Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Let's make dbd great again

Look, what I am about to say, might be controversial. But i think we grew enough for this.

What if we add "killer exclude" system that would allow us to exclude 3 killers from our queue?

Personally I hate going against killers like blight, singularity - those killers make mostly terrible experience for surviviors. Especially those not experienced enough.

I can wait more time to find a match, if I have higher chance for better experience.

This would definitely make better experience for surviviors, would help a little with epidemic of DC and unaliving.

And I am aware that this would make harder life for problematic killers like blight, nurse mains.

But honestly, what kind of a match will it be, if surviviors just give up against you? I personally hate when surviviors give up against me, so I refuse to play miserable killers, just so I wouldn't play against bots or just stomp lobbies at 4-5 gens.

I believe some killers have too much power given to them and are too much for casual lobby surviviors.

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  • Member Posts: 374

    So why don't we make going against them less miserable? So people would enjoy games more?

    There is so many blight and nurse mains because it's too easy to win.

    Killer's should not be able to make 1151 winstreaks.

  • Member Posts: 100

    Good idea in practice. Horrible execution

    3 x 4 = 12 total killers blocked per lobby

    Unsure if your aware, but there are 38 killers in game, thats 31% of the roster

    …but that would only be 31% if every killer was played evenly, but their not.
    youd effectively block 80% of all killers and force them to play other killers which you would inevitably block when survivors got sick of it

  • Member Posts: 374

    Just clickbait title. pardon me

    Wouldn't make game worse for everyone, definitely surviviors would appreciate such mechanic. That's the miserable side which seem not to enjoy and not have enough players lately ;p

    Wouldn't be additivie - maybe block party leader's choices.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    A great way to make certain killers completely unplayable.

    It wouldn't end well at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,561

    I would love this system because it'd stop disconnects and allow people to feel more in control of their experience.

    I'm tired of blight simulator on EU.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Nope, there still would be people who dont use the mechanic and those who enjoy playing against some killers that other people hate.

    You know whats funny? You are saying that it that game would be unplayable for certain killers, and we all know it's about nurse and blight, maybe singularity. because those are the killers you are playing mostly, probably. Ones that literally get free win every time. Ones that surviviors feel miserable to go against. We've had broken killers for so long and you are still protecting them xd

    Yeah, I want the mechanic that doesn't make me play against blight with 4 regression perks, tunneling on 5 gens.
    Don't want to play against nurse with full aura for perfect blinks through the wall either. That's just so miserable and very common on high MMR i EU.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Some killers are just overtuned and it's miserable for casual surviviors. I am tired of my friends leaving the game one by one because they can't win games and get tunneled almost every match. EU gaming is miserable on high MMR, you've got to understand it.

    Of course I am not gonna be a sweatlord as full-time employee, just trying to chill and play games after work.
    If I wanted to try that hard I would be queuing up for scrims with some comp team, and I will never do that.

    Also, what do you think I can do against blight in solo que? People are literally leaving the game or leave people in 3v1 on 5 gens, because their experience is bad and they don't want to play the match. It happens most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    You know what's funny? You're wrong.

    I don't play Nurse almost at all and don't play Blight.

    I play Plague, Spirit, Myers, Wraith, Artist, Hag. If this got into the game, at least half of my mains would have 15 minute queue times at best, because I DARED to play a killer "that is completely busted because she denies healing" "is better than average, therefore OP!!!" or just "annoying killer lol"

    God forbid I'd try Skull Merchant or Knight.

    And, get this. We don't need a totally abusable and annoying system that punishes you for daring to not conform to the survivor rulebook. That's what nerfs and balance are for. Even though your "balanced killer "is likely Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 5,499

    What if we add "Survivor exclude" system that would allow us to exclude 3 Survivors from our queue?

  • Member Posts: 633

    Wouldn't make game worse for everyone, definitely surviviors would appreciate such mechanic. That's the miserable side which seem not to enjoy and not have enough players lately ;p

    Not really, it would be worse even for survivors.

    If you use it? Your queue times will increase and they are already not that low during evening hours...

    If you don't use it? You will basically get to play only against the most "banned" killers → so Nurse/ Blight.

    not have enough players lately

    Kinda funny to say when every evening I have to deal with 3+ minutes queue time on survivors.

  • Member Posts: 633

    Nah, killer can choose 1 item survivors can't use, or enter lobby with it. That would be equivalent, which I bet some killers would enjoy.

    So easier games with higher queue times for both sides….

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited January 14

    I can wait for more balanced killer match, I don't mind.

    I bet a lot of people would prefer waiting 1 extra minute.

  • Member Posts: 99

    I think its a pretty good idea. The people who main like blight, nurse etc are people who do not really want a challenge and seek short term gratifications. People say it sucks and that 80% of the killers would be obliterated but thats only because you choose to play an OP killer. Perhaps its time to try something new, Like demo,ghostface, nemisis etc. it must really suck to always face the same killers from a survivor pov. You guys probably run franklin knockout surge and weave attunement to that as well and slug everyone for minimal effort.

  • Member Posts: 374
    edited January 14

    My idea would be great for surviviours actually, with good programming.

    For example only 3 killers that party leader banned would be not searched for.

    I am playing solo q today and 40% of my matches are blight and nurse. I just lost against nurse with 4 gens left ;p

  • Member Posts: 226

    This would be a huge W of a change. With so many more killers in the roster than there used to be, even the ability to just ban 1 would be ######### insanely good. Imagine never having to play vs trickster, skull merchant, or pinhead.

  • Member Posts: 339

    Because I like randomness and most people playing do too, friend. I don't like Plague but I'm not gonna be a child about it and go next if I get her, I also wouldn't block her.

    This would just mean some Killers are never played against, some are, and everyone else gets stuck with sweatier games because you didn't want a Blight in your games. It's not fair to punish anyone for playing a character or perks or items they like with any sort of exclusion system. Map offerings are bad enough.

  • Member Posts: 374

    If you like randomness, you would not be forced to use the system.

    Unless you mean that you main blight and nurse and you want randomness within surviviors - casual surviviors to stomp, that would've blocked your character, ahh.

  • Member Posts: 185

    I like how you say “exclude perks.” It’s mostly why distortion was destroyed because killers see survivors’ perks as killer nerfs. However, I do agree that excluding killers would a bad thing. When a new killer comes lots of people wanna play that killer. Like, when the hounds master came out, if people could exclude killer, it would be such a long queue time.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Devs could always prevent blocking new killers for some time.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    I would love this as survivor. I would immediately block all Megs. Sorry to anyone out there who's a good Meg, but you've never been a teammate in my lobby anyway.

  • Member Posts: 633

    I can wait for more balanced killer match, I don't mind.

    Why exactly would it be balanced killer match? Survivors would look for easier matches, that doesn't mean balanced…

  • Member Posts: 530

    Let's be honest. Nurse, Blight and a 3rd strong killer will almost always be on those lists. Which means those killers might not even exist in the first place. I'm sorry but it will not work. This isn't League of Legends. A perk ban system would be interesting though but that needs to be very fleshed out

  • Member Posts: 5

    agreed. though i would love a trump perk that blocks the exits gates because, c'mon.

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