Let’s talk about aura reading

exDbd Member Posts: 39

let’s talk about aura reading. Since the distortion nerf I’ve seen killers running whole builds of nothing but aura. While it could help them, there is little to nothing survivors can do since the distortion nerf. Bbq and chili, lethal pursuer, friends til the end, darkness revealed and even killer add ons that give them aura reading. Seriously aura is ruining the game. I miss old DBD when there were little to no aura reading. I already know I’m going to get comments like well at least they aren’t using gen perks. That’s besides the point. Having my location revealed every game has been such a hassle for me. I’m solo queue by the way. I don’t even know why I play anymore as killers have been getting nothing but hand outs. We used to use distortion to protect us from this but no the ones who run it just to hide all game got it nerfed for all of us. I don’t think it’s fair for us survivors. I wish DBD would work on helping solo queue out as it’s so unplayable recently. Please I’m begging…..



  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39

    I shouldn’t have to make a whole build to hide aura. That’s the whole point. I want to use perks that I normally run but it just sucks when killers get instant aura reading every so often. I mean I guess it’s okay as all these aura perks I hope will be nerfed soon since I’m seeing them way too much. Almost every game.

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39

    nothing is well balanced in this game. I feel like the whole game needs a rework in my opinion. I mean survivors are going to stop playing soon and queues are already so horrible at the current state of DBD. Looking at steam charts more and more people are quitting DBD. I don’t want to see DBD die, but at the end of the day when you are catering to one side instead of the other it’s bound to happen

  • Crucifilth
    Crucifilth Member Posts: 22

    wow you mean in a game of 1v4 that the side with only 1 person have more opportunities to see the 4 people??? wow what a shocker, thank God you're not a dev.

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39

    clearly you can’t read. I stated in solo queue. It’s miserable. You get good and stop using aura perks

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39

    This does not address the issue. The issue is all the aura reading killers get when survivors have little to nothing to defend themselves with a killer using aura reading build and add ons there is nothing you can do.

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39
    edited January 13

    yeah thank god bc I would make the game more fun for survivors not cater to killers. Solo queue is miserable and it’s like no one cares. Only buffing this nerfing that due to overpowered swfs. Seems like solo queue is just unplayable anymore. Glad to see more and more people leaving the survivor role because it’s not fun when playing solo. Heck tons of people are leaving this game. Look at the steam charts. Speaks for itself. Also queue times have been horrendous lately so that also speaks volume. Used to be almost instant matching now it’s 10 or more minutes to even start a match. Kinda boring just sitting here.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    I don't really mind aura perks at all. I would much rather play against perks that increase the pace of the game instead of multiple slowdowns that turn the game into a slog.

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39

    the whole point of the issue of what I posted was that killers can have 4 perks of aura and 2 add ons that show aura. Only counter is a locker if you know what they are running. Except no where to hide where the killer can see you in a locker. The auras need to be removed and killers actually need to play the game. Aura reading this aura reading that we survivors are so tired of it

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39
  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,152
    edited January 13

    Okay first of all your entire post is talking against yourself because of that piece after that one

    @jesterkind literally explains what you can do, even things not directly countering but still working , and it's relatively much. Chances are the killer will never touch the boon at all, otr is solid 3 minutes without aura and distortion is still usable if you ever let the killer chase you.

    Besides the fact you talking against yourself, this entire post ignores the fact that this is literally only a problem for people that hide too much and can't loop properly in which case i'm not sorry at all. You're simply boring to play against and even a lot of survivors hate this playstyle from teammates. Even if I ignore that this playstyle is boring and just look at the strength of auras themself I don't see what you're even so worried about: a trapper won't get you even if he sees you, same with pig, same with michael, same with hag, same with freddy really, there are only a few killers that actually benefit so much from them that it's actually problematic and you didn't even talk about the strength-difference in them xD

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I do think there are too many aura perks and addons now, it can be very hard (even as a veteran player) as survivor to figure out how the hell a killer knew where you were and clearly saw your aura to know that.

    It concerns me the cycle of quarterly DLC's will continue, as we already have an absolute mess of perks and addons to deal with and adding even more just makes this problem worse

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    Wild that Distortion really doesn’t help against the killers who have eyes and ears. Best option is to get more experience in chases than hiding.

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39

    not entertaining you or engaging to argue. I have experience in the game, about 3k hours to be exact. I know how to loop etc. the post is not about distortion it’s about aura reading. Distortion was used as an example. 🤯

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 405

    ^ Not about distortion, but aura reading being an issue.

    ^ continues to mention distortion.

    Those tokens don’t last forever, 3k player that can loop.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 299

    No skilled survivor cares if the killer knows where they are. Hiding isn't fun for anybody. Distortion was nerfed for a reason, just like more killer aura perks are being released for a reason. Stop hiding and get better in chase.

  • Memesis
    Memesis Member Posts: 299

    …Ok? An older post from me with the exact same opinion of what I just stated? What is your point exactly?

  • exDbd
    exDbd Member Posts: 39
    edited January 13

    maybe the point is — that we need nerfs to killer aura reading / add ons. Basically the point of this whole post 🤣 and not saying ALL but there are way too many at this current stage of DBD

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357
    edited January 13

    This flair started complaining about auras, then you proceed to put Dragon's grip, which does not give auras. That perk is meant to discourage gen tapping. I mean, one thing is aura reading and others are the scream ones, which can be countered by Iron Will I presume. If there is no scream, there is no location to reveal.

    Basically what you are saying "killer shouldn't know where I am, let's gut most of the useful killer perks that are in the game because I don't like them". Yeeeaaaahhh, aaalll riiiighttt… Nerf doctor too because of screams and decoys. Remove freddy's killer instinct when asleep survivors are healing. Remove KIller insitnct overall. Remove SM's tracking ability. Basically gut the killer role overall.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357

    That would be gutting a large part of killer's kit. Auras and overall the perks that reveal locations can be countered once you figure them out. Not easy, needs a lot of guessing, but it is counterable by hopping in a locker for instance, or avoiding to do the thing that triggers the aura read.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,934
    edited January 13

    You forgot to list:

    • Off The Record
    • Sole Survivor
    • Lockers

    If you're listing scream perks it is also worth mentioning: -

    • Calm Spirit
    • Hardened
    • Lockers

    It would also be fair to list the perks that reveal the killer's aura: -

    • Alert
    • Babysitter
    • Buckle Up
    • Dark Sense
    • Eyes of Belmont
    • Fogwise
    • Hardened
    • Inner Focus
    • Kindred
    • Objective of Obsession
    • Poised
    • Scene Partner
    • Still Sight
    • Strength In Shadows
    • Troubleshooter
    • Wicked
    • Blood Amber + Keys
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    Can someone please explain why BBQ or Lethal Pursuer are considered problematic? These perks don't injure you. They also don't stop you from progressing the game. The only thing they do is give the killer a direction to go in, so that they can do what they are supposed to do, which is chasing and hooking survivors.

    Good killers will mostly not need to look for survivors anyway, since they always have an idea where to go. Lethal Pursuer is a way to deal with the rng of spawns in the early game. You can put 1,000 hours into this game and learn all possible survivor spawns. But when you spawn in the middle of the map or you are sent to a map with inconsistent spawns you have to guess where to go. This can already decide whether or not you will win the game.

    BBQ is a way to deal with survivors that play more stealthy. In a way it is like exhaustion perks. It will work very well in some games and only give minimal value in others.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,065
    edited January 13

    That perk is meant to discourage gen tapping

    Maybe it was once, but there's a free, base kit mechanic that does this now. Gen tapping doesn't exist anymore because of it. If you get 5 seconds to progress a gen, that's "doing a gen", not "tapping".

    Dragons grip is simply exposed status now… well, and a scream notification I guess.

  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 87
    edited January 13

    The ones who need to get good aren't the people using perks given by the game itself, but the solo queue players losing to them, including yourself.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,310

    I have a couple issues with this rebuttal, I hope you won't mind me going through them in a sort of rough order here.

    First, your list of counters is missing options, which may very well be unintentional but still heavily skews your framing in an inaccurate way. If we're looking at aura blocking perks, there are four, not two; we have Distortion and Shadow Step as strong and worthwhile options, but we also have Off The Record in that camp too. We also have Sole Survivor, but admittedly, that perk is not very good, I didn't mention that one either.

    However, the conversation isn't just about blocking auras, it's about responding to aura reading. So we should also add Object Of Obsession and just lockers in general to the conversation, as the person who responded to you already laid out.

    Where I'll branch away from them is that I'll say, since we're talking about responding to aura reading as a concept, we should also include perks that tell you when the killer's approaching you, like Dark Sense, Premonition, Scene Partner, and arguably Spine Chill. How good you think any of these perks are is relevant, certainly, but it's still important to acknowledge they exist.

    You could also be cheeky here and count stuff like Sprint Burst for letting you easily evade a killer approaching you, but things get a little messy if we get that indirect.

    Second, your list of killer aura perks includes quite a few things that aren't aura perks…? There are a couple perks in here that are scream perks, not aura perks, and then also Discordance which isn't either of those. Still, if we're including scream perks on the killer side, we must also include the counter picks to that as well; Calm Spirit and Hardened.

    Third, I've always found just dry lists of what aura perks are technically in the game to be really unconvincing as evidence aura reading is problematic, even when those lists are more accurate, because… most of them aren't all that good?

    Maybe not most, but certainly I don't see a world where we can fairly complain about the unreasonable aura reading potential of Hangman's Trick, Darkness Revealed, Undying, and Human Greed, to give an example 'build'. Those perks just don't really provide much impact even judging them on the scale of aura reading perks in particular, except for Undying for reasons outside of its aura reading.

    I could, perhaps, see a world where aura reading could be considered overbearing even though the individual perks are relatively well balanced just because all the currently available aura reading perks are really good…. but that isn't the world we currently live in. Players aren't actually using a huge chunk of this big list because they're not good, unpopular, or both.

    Aura reading just isn't that big of a deal in the game right now. There are ways around it and you don't typically see all that much of it, in my experience.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,286

    If killers run nothing but aura perks, they deserve to lose. If survivors lose to that, they deserve to lose. I don't need to explain why. Good players will know.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,985
    edited January 13

    I don’t like aura reading on both sides. Aura reading perks need to be removed entirely. They are not healthy for the game. As a killer, struggling to catch a survivor with a mind game because of wiretap or Object feels lame. Dark sense allows survivors to get a jump on shift W, Alert pings you all over the damn map letting survivors know it’s safe to stay on gens, and even lame ass Fogwise will occasionally snitch on you letting survivors stay comfortable on a gen. Saboteur shouldn’t allow survivors see hooks, or at the very least not see scourge hooks. No perk should show the aura of totems. Go look for them yourself. Only stealth killers benefit from not having to deal with the aura reading B.S.

    As a survivor, hiding near a gen only for the killer to kick a gen and give the killer wall hacks with Alien Instinct feels cheap as hell. Killer add-ons like all-seeing blood on Wraith and even scratched mirror on my boi Mikey are hella cheap. Dont even get me started on Lethal Pursuer. That perk launched at a time when the first solo player to get downed would DC like 35% of the time, and someone saw fit to introduce a perk that creates more of that scenario. LP is a serious problem and I’m surprised more ppl dont complain about it. I still see ppl ragequitting because they got downed within 1 minute due to LP. Lethal pursuer does not bother SWF’s at all- it only hurts solos.

    I understand the game has evolved and we need to make adjustments, but with all these aura reading perks in the game- we might as well have everyone see everyone at all times. There is a reason why when people cheat in multi-player videogames, the number 1 defacto cheat is wall hacks. It does not feel fair and takes no skill.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Instead of changing Distortion again, how about buffing other perks?

    Sole Survivor to affect teammates nearby
    Collective Stealth to hide scratch marks and aura reading
    Premoniton to hide aura reading for a few seconds


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784
    edited January 13

    If you feel like you are the weak link in most matches, you can still stack plenty of unhook and aura blocking perks to buy yourself more time and your teammates more time from you, off the record buys you 80s per unhook of no aura reading that doesn't go away when you lose the endurance. Distortion itself still buys you plenty of stealth, it just doesn't let you go fully invisible which just wasn't good design.

  • PleaseRewind
    PleaseRewind Member Posts: 125

    Fight fire with fire. I love aura perks on both sides.

    For survivor I run Wicked, Kindred, Eyes of Belmont & Inner Focus. Gives me a good read on the killer for most of the match.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,310

    Ooh, fun build!

    I might suggest Alert instead of Inner Focus, I swear by that perk when I want killer tracking. Deceptively high uptime.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    I prefer that over Pain Res, Grim, DMS, Noed every game tho.

    I feel like DBD nowadays is more about the chases than actually hiding, so your aura being shown shouldn't be worrying you too much if you can hold a chase.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,138

    So would you rather go against full slowdown or full aura reading? Because you can do A LOT more against full aura reading than you can slowdown.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 839

    They always use the you would rather go against 4 slow down stale argument and you know what is funny? All of the gen perk requires that the kill down/hooks you to even use them cept for ruin and if the killer is bad at catching you =the slow downs has no value. I tried 4 slow downs even when they was good as killer and literally got cracked teams that made me end up not even getting a single value.

    Yet when I put on stuff like weave+attunement even though its been nerfed abit, am still getting alot more 3 to 4 ks or least 2 ks, I do not even waste my time kicking gens, keeping up that chase and knocking down that person seem alot more useful. I also LOL at the OOO garbage perk, yeah its okish on some killers but a huntress will love you using that, also worst it does not even work on stealth killers yet they still can see you. Most garbage design ever.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,310

    I'm just confused why you'd add screaming perks to the list, mostly.

    Not just because this is a conversation about aura reading specifically, but also because aura + screaming doesn't account for all info perks either.

    Plus, my point stands that if you're going to expand out into screaming perks, you should also include the counter-picks survivors have for screaming perks. It's misleading not to talk about all the options even if one or two aren't all that good- you aren't only selecting the good killer perks for your list, after all, so you should include the mediocre or bad picks on the survivor side too.

    The bottom line is, aura reading doesn't remove the hiding portion of the game, it just makes it riskier. If you like hiding a lot, you'd bring counter-picks to killer information perks to make it safer for you to do. If you don't, you'd ostensibly be more okay with the killer being able to see you, so there being tools for them to do that shouldn't bother you.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 645

    I still say that Distortion should have start the match with 3 tokens instead of 1. If anything, it should start at 2 stack. You still have ot gain it back by being in chase.

  • R3b3l54TTV
    R3b3l54TTV Member Posts: 30

    I would love a version to play with 0 aura reading abilities, for both sides.

  • Slan
    Slan Member Posts: 357

    It does not give a scream notification, you just hear the scream. So if you don't remember where did you apply it, you are screwed. And with iron will there is no scream.