"Leprose Lichen" Got Nerfed So "Red Paint Brush" Could Run...

Leprose Lichen, a Demogorgon addon, use to have map-wide Aura Reading, upon teleporting through a Portal, youd get Aura Reading during the teleport animation and it would linger for a few seconds after the teleport was done.
Survivors could destroy Portals meaning the value of this addon was based on your Portal placement which created an interesting and skillful dynamic with good macro play would be rewarded with Aura Reading.
BHVR later nerfed this addon because it was "too powerful and a free perk slot" despite it coming with the downside of being tied to Portals thus it could be clunky to use or be destroyed.
BHVR gave us a look at some of the changes for Freddy's rework… and yea…
That's awesome. That's cool. Can you guys please revert the Leprose Lichen nerf? Please?
I don't see an issue, why not. :)
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We'll have to see if Paint Brush is balanced or not on the PTB, but either way, I don't think it's really comparable to Leprose Lichen.
Paint Brush can be avoided by waking up (which is going to be easier now since you can use any alarm clock) and comes with a penalty to the microsleep timer as well, which makes the direct counter even more effective.
Leprose Lichen gave you consistent and on-demand lingering map-wide aura reading for no real downside, yes your portals could be destroyed but not until you had already used them and gotten the aura reading, and even if they were destroyed you could always just place new ones. The only real restriction was the teleport cooldown which is short enough that it almost never matters anyway. For how easy it was to trigger and how often it could be used, it was far too powerful and was stronger than most aura reading perks.
And keep in mind: Leprose Lichen was powerful enough to get nerfed during a time when Distortion was a meta perk - it would be even stronger now that Distortion has been nerfed since.
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Leprose Lichen gave you consistent and on-demand lingering map-wide aura reading with no real downside
- Knight has Iridescent Company Banner which gives you infinite Blood Warden and re-useable Bamboozle for free. But that's perfectly fine to have in the game.
- Plague has Black Incense which gives free Aura Reading on sick Survivors just for being sick, which is the thing she already does anyways, and it gets better if you use Lethal Pursuer.
- Clown has Cigar Box which gives you on-demand Aura Reading on any nearby Survivors with quite literally no downside whatsoever since you can reload and practically have infinite bottles.
- Chucky has Rat Poison which is literally just free on-demand Aura Reading for using your power, can be used in a chase, and is complained about infinitely more than any other addon in the game because of how busted it is, and it has received little to no changes and can also be extended with Lethal Pursuer. All of this while being a Rare Quality addon making it easier to get.
I really dont understand why a Killer that is often regarded as being mediocre cant have a solid Aura Reading addon if they lack the tangible mobility to really use that Aura Reading to great effect.
Leprose Lichen was powerful enough to get nerfed during a time when Distortion was a meta perk.
I quite literally never saw complaints about Leprose Lichen before it got nerfed, and I saw a lot of people upset that it get nerfed. You can look up "Leprose Lichen" on the DBD Forums and there are no threads asking for it to be nerfed and a ton of people complaining about the nerf to it.
During that time as well, whenever I would find a Demogorgon, 95% of them would run Barb's Glasses and Black Heart, because those are objectively their best addons, especially after Lifeguard Whistle (deservedly) got nerfed.
Leprose Lichen did have a strong effect, but it wasnt strong enough to be meta, especially when it was always better to run BBQ so you can teleport to where a Survivor actively is versus teleporting and hoping you just so happen to go near a Survivor's Aura.
There are just better Aura Reading addons that are more useful than Leprose Lichen that still remain as is but Leprose Lichen got nerfed before the others, which is where my main issue comes from, inconsistency in how they handle addons.
Post edited by Iron_Cutlass on1 -
Leprose Lichen was too powerful because it forced survivors to interact with the killer power(cleansing) but portals are supposed to be useless so cleansing a useless thing=OP
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Plague's Black Incense is obnoxious and should be changed, and Rat Poison was busted and already did get nerfed in November. You're right it didn't help that it was a green addon, but even if it was higher rarity it still would've been too much.
In regards to Black Heart/Barb's Glasses being popular - unfortunately a lot of Demo's other addons are bad and it didn't help that the portal sealing time ones got nerfed too when Lifeguard Whistle was the issue. I hope he gets another addon pass at some point, there are too many weak addons for portals and not enough addons that affect Shred imo.
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Licen was removed because it was way too strong with Hex builds. Thats the only reason
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Lichen was not nerfed because of Hex Builds.
Lifeguard Whistle and (Sealing Time) addons were nerfed because of Hex Builds in a Patch with a bunch of Killer buffs and changes, with the intent of moving away from Devour Hope Demogorgon. Keep in mind that Hex Builds on Demogorgon were only an issue because of Lifeguard Whistle, it was the only problematic addon. This was Patch 8.4.0.
Leprose Lichen was nerfed (not removed, like you suggest, it was nerfed) in Patch 7.2.0.
Leprose Lichen was nerfed was before Demogorgon even came back to the game, and they were still a removed character as well, so it's not like Demogorgon's were running rampant doing Hex Builds to begin with. Since, if you dont know, Demo came back to the game shortly after the release of Patch 7.4.0, aka the release of Xenomorph.
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yall remember that release freddy had that at base kit right and was considered an awful killer anyways
it's a noob stomper add on nothing more
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yea i realized that i got the addons mixed up after i posted lol
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so your complaining that demo has a lot of useless add-on's when his good add-on get nerfed. what is the point of adding new add-on that are good if old ones got nerfed that were good? Just add the good old add-on's back. no need to re-invent the wheel.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0