exposed?
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they simplified the pulling you into dream world into a hit +dream world pull. they could went with ghostface marking where you have to 'stalk" to pull survivor into dream world but their current method is more simple. my issue is his dream powers working on awake survivors. i don't think that makes much sense. if freddy is too weak because you don't fall asleep fast enough than why not buff his sleep timer to 45 seconds and remove the 30 second immunity when using the clock? they could also nerf the skill-checks so that you cannot wake up from them.
they omega buffed the survivor ability to wake up then gave him small petty compensation change to counter-act the nerf which in my opinion is not cannon.
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It doesn't feel like there is. That's my point. Freddy can attack you whether you're asleep or awake. That doesn't feel like Freddy to me.
The original iteration, flawed as it was, felt more in line with Freddy because you had to be pulled into the dream world in order for him to be a threat. If they had buffed that, made it so he pulled you in faster, failing skill checks didn't wake you up only the alarm clock boxes did etc it would have been better than what he got.
The whole concept of the dream world is cool and there's so many interesting things they could have done with it. All the tricks Freddy can pull on his victims when they're asleep. But we got a teleporting, snare Freddy who can attack you asleep or awake. Very vanilla and not very Freddy like in my opinion.
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well maybe it shouldn't injure you. just put you into dream world. At the same time, i think it is fine that it injures you. as i said, it's simplification to the mechanic.
i think freddy problem isn't that he's m1 killer when your wake. it is that counter-play is too strong for waking up. this was same problem with old freddy. failing skill-check to counter the power is too good. using alarm clock is also too good. survivor should only be able to wake up using clap-hand method. 4. It is going to be singularity emp 2.0 problem. EMP too strong. now it''s failing skill-check+alarm clock too strong. 45 second for emp alarm clocks? I can already say that it needs changing without playing it. it should be like 90+ seconds.
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Consdering FReddy has 3 ways to increase the sleep timer, no, it doesnt.
m1s fully do it, snares add like 15 seconds, pallets will make you instantly fall alseep, teleport does 15 seconds.if he didnt have 4 ways to make you alseep alongside a timer then sure
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Tbe only thing I care about is if Snares and Pallets share a resource. If they do I'm sure BHVR had to have learned their lesson from Clown and upped the count dramatically to around 8-9.
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Freddy hasn't been cannon at all since his original rework otherwise he'd still be completely invisible to awake survivors
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you could assume that if you wanted but I'd rather pray for it to be real as FNAF coming this summer
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wow there's only one ghost face hmm not lore accurate
chainsaws don't cut STRAIGHT through people killing them instantly
pinheads box doesnt need to be opened to summon pinheads, also not lore accurate
check the lore of Freddy the entity canonically changes the powers of the killers "improving them in some ways and worsening them in others"
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Well dbd doesnt use canon characters. You think Myers wouldn't take the chance to just insta mori every survivor he gets his hands on and not caring about the entities consequences?
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Freddy is already mentioned to have had his powers altered in like the one scrap of lore we have of him in the realm. I don't really get this argument from this perspective, we should be discussing whether this fits his gameplay.
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what a terrible opinion 😭🙏
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how do i downvote a post?
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My God why do people want OG Freddy back? He was awful. His play rate would absolutely plummet even more than it already has. The only explanation you need is "entity shenanigans"
There, boom. All lore related issues are immediately solved. Freddy can do what he does in game because the entity said so
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If it's shared between those two powers then that will be terrible for freddy
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Then you clearly didn't understand the simplicity and casual fun Freddy was back then putting them to sleep always seeing them in dreamworld and being an m1 killer it was simple and fun
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Because he was fun, unique, and very easy to fix.
Give him the Incapacitated status effect during the Dream Transition and thats it, his biggest problem is gone. The 2019 has always been unnecessary.
2 - would that fix him in the slightest?
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Old Freddy's biggest issue aside from self care was survivors being given free time in the dream realm before he could interact with them. During the transition, they were free to finish gens in his face, slam pallets, unhook, the general works.
This change wouldn't "fix" him, but if you know old Freddy, you understand why someone might request it.
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No, he had more issues then that.
He had littrely no power. No real chase power, very weak slowdown, no way to down faster.
His entire power was 'tracking in dream world, stupid and unfun slowdown, and a power that nerfed him for no reason.
All being alseep did was make it slow and gave him tracking. Wouldnt help him get downs on survivors, he woudlve had 0 mobilty.
I dont think you truly understand why old Freddy was bad.3 -
oh yea, sure is fun to just eat pallet aftae pallet with littrely no tools to deal with it. Or survivors infnite vaulting windows, waking up mid chase, yes so much fun
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credits to @crogers271
Also, all licensed killers suffer from the fact that this is the Entity twisting them to fit within the Entities realm for its entertainment.
This here is pretty much the reason that needs to be thought of when anything isn't 'lore accurate' with characters. The Entity can literally do whatever it wants. Things will fit like a perfect puzzle piece in the realms, but not in our realm. We as humans will definitely have issues with some of this. But… to the Entity, doesn't that just taste good? :)
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they destroyed Freddy