Is there any plan to fix the skillchecks that exploded when you get off the gen?

Best Answer
From a recent-ish Q&A:
Q: Are you planning on ever doing something about survivors blowing up gens when they leave? It's very frustrating to have it happen multiple times with nothing you can do about it when we know other skillchecks (overcharge) don't work that way.
: A previous AMA brought this to our attention, and it's something we do want to address. It's not on the roadmap right now however, so we cannot give any specific dates as to when you can expect this to be changed. -Mike
It might be fixed, maybe, at some point TBD (don't get your hopes up).
been asking this for some time but never got a clear response. Though apparently the devs confirmed this is an intentional feature and supposed to be a risk of letting go of a gen.
I run Corrective Action to at least avoid this specific ‚Feature‘ now at least for 3/4 survs in the match
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It's been brought up for years to make it work similar to overcharge where you can get off and still hit it. I don't think they've ever acknowledged it one way or the other.
Definitely one of my top QoL things I'd love to see.
Edit: Apparently they have acknowledged it! Neat, hope it gets in the game sometime. :D
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Which means maybe in 3 or 4 years if we are lucky
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Sadly Peanits at some point said it was intended. But then again, in the Q&A linked they acknowledged it.
The thing is, this is in the game for years. I doubt it will ever be fixed, even if it is one of the most frustrating things in the game.
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I never realized they addressed this in a Q&A, let alone confirmed it was intentional. I always felt like it was intentional, and never liked this. It feels cheap.