unlucky matchmaking

Just got a match, queued up for 5 minutes on solo que just to lose against blight with 4 slowdowns.
What a time to play survivior
Just remember they're gonna go against sweats now due to inflation of the mmr.
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You're gonna get hard matches sometimes.
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it's more often then sometimes on eu servers brother xd
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On an unrelated note, did you play against a Nurse on Badham yesterday, playing as Ace?
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I remembered you from forum too ;p
1s delay btw
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Yep, exactly that, lol
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but still, kinda back to the topic - that's how my matches go if i play dbd late at night without friends xd p100 nurses, blights xD
We both had 9-10k hours that match and couldnt win against p100 nurse with 2k hours because she focused our teammate who wasn't really good
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Yeah, the Claire who was focussed had 400 hours. But my games yesterday were also really strange, I went against 70% Nurses or so, four of them in a row.
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I literally faced tru3 the other day and he rarely losses if ever, while my escape rate is probably like 10% at best lol.
Mmr is trash, I also went vs other streamers like d3ad plays, cmwinter etc. who have over 10k hours while I don't even have 2k.
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That's exactly what my problem is, mostly nurses and blights, sometimes billys on my MMR and it's so repeatable and miserable, since those are the strongest characters and in good hands its total stomp
I gave up last night on playing dbd, experience wasn't pleasent lately. I chose different game
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Yeah, you are placed with them and thats miserable. tru3 actually plays pretty miserable.
I went against his vecna this month and that was total tunnel on 5 gens. This gameplay doesn't leave any breathing room for surviviors.
Same with me, last week i was matched against seth_kills and he chose to play haddonfield and alt+f4 happened.
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Also, I believe there should me some kind of mechanic, that it detects killer and their personal kill ratio and it doesn't give them easiest maps, so survivors have some breathing room, chance to win.
But hey, at this point it's copium
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I didn't felt that bad since I am used to getting stomped as survivor but you know his current slugging build so you can guess.
But it kinda sucks I have to be a fodder when I decide to play survivor and feed these people who play every day and have so many hours.