The endurance stacking you can do in this game is a little ridiculous

Between everyone being able to bring OtR, Styptics, DH, and BT if survivors actually realize all the endurance perks you can bring it can sometimes feel like you're not allowed to hit anybody and situations where survivors are just constantly bodyblocking and tanking hits for each other. I guess that's the real issue is endurance is good for stopping tunneling but when survivors realize how effective it is to use endurance offensively DBD feels nothing like a horror game in these moments as people are lining up to get hit on purpose and if you're a m1 killer there isn't a whole lot you can do about it.
Hit them once and all Endurance is gone.
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Thank you for not actually reading my post I appreciate it. I understand how endurance works I'm saying when survivors are stacking endurance and multiple survivors are taking hits for the survivor being chased multiple times per game that's rather problematic because there isn't a ton a lot of killers that can do anything about it.
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I mean, I somewhat understand your point, but again, most Endurance can be deleted with just a single Hit. And if they stack Perks, it is even more Perks which are removed immediatly. And if someone tanks a Hit with Endurance - just tunnel? Usually Killer Players have no problem with tunneling, but now it is suddenly not an option?
And well - the only thing which really provides a lengthy amount of Endurance is OTR. And while OTR can be removed immediatly as well, if someone decides to bodyblock with OTR active, that person did not do anything for quite some time.
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I mean, you list BT in your list of "endurance abuse" perks. It sounds to me like if you're getting hit with BT, then it's doing exactly what it should be doing, since you're back at the hook in less than 10 seconds to walk face-first into it.
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just remove stypic agent and endurance becomes a lot less frustrating
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Show me how this can be ridiculous.
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That's not stacking though. Stacking is something like gen regression where the killer can run multiple perks, each occurring on top of each other..
Mettle of Man can stack on top of an endurance perk would be another example. Healing perks can also stack, its just ineffective.
You seem to be complaining about either the amount of options survivors have and/or that those options can be used to protect a teammate.
Neither of which I think is a problem, though if you are talking about vibe and feeling that's a taste issue. I think survivors trying to protect each other shows the difference between horror movies where the victims survive, and those in which they don't.
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I feel like endurance is a necessary evil. On the one hand, we do need perks to help against tunnelling and endurance does that. On the other, it's a bandaid fix that feels bad whenever it's weaponized against a Killer who may already be struggling in a round. I don't think Endurance should count on protection hits personally, I think it should only become active if YOU are the one being chased. If ypu aren't and you run in, the endurance should be "saved" until you're directly the one being chased. That way, it only punishes tunnelling and can't be abused this way.
Then again, is it really wrong to let Survivors have this tactic at all? Taking hits for people is a part of the game, it's strategy, who's to say they are wrong for doing this?
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the only one of these that should be working on you offensively is BT/OTR (which would be an easy fix if the killer and unhooked survivor lost collision). Every other form of endurance, whether WGLF or styptic is easily countered by counting aloud.
I do empathize with lesser experienced players who don’t know all the ways endurance can trigger, but I also don’t think there are any problematic endurance triggers other than Styptics.
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I generally don't like tunneling unless there isn't really another option, usually if I'm not already in a chase I'll go back to hook to interrupt the heal but go after the unhooker and rotate hooks that way so nobody is going on the hook twice in a row. I'm not really talking about single instances of endurance either. I'm talking about scenarios where people bodyblock go injured then bodyblock with DH and then another person comes in with another DH or styptic. I guess this is really only a SWF issue because solo would never be that coordinated but when you do run into it it does feel problematic because it punishes you for trying to play more fair.
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Nah, endurance is fine as it is. I wouldn't call that endurance stacking to be honest since it has nothing in common with actual endurance stacking where survivors could use all of these in a single chase.
If a survivor dedicates their entire build to get endurance, then they will lack something else and you can capitalise on that.
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Sounds like a you problem.
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Umm you may wanna go back to a few patch notes that had removed endurance stacking ages ago lol.
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You have not seen the 6.1.0 Ptb, right?
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They're not the sharpest tool in the shed.
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Theres is no “stacking endurance” happening because you can’t even do it.