Why are there so many hooks on maps?

Before reading this, THIS IS NOT JUST "We should remove all of the hooks from maps", just me asking why

Why is it that there are so many hooks on maps now? I don't think that the number has necessarily gone up just there density and proximity to one another. So why do we need to have so many?


  • ProffessorTV
    ProffessorTV Member Posts: 18

    But you don't even have to spot it in time because you can just go to the hooks surrounding it, and wiggle being there to prevent optimal hook spots? I just played a game where the killer dragged a survivor halfway across the map just to hook them in the basement before they could wiggle out.

    SAWII Member Posts: 187

    Outside of very rare bugs, I’ve never seen two hooks close enough that the killer could effectively camp both of them at once. Hook spawns are subject to RNG and while they could be better, they’re fine as is.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    The main objective of the killer is to kill survivors and the main tool to do so is hooks. If hooks were sparse then it would be significantly harder to kill survivors without survivors needing to intervene to rescue their teammates which would be a bad experience for killer.

    We already see enough complaints about slugging and all less hooks would lead to is more slugging.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,827

    If the killer carried someone halfway across the map to the basement, that has 0 to do with hook placement.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    Because Alex's Toolbox exists, imo.

    RPD library had an upstairs hook, that when combined with a then-buffed-but-since-nerfed Boil Over and other perks like Exponential created the inverse of the 4 man slug, with survivors being unhookable while playing whack a mole with the killer for a pretty long while as they kept picking themselves back up to waste even more time.

    In general though, honestly, unhookable situations just shouldn't exist. Hook denial should only be possible through direct intervention from teammates, and even that walks the tightrope on why many killers feel the need to resort to slugging vs hooking. Hooks should be plentiful but deniable, with the risk factor only being moderate and/or inconsistent to prevent incentivizing abandoning them altogether.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    I think if I am not mistaken there is an average of 12 hooks per map. No offerings of course.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694

    Hook spawns are ridiculous more often than not, especially that some maps have fixed locations. You perfectly sabo a hook, wait until the last second to do it and the killer is still able to reach 4 different hooks. They should adjust hook spawns since they’ve added the finisher mori and made hooks respawn.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    Except we have now got to the point where perks like Sabo and Boil over are completely useless which shouldn’t be the case. I appreciate that the hooks used to be a problem and there used to be way more dead zones. But with the change to hooks that they always respawn I do think the proximity needs reviewing.

  • MrT1412
    MrT1412 Member Posts: 127

    This should be true especially since sabo is so strong now.

  • kommandantlocke
    kommandantlocke Member Posts: 51

    that is a fair question some maps its like wheres the dam pallet?? but some maps survs abuse i see alot of eerie, azarovs, and badham offerings on survs they have alot of strong pallets

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited January 5

    I get this, but consider two thing: There were situations where a single sabo can create a hook deadzone before the hook respawn change, and the easier it is to successfully sabo, the less killers are going to feel incentivized to risk going for hooks when there is a good chance they will be contested and punished for doing so.

    The hook respawn change only affects hooks where survivors were killed. Its impact was not changed regarding scenarios where nobody has died within that area specifically. The reason this is an important distinction is because you can't say "well because of y, you should have x!" if the two are not related. Securing a hook was not directly made any easier in any situation (except when someone has already died in that area) with that specific change. Changes to hook generation/spacing forumlas? Sure, that would apply, but not the hook respawn change. Spacing and generation rules are a different beast, just like they are with tiles and other resources.

    As for the strength of sabo, that will always be an issue with sabo as a mechanic. Sabo is one of those paradigms that unfortunately will never be as strong solo as it is in SWF, so it will often be too strong, too weak, or both simultaneously. If you make it too strong, killers will just refuse to go for hooks and quadruple down on the slug meta that has been forming and growing. If you make it too weak, as a mechanic it becomes considerably less impactful to near uselessness. If you try to address both, you just make it bad for both sides (strong for swf, weak for solo, basically everybody loses except swf in that case.) Until they can come up with a way of completely retooling sabo (like they did with the old 99% removal change) into something that tightens the gap between swf and solo viability, they're not really going to be able to make it worth doing for solo while not being oppressive for swfs. And no, making it as good for solo as it currently is for swf is not going to give you the results you want/expect.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

    "Dude, I'm busting my head off, trying to down a good survivor player, then I'm busting my head off trying to avoid flashlight\cracker\pallet stun while I pick up, and now you want me to bust my head of trying to reach for a hook? I will need to play this game with a towel on my shoulders, because of all the constant sweating."

  • PreorderBonus
    PreorderBonus Member Posts: 347

    Once the Killer picks up someone, they should always have at least two hooks to choose from. Making a teammate wiggle out should take teamwork and more than just another survivor. Picking up, carrying, and hooking are parts of the match where the Killer isn’t pressuring gens, chasing, or doing anything else useful. If survivors had an easier time wiggling out, there’d be no point in hooking, and more Killers would just slug.

    If anything, I think BHVR should try something like 2v8-style cage hooks: after the pickup animation, the survivor is teleported to a hook. Incentivize hooking more than outright killing, and you’ve got a game that’s ten times healthier than it is now.

  • TonTon
    TonTon Member Posts: 227

    Deadzones Survivors abuse where killers could never reach a hook and just camp that area to be downed at. That's why even devs had to just make hooks respawn

  • TonTon
    TonTon Member Posts: 227

    Blame survivors abusing dead zones and sabos and perks like breakdown.

    Rpd unhookable library stairs was a terrible time

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 326
    edited January 7

    Because too many people liked to abuse unhookable spots and sabo-wiggle builds on maps that would always guarantee a Killer could never hook them, to the point it was actually affecting the quality of the game and genuinely unfun, forcing Killers to slug in situations they probably didn't even want to in the first place. You think slugging is awful now? It was genuinely so so so much worse to be slugged in a corner for four minutes until bleedout because the killer got a bad map and had no hooks nearby, so they had no choice but to bleed you. This was unfun for both sides, the Killer had to wait for you to bleed and Survivors had to wait to bleed out doing nothing. It was abusable, it hurt weaker Killers for no good reason over stronger ones, it was cheap, it was anti-fun, and it wasn't in the spirit of the game.

    It was literally as unfun as being slugged for the 4k or a four man slug at five gens is right now. Yes, really. That annoying. I had a match during the peak of this meta on pre-rework Haddonfield as my main Dredge before it got its update. No lockers, no power, and horrendous hook spawns. And I got a group like this. I got 1k and had an incredibly, incredibly miserable match, because I couldn't properly use my power or do anything but proxy the hook, because there was nowhere else to hook ANYONE, leaving the sabo person free to come in, sabo my only hooks, force me to slug in a corner, counter with Exponential, and all while gens were being unprotected with no means for me to do anything about it. I had no ability to pressure and it was just. Not. Fun.

    And this scenario happened over, and over, and over, and over again with any Killer lacking mobility or with conditional mobility, like Dredge, Sadako, Trapper, Ghostface, Myers, Legion, etc. The only play in these situations for these Killers was to proxy camp, slug, and pray. And that just really sucked for everyone except the trolls who liked to abuse this sort of setup.

    So BHVR fixed hook spawns, made some set ones, and made hooks respawn so this could never happen again. It seems to have mostly fixed the issue and taken a lot of the teeth out of the old sabo-wiggle petrified oak on Ormond bully strategy that ran rampant up until then. I certainly never see it anymore and when they do try it, they crumble very fast in a four man slug because it just isn't very helpful anymore. To compensate, sabotaging is faster with certain toolboxes and toolbox addons, in case you do want to sabo.

    But the Killer is supposed to be able to counterplay what Survivors do, just as they're meant to be able to counterplay every Killer (I argue some Killers even need more obvious and easily understood counterplay). So that is why hooks were fixed this way. To add counterplay to annoying unfun strategies and to make sabo have back and forth like intended.

    And I would much, MUCH rather perks like Boil Over and Sabotage were useless than go back to that. Because I hated being the SoloQ lumped in with turds abusing this just as much as I hated being the Killer subjected to this. It was. Not. Fun.

  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 477

    I think it's fine that there's lots of hook spawns on the map, you kinda have to look at it from the perspective of survivor's as a group themselves. Let's just sabo'ing a hook or using boil over gives the survivor a 50% chance of wiggling free. Now suddenly every survivor is running sabo toolboxes/boil over/etc etc. It would get extremely annoying VERY quickly for the killer. And that would just result the killer in opting to slug survivors over actually hooking them. It reminds me when petrified oak offerings affected Midwich so badly to the point where hooks would just not spawn in the hallways or anywhere that wasn't a classroom making hooking some survivors just downright impossible.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168
    edited January 7

    the RPD library has been gone for over a year now - possibly longer, maps have been made smaller, hooks are closer together than they ever were and now can never be broken permanently. Dead zones are nowhere near as much a problem as they used to be. Let’s base our arguments in the now - not problems that have largely been addressed in abundance in favour of killers already.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966
    edited January 8

    And decreasing hook counts would bring the issue back, which is what people are saying. You want to reintroduce a fixed problem. The extra irony is that if you got your way, slugging would be worse than even now.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    I never once mentioned reducing the amount of hooks on a map.

  • TonTon
    TonTon Member Posts: 227

    There are still abusable spots in maps Survs take advantage of there's your now

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    Then where were you going with your comments about map sizes and such? The RPD library situation was being discussed both because it was asked about, and it was a prime example of why there should always be at least 1-2 hooks available. The "now" is that killers are ok with hook distances and presence, while the OP was asking why they aren't less.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    This sounds like an appeal to casual players... cause they can't differ options

    But an experiences of high skill players kinda puts that to shame... but that is what it is

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    if you want to know where I am going, use your eyes and re read my initial comment as I mentioned my issue there.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    This one?

    Because if you actually read my post like you so politely requested I do to yours, you'd see that I already addressed why hook respawning has absolutely nothing to do with your perceived complaint:

    If you disagree thats fine and perfectly ok, but at least be clear with your arguments, especially when asked for clarification.

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 317

    Quick!! The recent hex buff was nerfed. Lets complain about hook numbers next.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    And thats why Boil Over and Flip Flop are F tier perks