Why DC after a long fair round?

Honestly, most are likely inconvenient game crashes, but I think a few are too angry to die so they just DC when they are about to; I have learned that a lot over my years in DbD (I've played since summer 2017). Why not just take the bloodpoints?


  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295
    edited January 12

    Like I indirectly said, some are too focused on winning and being the controlling people in the round that they just can't stand losing…. 😑 That's how it is with those try-hard tunnelers, too.

    And yeah, that's happened to me, too. I play the game entirely fair and fun and then going to the exit gates I see those teabaggers. That's why, whenever I'm not chasing someone during Endgame, I just never go to the gates.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    This one is simple, guy is done playing for the day and he died, so he can now shut off his console/pc.

    A lot of people don’t care about the BP and the penalty is so short that it won’t matter anyway especially if you won’t be playing until the next day.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    Whether you buy it or not, it happens. If they don't care about bloodpoints and the penalty doesn't matter, why wait to finish the animation then go through the process of shutting the game down? Anecdotal as it may be, I've seen people say similar on discussions in other places and I know a guy who just turns off his console the instant we're done with a raid.

    I'm sure people do it as a rage gesture too.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    Those are emotional ragequits. And like many emotional things, those do not have to be logical. Might just be a person who is done for the day playing DBD and Alt + F4s, not caring about any BPs or any DC-Penalty since they wont play anyway. (Or shutting of the console)

    But I have to agree, I also think it is kinda silly. Especially if Survivors DC on their last hook or Killers DC when all Gens are done. Because then the game only lasts a very short time. I have even seen a Killer who ragequit during an Anniversary Event with 5 Cakes being used, even if they did not have the best game, they would have easily made 100k+ BPs and they really only needed to wait a few seconds since all 4 Survivors were just running out of the Exit Gate (and they really ragequit, since they were typing in Chat afterwards).

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Of course I wait until the match is over before leaving, what normal person doesn't lmao?!

    Again, can people not wait a few seconds for the match to end before they exit? Yeah I don't buy this, when it doesn't make sense it probably isn't true and knowing the maturity of many of the people I encounter in this game, I guarantee they are pointlessly rage quitting.

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 597

    For me, 4 words.

    Dedicated Server not responding.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 962
    edited January 13

    I know, right? I see this all the time. I cannot understand, even a little bit, the logic that goes through someone's mind when they do this. Do they think they are somehow sticking it to the killer by DC'ing?

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    No no, apparently they are just turning off their console for the day and they just cannot wait the few seconds for the death animation to end as that few seconds is just so important (according to the replies above lmao).

    Yeah it is clearly to tell the killer they are unhappy but it's completely self defeating and every life streaming killer I see who has this happen is confused rather than seeing it as somehow negatively affecting them

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    A different version of this is where when some survivors bring powerful map offerings or items, but then when you are still able to injure them fairly quickly or knock the item out of their hand, they will sometimes just kill themselves knowing they can't win against you. It's just embarrassing to them as well as annoying to the killer.

    Whenever I see a group with, like, 3 med-kits or toolboxes, I often bring Franklin's, having seen so many Syringes and BNPs nowadays. But when they don't kill themselves or DC because of losing it, their game often collapses because they focus on winning through power, not skill. Med-kits are still way stronger than many want to believe, and the Syringe is still absurd, IMO.

    THAT is one of my biggest issues: Too many try to win through sheer power, not by skill or even just trying to have fun. They just want to WIN.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    Had a Twins player DC after they failed to slug everyone and two of us had Adrenaline after the lone Adam tapped the gen we had 99% shortly before. I can't remember the last time I DC'd, I can say, however, that the total times since 2017 are less than the fingers on one hand. I just never see the need to unless I'm held hostage intentionally for long periods of time, which are a rare occurrence in my matches. I'll never see the appeal for it, otherwise.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295
    edited January 14

    I never DC myself. It is just embarrassing. A month or so ago, a Knight actually slugged me and camped my body the entire game after a gave him a bit of a long chase, and I was never picked up or revived once, yet I did not DC. He never left me, doing quick guard placements nearby to try to distract anyone from saving me. One person kept trying to distract him while the other two finished the gens one by one.

    I bled out at the end while I believe all of the other 3 escaped. But instead of thinking of that as a frustrating game for me, I flip it and say that the Knight wasted his entire game.

  • PleaseRewind
    PleaseRewind Member Posts: 125

    I'm sure a fair bit are rage quits but you can't always know that's what they are doing. I had a game a couple of days ago where the game just totally crashed on me because my laptop overheated. This happened while I was on my second hook. The killer had tunneled me too.

    No doubt everyone in that match assume I had quit in a rage.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295
    edited January 15

    As I said myself, a lot are likely crashes. But some, oh gosh, are just too much into winning that they can't stand losing. Dang, have I seen some extreme tryhards.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    They were in front of the exit waiting for the killer. If time was an issue they could of just left.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    I don’t know what you’re talking about or if you replied to the wrong guy, but I was referring specifically to people that dc during the sacrificing animation, hence why I said the guy died in my comment.

    It seems some people (not the guy I’m replying to) cannot accept that people would DC for any reason other than being salty lol. If thinking that way helps you feel better, go for it, but replies have already explained reasons why this happens.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    As I've said, a lot are crashes; my game has crashed many times during moments like that. However, a lot are really too salty to die. I have seen some VERY salty people over my years.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258

    Because they're rage quitters.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    I've usually seen people DC after such a much when the killer slugs them and tries to bleed them out. I don't condone it but I do get it. Who would like that? To be unable to play or do anything for 4 minutes just so the killer can get a kick out of whatever powertrip its on?

  • Pit_Bull_Love
    Pit_Bull_Love Member Posts: 102

    Omg, I had this one game where I ran the killer for like 2 minutes, and 3 gens popped. Killer downs me, and during his pick up animation my game dropped!! I'm not sure if everyone's game dropped or just mine, but oof!

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    Yes, and? You asked why and I explained why some do from my experience.

    Yours isn't that of everyone else, and just because you go "he wasted his time" doesn't mean the thousands if not millions of other players have the same mindset in such a moment. Especially not if something like that happens consecutively.

    So again, YOU asked why, and I gave you one of the answers.

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295
    edited January 17

    Woah, I was just pointing out a moment that I didn't DC and how to think of it a bit more positively! No need to get serious!

  • UknownShredder
    UknownShredder Member Posts: 99

    Confused people is what it is.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    -They don't have control over their internet

    -The game crashed or they were kicked out of the server

    -They DC much earlier and the game only recognized after a long time (This is true, I was playing with a friend and they lost internet connection, the bot took over about 2 minutes later)

  • notyarbllewe
    notyarbllewe Member Posts: 295

    Some really are too greedy to win so that they can't lose, though. I've seen have some extreme tryhards over the years. With the delayed bot thing, do you mean they just stand there for 2 minutes? The playstyles between a bot and an average player are noticeably different if you've faced a lot of both, so it should be fairly visible if someone has turned into a bot despite it not saying it on the side.

    For me, usually only a few seconds before it switches when there an actual crash and you can tell if it's during a chase because they just stop moving with their legs continuing to run or something. Hadn't seen that in a while, though.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    No, the bot took over the character but the bot notification was delayed, thats what I meant