Why you haven't informed the players about region locked cosmetics?

Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

I don't really care about Junji Ito cosmetics, but here's the thing: If any content is going to be region locked at any country, you should inform the players before hand.

What you guys did - you advertised the cosmetics for everyone, got everyone hyped up, many players pre-purchased auric cells, were patiently waiting till the release day - just to find out, these cosmetics are not available in their country\region.

Why you guys didn't inform the players the moment you introduced them in the dev's stream?

I'm pretty sure it's not your (developers) decision to do a region lock, it's on the license holder, but here's the thing again: Players don't care, because they were not informed till release day, which is unacceptable.

I'm highly predicting the steam review bombing by the enraged players of the "blocked" countries.

And I'm highly hope the game is not going to lose a lot of players due to this mistake.

