Survivor with zero aura perks somehow predicts my moves

Now idk about you but when this survivor is able to predict my moves and even my mindgames while the rest of the team gen rushes like no tommarrow and somehow gets them done in record time(seriously 4 gens done in under 1mins, idk about you but i'm gonna suspect cheating is at play.

And before you rush in to call me a butthurt loser, i checked their perks, items and addons. The survivor i was chasing had no way to predict my movement like they did and the rest of the gen rushing team either had no perk to speed up gen progression or no toolbox, in fact ONE of them had a toolbox no other did. Mathmatically, its impossible to get 4 gens done in under 1min. two?; sure with perks+toolboxes and 2 survivors on each gen but 4? no, not possible.

And lastly, NO I did not record this because if I had to record every single match I played on a daily basis my HD would be filled to the brim within a week and I have far more important things to use my HD space for.

Your welcome to assume what you like but just know anyone who believes cheaters don't exist in DBD or that the odds of encountering one are extremely low OR that they only target streamers is being willing ignorant to the reality where cheaters are a major problem in DBD for streamer and non-streamer alike.

Subtle cheaters plague at least 30% of the playerbase at this point while another 10% are more obvious about it and target streamers for attention. That's 40% of our player pop who is subtle or blatantly cheating.

Where did I get these numbers? Lets just say that while I don't use these tools myself, i frequent the forums where people use them a dev's cheattool's consensus in dec of 2024 was at 9,537 people either using their cheattool or using someone else's.

That's 9,537 of 25k daily players who cheat while that may seem like a small number, IT'S NOT and should not be taken lightly.


  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,914

    There are cheaters, no doubt.

    But… You know… If they don't hold you hostage - just shrug it off, report them and move on. Developers are the ones who should take care of them.

    It should not be your concern, and you have no power to deal with them, but making the report.

  • notacamper
    notacamper Member Posts: 43

    It's more about raising awareness. Most DBD players still play under the Illusion that cheaters only target streamers or as an excuse by bad players due to believing they either don't exist or are not as big of a problem as they actually are.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,206

    That's 9,537 of 25k daily players who cheat while that may seem like a small number, IT'S NOT and should not be taken lightly.

    Where do you get the idea that only 25k people play this game daily? It is orders of magnitude larger than that.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    I question your numbers and the credibility of a source that is motivated by profit reporting 40% of DBD is cheating.

    I record all my games, and I’ve seen less than 30 subtle and blatant cheaters in my 4000+ hours, mostly survivors. The last cheater I saw was in November who had fast vaults.

    I’m not trying to downplay this match, if you had 4 gens done in a minute with no gen perks it was cheats, but cheaters are nowhere near as common as you are making them out to be.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 433

    DBD has MILLIONS of active players, about 6 - 7 000 000 according to, and I don't think this even includes consoles.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,983

    Possible Smurf maybe? And or great with check spotting.

    Do you remember what perks the teammates were running? Any Wiretaps or that new Invocation perk that lets them see your aura for disturbing crows?

    If you suspect someone of cheating like that again, drop chase and punish the other 3 with every dirty tactic at your disposal.

  • notacamper
    notacamper Member Posts: 43

    I kicked the gen in the area prior to chase so if there was a wire tap, it was broken when i kicked. As I said in my OP, no aura reading perks that would let them see me or predict my moves on any survivor.

  • notacamper
    notacamper Member Posts: 43

    You most likely have and have not realized it, subtle cheaters are NOT stupid, they make sure their cheats are subtle enough to make even the most perceptive of players not suspect foul play at work. You have to pay VERY CLOSE attention. Is that survivor running just a little too fast without any perks to let them do so? DON'T ASSUME they are just corning that loop really well, PAY ATTENTION! In a general chase assuming your pathing is on par, you can get at least one hit on a survivor average in about 10 seconds or less unless they are in a jungle gym. Are they somehow keeping distance from you even in bloodlust 1?

    Did they somehow vanish without a trace when you're 110% sure you there was no way they could evade you in a loop or jungle gym? NEVER ASSUME "Oh, I must have just lost them."

    You do this and you'll begin to notice cheaters ALOT more often. Only reason I notice half the time is because I'm constantly looking for suspicious behavior from survivors because I trust them not to abuse mechanics or not to cheat as far as I can throw them on a killer whose NOT Wesker.:P

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    4 gens in 2 minutes? Maybe, depends when you started keeping track. Three survivors on three gens can get three done under 80s with great skillchecks. All three can do a fourth in ~43s. So minus travel time four gens can be repaired in 123s (2m 3s).

    Not to say your assumption of them being cheaters is incorrect.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Blaming cheats because some one else is playing well or because you made a misplay aint doing you any favors. I know Aven has been around for a while and Im confident they are more than capable at sniffing out a cheater if theyre trying to be subtle

    Can say the same thing for myself. Seen all kinds of cheats since Ive started playing in 2017 and racked up well over 6k hours. Theres no doubt they exist, but they arent nearly as prominent as some claim

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    Which killer were you running and what map my friend?

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    I have 10k hours in DBD, I know what to look out for. And I am not saying that I never encounter cheaters, I have seen some very subtle and not so subtle Cheaters.

    Not so subtle —> When spectating an Ace they were mirrowing the movements of the Killer perfectly while also being way too fast (it was a Deathslinger, but he still reached Bloodlust 3 and did not really catch up at Shack). And when the second to last Survivor bled out the Cheater was heading straight to the Hatch.

    Subtle —> Encountered a Survivor who was always JUST making the Pallet around a Loop. In Postgame I also have seen that they have Hyperfocus (and only Hyperfocus) which can be an indicator as well.

    But outside of those two, I have not encountered Cheaters in months. And this is why I think that recordings are important, if you think something is not going the right way, record and have others look at it as well. I know this from other games which have an automated Replay-function that it clears up a lot.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557
    edited January 10

    4 gens in 1 minute of the match starting is theoretically and mathematically impossible. If you're certain that it was in fact only 1 minute, they were cheating. Like other people have said, just report them and move on, that's really all you can do.


    While not theoretically nor mathematically impossible, it is highly improbable. If a survivor ran Streetwise with a Commodious Toolbox equipped with a Wire Spool and Brand New Part, a generator could be completed in 55.56 seconds. With this in mind, there are faster builds out there: running No Mither + resilience will yield an additional 3.35 seconds to get 52.03 seconds total. I am intentionally not including any skill check related perks, as I'm going for certainty rather than chance with this analysis. With an 8% chance to spawn a skill check every second, completing a generator by hitting every possible great skill check at every possible chance would likely reduce the gen time to under 35 seconds.

    All that to say, the survivors would have to remain uncontested for that duration of time. I specifically made a build where all 4 survivors would be able to gain maximum value spawning on 4 separate generators at the beginning of the match. If the killer so much as walks towards a generator with someone on it, then it is essentially impossible for 4 gens to complete within 1 minute.

    Post edited by Valuetown on
  • notacamper
    notacamper Member Posts: 43

    Please don't white knight cheaters, they don't deserve it. I'm not blind nor am i vain enough to not admit when i lost legitly so i'd appreciate it if you'd not treat me like butthurt kid who got owned by a skilled group of survivors and went whining to the forums about it.

    Well maybe I just have the unfortunate luck to run into them more often then. Regardless at least 1 or more matches I play as survivor or killer involve at least one cheater.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    I aint white knighting cheaters, all Im sayin is cheaters arent as common as you think they are.

    Idk where the rest came from

  • notacamper
    notacamper Member Posts: 43

    Oh don't play dumb. You know full well that's what would be implied by extension to that statement.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    There's no way 40% of the trials have hacking/cheating going on. Most of the global playerbase is on the consoles, heck there's more on the various PlayStations than on Steam for instance. I doubt more than 1% of the consolers are hacking anything. Are you saying 40% of those just on Steam are cheating? Again I find that hard to believe as well.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258
    edited January 13