Why you haven't informed the players about region locked cosmetics?

I don't really care about Junji Ito cosmetics, but here's the thing: If any content is going to be region locked at any country, you should inform the players before hand.
What you guys did - you advertised the cosmetics for everyone, got everyone hyped up, many players pre-purchased auric cells, were patiently waiting till the release day - just to find out, these cosmetics are not available in their country\region.
Why you guys didn't inform the players the moment you introduced them in the dev's stream?
I'm pretty sure it's not your (developers) decision to do a region lock, it's on the license holder, but here's the thing again: Players don't care, because they were not informed till release day, which is unacceptable.
I'm highly predicting the steam review bombing by the enraged players of the "blocked" countries.
And I'm highly hope the game is not going to lose a lot of players due to this mistake.
Keep the auric cells then, they will come in handy in the future.
Developers wanted NO region restrictions, they wanted all skins to be available for all, but they couldn't do that obviously.
This should have been the moment when they communicate it to community(s), that the skins (or other content) are being restricted\region locked in China, Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, etc.
By not informing the players before hand - they just practically enraged the playerbase of the restricted countries, who did pre-purchased aurics and were hyped about the skins in general.
Money will not be returned, I'm afraid. And not only money, by these kinds of mistakes, they can lose a big chunk of playerbase, with no return.
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I am sure that the developers had no bad intentions. It was a mistake or someone's undoing. If they will - they can return the money back to these players.
If anything - the restrictions should be informed first and foremost, and the content that is being restricted in many countries should not be even developed, to prevent all the negativities.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
There’s region locked cosmetics ? How strange why ? What happens if the opposite side or teammates use them ?
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Nothing, they are restricted from purchasing in some regions\countries. Who brought them - they can use them and everyone will see.
Strange thing is - which countries are being blocked. But this is just political speculations so… We're not going there.
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You mean the whole characters are locked in China from purchasing? Not just skins?
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Wow, wait… How is that even works?
So you don't being q-ed up against Dracula as a survivor? They (characters of Castlevania) just don't exist for you in the game?
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What If I add you to my group and make a custom game where I will pick Dracula? What's gonna happen? :D
I'm not gonna lie, this is the first time I hear something like "character region restrictions" within the game.
It's like you guys from China playing a completely different game from the rest of the players.
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So strange how licenses work, so people can “see” these cosmetics but not purchase them.
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What why ? Do the Chinese just hate Dracula ?
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With skins or cosmetics it's not strange really, it works like a FOMO, where you can see a player running around with the skin that you've never seen before and you can't buy it (can't see it in the shop) due to it's not available anymore.
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lmao why are we pre-purchasing auric cells? literally just don't do that lmaoooo
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homie you bought them on your own free will. why are you pre-purchasing auric cells anyways? this is room temp IQ behavior
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Are you talking to me? :) I haven't brought anything, I don't even know what is this movie or anime is, not a fan.
But there are a lot of people who did. And people who don't like country restrictions in general.
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Dude, it sounds like a blatant discrimination. It's like China doesn't have the privilege to play as a Dracula, which is so hard to believe.
I don't know. It's actually hard to believe.
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Doing some quick googling I'm not sure any Castlevania games, not just DbD, are legally available in China.
You do realize that the Chinese government doesn't allow lots of video games to be released and slow walks others? Like Elden Ring, Roblox, Fortnie, are all banned in China.
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If they wanted to make money then they wouldn't region lock. Sounds like it's something out of their hands. What they should have done is been transparent about it from the get-go. That's on them
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When the game is being banned in the country is one thing.
But when playable characters are being blocked - is just weird. I remember seeing how China doing different censor to some characters or aspects of the game (such as skeletons or skulls, girls outfits), but blocking the whole DLSs with characters? Never.
At this point they (Chinese government) could've just block the whole game. Otherwise it sounds like people from China playing a different DBD, with less characters and skins.
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Knowing BHVR, this is more likely a bug than intended, but I could be very wrong
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No worries, I only asked in good faith. Stay safe out there brother
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The outfits are region locked? What region I can get them in north America pretty easily so why would the be region locked there isn't anything over the top about them even then it's a horror game.
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I'm not very aware of restricted content in China, but do you think the licenses being from Japan has anything to do with it? Does China or Japan ever block entertainment from the other solely for political reasons? I'm sorry we can't all share and have the same content. I hope there is a clever workaround for this.
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If it really was Ito who's responsible for the region lock, it would be weird considering that the Junji Ito collab cosmetics in IDV aren't region locked.
Post edited by Smoe on2 -
We could go deeper and read Japanese laws to see which group of countries are restricted or sanctioned. But apparently: I don't have the access to the sanctioned countries by the Japan (Which is Ironic) "access denied".
If this collab in Identity V isn't restricted for the listed countries, that just confirms that this is a Junji Ito's specific desires to restrict them in DBD. I don't think these countries are sanctioned or blocked (but Russia), by the Japanese government.
In order to not make any guesses, we just need an official confirmation by the Junji Ito, or developers. But I doubt they would do any commentary on such things.
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It still begs the question.
- If the japanese government is responsible, why would they target multiple specific countries that they have no reason to target for the most part, Ukraine especially? Not to mention how none of the affected countries' governments have banned Ito's work in of itself.
- If Junji Ito himself is responsible, why would he even allow the collab skins in IDV to not be region locked in the first place, even more so why he would even license his work to netease (which is a chinese company) to even bring his IP into their game, which is played mostly in china?
- If bhvr themselves are responsible, why would they write the following bit in a longer statement related to the region-lock? ''We are always committed to providing game content to all players, but this is not always possible.''
None of it really makes sense why any of them would be responsible, so it's impossible to say which one of them it actually could be, although it's also possible crunchyroll could be the reason for the region-lock, but that's just speculation.
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thats just plain dumb
because if someone goes into China servers using the perks or characters then nobody will have a clue how to face against them and if the just are killswitched then that's still a bad thing that its blocked
so please devs could you possibly explain to us why its this way?
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they confirmed in a few other forum talks that it's "intended" and that they can't control it
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Thats more of an issue of greedy players, though bhvr surely could be more transparent. Why do you purchase auric cells ahead if you dont even know if you could buy it? Thats insanity.
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I can't help wondering, what do you think would happen if BHVR did inform players about these region locks? Would players smile and be okay with it then (even the ones who live in the countries that are affected by these region locks)? I kind of doubt it. They'd still get as much anger and hate. And that's probably why they don't say anything...
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I mean, that's still miles better than keeping all of us in the dark. We can only speculate right now, and that's not gonna improve matters either.
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does Vecna "banned" too in Chinese DBD?
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It's obviously not on the players to check if the new content is going to be blocked in their country. The devs should\must provide a clear info right in the moment the new content is being introduced. They literally had a dev's stream where they introduced the skins, why didn't they say anything about the region lock?
It looks like a "false\falsification of hype", why advertising the things to me, getting me hyped up for the things that are blocked in my country? If anything, it sounds like these people were scammed.
And why is that an "insanity" if a player pre-purchasing the in-game currency? Makes no sense to me, since nearly any player I know doing that.
The restrictions to countries should and MUST be informed to the players before-hand. If they did that - they would've mitigated the "damage"\outrage of the players.
Take a look at what people are typing in their recent reviews on steam. The game now reviewed mostly-negative on steam.
My prediction was correct though.
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They would've mitigated the outrage by A LOT. Especially for the people who pre-purchased auric cells.
People got disappointed mostly because they've got hyped up by the advertisements, without knowing that these items\skins will be unavailable for them.
If only the developers had warned the players of these countries before-hand, it wouldn't be as bad as it is now.
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If anything, I personally think - if any content is going to be restricted from any countries, but available for others - they should not even make it in the first place.
This thing is called: "Supporting the discrimination", or "supporting privileges for some players". Dbd developers are known for treating all players equally, and should be against these things.
Restricted or "sanctioned" content is far more outrageous than blocking the game for the country in general.
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It's probably works like this: They've got their own version of DBD, without Dracula chapter (or other).
So basically, China players playing a different game, and playing ONLY with themselves\with other Chinese players.
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This is the first time since the game's conception that cosmetics have been region locked. So I disagree that folks should have been prepared for the possibility that they couldn't purchase them and not stocked up cells in advance. On that front, it's easier for some people to spend small amounts of money in the lead up to large purchases than it is to spend a large lump sum in one go. That's not insanity, it's called budgeting.
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Man, if ever there was a time for a Dev to chime in and just clear some things up lol
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Looks like to me they just couldn't get some of these countries to agree with it or something, but I could be wrong.
The issue is, that if the devs won't do anything and won't say anything about it, the playerbase will just pick the option they think is true, which can be anything.
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When will this be answered? I understand they're trying to downplay as to not gather attention to region locking but scamming people of their auric cells after they've legally purchased the skins is on another level.
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Perks are usually free.
Playstation didn't have Bill for a long time but his perks were in the general pool, DbD NE didn't have RE but perks also in the pool.
From what i know about CN, they usually try to censor the international content to make it through cn's censors.
For ex. IdV has Kim (Scissorhands) bloodied for global and without blood in CN, also censored Yosano (BSD) by having her item be her hairpin instead of a knife but she & Kunikida got cancelled a day before their skins would've been released.
In this case it feels more like a licensing issue which hasn't been resolved in time of release.
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that could make sense in some form or another
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alrighty then
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Its obviously the peoples fault. BHVR has no obligation to provide information in before. And those people do not lose anything, they still have their money spend ingame for auric cells and can buy anything else they do actually have in store. It doesnt matter here if your or my morals say other, bhvr did nothing wrong and you cant blame them for doing nothing wrong.
Its insanity if you expect to get something thats not existing in the first place. Just because someone advertises something, it doesnt mean that this something is being released. So why being so greedy and spending money if you can just wait til its released? Thats just greed.
And i really dont care for review bombing. People complain for reasons beyond others abilities. Especially chinese players know exactly that their nations always has issues with censorship or licences from around the world. They surely can expect something to be not available for them.
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"What did I just read…?"
Its obviously the peoples fault. BHVR has no obligation to provide information in before.
Is this a joke? "The seller is obliged to provide all information about the product they are selling, and the buyer is not obliged to ask or search the info themselves." Especially when it comes to country-based restrictions. Ain't no way you just said that, bro.
Its insanity if you expect to get something thats not existing in the first place. Just because someone advertises something, it doesnt mean that this something is being released.
"Expect to get something that's not existing in the first place" - what is that message even about?
This "someone" is a developers themselves you're talking about, they advertised it, with no region locks, so it DOES mean that this "something" should be released for all.
The last paragraph of your message just seems to me like a straight up supporting the country-based restrictions and just hating on people who against it.
Do you support region-blocking in games, my friend?
Post edited by Grigerbest on0 -
And those people do not lose anything, they still have their money spend ingame for auric cells and can buy anything else they do actually have in store.
except some people already spent auric cells on Junji Ito skins before they got region locked. And after BHVR locked them, those people lost access to bought skin(s) that they spent auric cells on. And BHVR refuse to refund those cells
Post edited by jokere98 on3 -
And those people do not lose anything, they still have their money spend ingame for auric cells
You are wrong. Because BHVR did not inform anyone about the region restrictions and because BHVR did not properly block access to some of those regions, some people were able to buy those outfits and now they have neither the outfits nor the auric cells they spent:
Edit: I'd like to point out, in case you don't click the link and read it, that the person has opened multiple support tickets and has been told he will not be getting his Auric Cells returned to him.
Post edited by TragicSolitude on2 -
there is no law that forces bhvr to tell in before if there is a region lock or not. Thats what counts, not your or my morals. You cannot make bhvr at fault for buying auric cells before you even know if you can purchase it or not. And how about stop taking everything out of context? I never said that i support any of this.
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So those people can just open support tickets and obviously will get compensated. This is nothing to complain about in here at all.
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Can you stop too trying to lay words into my mouth? I never defended anything bhvr did. I nust said people cannot complain about something that bhvr isnt obligated to do. re-avaluate yourself before commenting.
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"Providing consumers with complete and comprehensive information about a product is the direct responsibility of the seller (even if they are not the manufacturer).
It's not morals, it's basic common sense and a law.
Read the article about Digital content and consumer rights. And you will find it. Developers should've provided the info that these digital goods are going to be region-restricted for listed countries. Player\buyer\consumer should not expect anything themselves, but using the information they're given by the seller\trader\ (in our case) developer.
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Except that they won't. There have already been several cases where BHVR decided not to refund money or cells if someone bought skins and later they disappeared because region block. You can open the DBD subreddit and read one of the most popular posts of recent time. The guy asked to return not even the money, but the aura cells, but they refused to. And he wasn't the only one.