Sign Up Now to Receive a Recap of Your 2024 Dead by Daylight Stats!

We know how much this community loves to dig into their game stats, so we're excited to share that we've got a little data-related treat coming soon to wrap up the last year...
This month, we'll be sending out special, personalized newsletters that recap players' Dead by Daylight stats from 2024 and want to make sure you have a chance to sign up in time to get your own!
Simply sign up for our newsletter by January 13 and that'll get you on the list to receive your stats when they become available later this month. To make things nice and easy, we've included the steps below:
- Create or log in to your BHVR account here:
- Ensure you've linked your BHVR account to the platform you play on via the Connections page
- Update your Communication Preferences to allow personalized emails
- Sit back, relax, and await your 2024 stats in convenient email form!
We can't wait to share these recaps with you, so make sure you sign up above. Of course, don't forget to share your results and tag us in them!
See you in the Fog,
The Dead By Daylight Team
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mememememe 🥺 👉👈
EDIT: Idk why but I read this as "Who wants to receive a recap of 2024"
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Why is it not possible to display this ingame? This would be somewhat interesting and yet it will not reach a bunch of people because for some people Newsletters dont reach them.
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Intriguing... my own stats? Sounds awesome...
Though given how much I screw about with silly builds, I'm not sure if I truly wanna know xD
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DBD Wrapped? That's cool, can't wait to see mine!
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This. Something like the stats should definitely be available in game or be available on players BHVR accounts, not in a newsletter that is unreliable. It's annoying how many times I am getting the newsletter just fine, even check when an announcement like this comes out, but then it randomly stops and I miss one with some sort of reward. Then it's an annoying back and forth with support trying to get what I missed - most just want to quickly close out support ticket without actually helping, you need to luck out to get someone that will actually help resolve an issue. I get they want to get people to use the newsletter but it's so unreliable and their support team is pretty miserable to deal with.
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Suppose there is an question of scope and of course UI implementation time vs. player engagement. If you give stats in player profile, what stats do you provide? How deep and thorough do you go? How many players actually care? Is there any actual value/incentive to implement such a feature?
Lets be realistic, much as we wouldn't want to admit it, there is actual value to distributing these things via a newsletter, since the newsletter drives player engagement and makes the newsletter something that can advertise products and contact players for marketing purposes (since we give permissions for that when signing up to the newsletter... we are the product).
What is the actual incentive to provide these stats in game? Would be nice? Nice doesn't fund the development time/investment unfortunately... and though it sucks to admit, that IS the name of game once all is said and done.
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Oooh how fun! 😊
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This is absolutely a suggestion I can bring back to the team for you!
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Hmm, I can flag this issue to the team. So to confirm I'm understanding, you've opted in to receive the newsletter, but it will occasionally stop sending them to you?
Do any of settings in your BHVR account change when this occurs (i.e. boxes being unchecked)? Out of interest, how often would you say this happens for you?
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I've read this message like 4 times in a row and I've got 0 clue.
What stats? What recaps? What newsletters?
Based on the message, I think I'll pass.
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Please :)
I think having it ingame or directly sent to the BHVR-Account would be better. Overall, I rarely get Newsletter. And I was also not able to change my Email just now. (It is strange, the Email in my BHVR-Account is different from the one where I received the last Newsletter. So I will see on the 13th or whenever you want to send it when it arrives)
But I just think that something like stats is such a cool thing that it should not be tied to a Newsletter, but, if possible, to the ingame-Inbox.
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Your personal ingame stats of 2024 through BHVRs newsletters, which you can sign up on their website to opt in and out, and its also how you connect your steam, playstation, xbox, etc to be able to have cross progression.
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if i use my discord to verify my account instead of my email, will i still get the recap?
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What OTHER emails will I get if I allow personalized emails in the future, bHVR dearest?
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It's happened multiple times over the years. The last time it happened to me was with the newsletter last June that had the alchemy banner code. I had been receiving newsletters with last one being a week before the one that was to have the code, but once the one with the code came around I was one of many that didn't receive that newsletter. I had made 0 changes to my BHVR account but any time this happens support has me reselect the newsletter options on my BHVR account. Every time this has happened support says they'll make sure they look into the newsletter issue to make sure it doesn't happen again but every time there's a newsletter with a code there's a portion of players complaining they never receive the newsletter even though they signed up for it. The newsletter just isn't a reliable source and hasn't been for years.
It would be better if people could access this information in their BHVR account - maybe have a section to view the last month worth of newsletters in there in case people for some reason don't get the actual email.
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Thank you.
Now I get it.
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I've been subscribed to the newsletter for a long time, and I've received via email codes for blood points, amulet codes, and a banner during various events.
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How long will it take to send the mail?
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People have been asking for a personal stats page in game for years now. It's been asked in Q&As and BHVR has tried using the excuse that players that have been playing for years would be upset that they'd start at 0 with new players when implemented because they don't save the stats - every time the old players have said we don't care that we'd have same start date.
I'd be fine if they just added it to a section on our BHVR account if not directly in game. That'd drive engagement to their site instead of an external one that players go to now to upload their data manually. The newsletter is just too unreliable to use for something like this that alot of players have been asking for for years - and it being so unreliable isn't great for BHVR to use it for marketing either.
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Fair point, also dont mind me, I play Devil's Advocate a lot 😅
That makes sense, I think that'd be a solid suggestion/improvement. 🤔
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My stats are going to be terrible but I'm intrigued nonetheless
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I wonder how detailed these stats will be. Like will it just show how many kills and escapes you got. Or will be a breakdown of how many escapes and kills with each survivor and killer.
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Is it broken down by Killer for kill rates? If so, I'm interested.
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Nevermind: I found out that the Behavior Account website uses to load scripts; which may be flagged by many of my active security systems: Antivirus/DNS protection/Tracking protection/Ad blockers/Script protection (on my PC and mobile) as a tracker/ad server, and it was being blocked: I added it to the VPN's websites list that should be redirected through it and now Behaviour Account loads correctly.
The info of it being a tracker can be also found in Ghostery's WhoTracks.Me
Post edited by AKCondinoO on2 -
100% agree. This should be available in the game itself and not force players to sign up for a newsletter they may not want. It would also be great if BHVR published live stats for kill rates/escape rates for all killers, MMR levels, # of SWF together, etc. I doubt they ever will - there's a reason they haven't done it over all these years when they very easily could have.
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I’ve had this issue too. I had to sign up for the newsletter with 3 different email accounts before I finally started getting newsletters on the third one. I’ve never received a newsletter on the first two and on the one that does work, sometimes I get one and sometimes I don’t.
Anything that is any kind of reward, in game code, BP code etc or this recap should come thru our in game message system rather than newsletters imo.
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Newsletter never worked for me, even tho i've my accounts connected etc. Will it work this time?
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I hate that they force you to participate in the personal data sharing if you want the iri shards, as if subscribing to the newsletter wasnt enough...
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It's mainly the cost associated with maintaining a live dashboard. Tableau licenses can cost $3 million/yr, for example
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So not only do we have to create an uneccessary account, we have to link it and then subscribe to a e-mail newsletter. We are also getting tracked. I bet the newsletter also includes tracking elements. Why, BHVR, why? Just give us the stats in game instead of collecting our data (and possibly giving it away to third partys).
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Simple rule of life, nothing is free.
Simple rule of the Internet, if you aren't paying for the product, you are the product.
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We paid for the game, we are paying for DLCs, we are paying for skins, we are paying for the rift pass. This is not a free game. We are already paying.
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It's also a live service game, so unless you want to pay a subscription, the post still stands 😉
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As I said, Rift Pass, Skins, DLCs are paid for. They can calculate all costs and put it into the price of these. No need to take personal data. And we do not even know, if they make money with the data. I saw so many organizations taking personal data and not doing anything with it. Or worse, give it for free to third parties like facebook, google etc..
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Did you know it's actually illegal to take data you don't need? It's against the data protection act to collect unnecessary data, if you can't explain why you hold particular data, you can be fined for it.
You are also legally responsible for the security of that data, large fines if you fail to secure that data. You can only share data for relevant business purposes and with the permission of the user the data is from.
You as a customer are also legally entitled to request exactly what data a company holds on you, and why, and ask for your data to be deleted at any time completely. No exceptions.
So everything you've described is illegal, there are ways around it with obviously terms and conditions and what not, and there is an issue with companies trying to hide nasty clauses in terms and conditions agreements as a means of avoiding such legality; Disney being a prime example. However all the concerns you have raised are concerns that unless you have evidence to the contrary, you shouldn't buy into the idea its inherently corrupt and illegal to collect data.
BHVR want to collect your data to market to you, to use your data for informing it's marketting decisions to offer services and goods you may be interested in purchasing. If you don't want that, that is fine, you can opt out, but there are no reasons to have illusions or misunderstandings regarding what BHVR are doing with that data, it is pretty clear what they want it for, and the decisions ultimately is your to make.
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This is something the community has been asking about forever. I hope it comes to fruitition. There's literally no mechanical reason, its purely a choice to implement or not. Lets see what happens.
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Anyone gotten their stats yet?
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When are we getting the email? I've not received anything yet.
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From the post
Simply sign up for our newsletter by January 13
and that'll get you on the list to receive your stats when they become available later this month.
I made the same mistake as you two, the key phrase is: when they become available later this month
I don't think anyone knows when later this month means.
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’later this month’
technically that remains true even if it ends up coming on the 31st.
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I live in the EU, so yeah. I know that it is illegal to collect unnecessary data. None the less many companies are doing it. The most used platform for food delivery is currently sending out newsletters, tho one never actively subscribed to it. Thats as illegal as trackers in newsletters. Just cause someone collects data it does not mean it is not illegal practices.
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I live in the EU, so yeah. I know that it is illegal to collect unnecessary data. None the less many companies are doing it. The most used platform for food delivery is currently sending out newsletters, tho one never actively subscribed to it. Thats as illegal as trackers in newsletters. Just cause someone collects data it does not mean it is not illegal practices.
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Sure... but doesn't this come with the presumption of guilt?
Your stance is effectively "Some companies collect and use data illegally, therefore I'm against all companies collecting data on customers". So what about if a company isn't collecting/processing illegally? What if it's entirely for mutually beneficial marketing that consumer may genuinely be interested in purchasing? Are you still against that if a user opts in of their own volition?
I'm not really defending BHVR here, nor am I condemning them either. I see this situation as an entirely optional thing where the terms are clear to the user. It is entirely possible to sign up and receive the newsletter with your stats then unsubscribe and then contact BHVR and ask them to completely remove your data.
Is there any reason or evidence you are aware of to assume BHVR would not comply with that request? If the answer is no, then I am afraid I don't really understand your position... I know it's cool and cathartic to take on big corporate... but if we're seriously discussing this issue, I don't understand your complaint.
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I've been signed up since the banner reward with the potions and have not yet received anything
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Got the data just now. It is all messed up. I haven't played doctor regularly since -22 (maybe just once or twice after) but the stats said he's my most played killer. Also, my hours were way off, and therefore rest of the stats must be untrustworthy. I unsubscribed from the newsletter super fast, selling my data for this is not worth it 🫤
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I got my stats, but they were wrong it seems the data forms to store character data you guys use, are not so uniform as the programmers expected. Well I mean Im glad you guys finally did decide to share stats because now you HAVE to clean up those character data forms :P
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I still haven't received my stats. Is someone else still waiting for theirs too?