Playercount keeps declining and declining

vBlossom_ Member Posts: 567
edited January 16 in General Discussions

What are your opinions on that?

This time last year it was 42k players in peak, now it's 32k.

And if you look at graph since the start of the year it just gets lower and lower?

Maybe BHVR should take a step back and look if some changes that were introduced some time ago shouldn't be reverted?

  • Maybe some killers should be balanced in better way?
  • Maybe some problematic perks should be looked into?
    • and maybe there shouldn't be a perk that works like that: kick the gen, see all survivors everywhere if you play as high mobility killer?
  • Maybe tunneling shouldn't be as rewarding as it is?
  • Maybe slugging should be penalized?
  • Maybe slugging for 4k should be impossible?
  • Maybe DBD devs should look into why people are giving up?

Idk, what are your thoughts about this? :)


  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 758

    Most games have wave online, so it’s normal that there are ups and downs between major updates

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 285
    edited January 16

    Iv quit because I’m fed up of killers getting the VIP priority in the server. Like why should a killer using a VPN have an advantage against someone who’s paying for super fast wired fibre… every other game I get hits which are crappy and id just like the game to be more fairly accurate?

  • FMG15
    FMG15 Member Posts: 530

    the kill rates have been around the same for years now. Sure, they made some maps smaller but they introduced new bigger ones plus some reworks where they claimed to reduced the size were just reshaped (like eyrie of crows). With the slugging part I agree, I hate them trying to fix everything with perks.

  • vol4r
    vol4r Member Posts: 374

    -19% from november to december is really big decrease.

    We should work on survivior experience asap.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128
    edited January 16

    Tbf, didn't Onryo, Hillbilly, and Blight get major updates this time last year? I feel like there's usually more to the picture when it comes to fluctuating player counts.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    Just looking at the 2nd graph you posted you can see that the game is constantly going through increase in playerbase and slow declines repeatedly.

  • iloveandhatethisgame
    iloveandhatethisgame Member Posts: 403
    edited January 16

    I don’t really take any of these number seriously as this is always the case with the game dropping and increasing player numbers. Plus this doesn’t account for console players

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,339

    A player moving from PC to a PS5 for performance issues is really telling...

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 963

    The game always goes through cycles with the player count depending on seasonality, special events and popular chapter releases. The player count is roughly flat (maybe very slightly down) vs same time in the last 2 years. It’s not dying by any means.

    For those arguing that that Steamcharts isn’t a good benchmark, I think you’re wrong. There’s no reason to believe the trend is significantly different for other platforms. There’s a high probability that the trend is similar on other platforms.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Unfortunately Linux users really get the shaft. SteamDeck verified but any support ticket is immediately closed and flagged as "not supported". There's a pretty hefty memory leak with DbD and the Arch kernel.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,211

    I've got my problems with the game, but the player count is very healthy. You need to compare months.

    There numbers go 2024/2023/2022 in the thousands.

    December: 31.4, 31.3, 32.7

    November: 38.6, 32.6, 33.6

    October: 39.7, 31.1, 38.1

    September: 38.3, 30.1, 37.9

    August; 40.9, 36.1, 36.6

    July: 40.6, 41.2, 37.0

    June: 44.8, 40.1, 49.1

    The numbers look very healthy. 2023 they had a downtick in players, but that was reverse and slightly increased in 2024. The game is going into its ninth year, its unlikely to see any type of large growth and it will, eventually, begin to decline. But if I'm BHVR, I'm generally thrilled with my numbers.