Could we revert mft or dh?

MoZo Member Posts: 200

With perks on the killer side like reworked genetic limits and the recently gigabuffed languid and the good old mindbreaker providing the killer constant ways to exhaust survivors, could mft or DH be reverted to their most previous state? Genetic limits would counter both of these perks the moment you injure them. Maybe buff genetic to 10 or 12 seconds to compensate but it feels like dh and mft were in times where the killers had very little recourses to exhaust survivors to counter their perk. Now that killers have reliable ways to exhaust survivors I want to know if you all think mft or dh (Not both that would be overkill) could be reverted. (Mft to 7.0.0 version and dh to 6.1 version)


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Buff one of the strongest perks in the game to an even stronger version and buff a strong perk back to being one of the strongest perks in the game because the perks that most killers don't use are better now?

    Yes and while we are at it since survivors have a perk to swap hook states and better perks to counter tunneling off the hook lets just remove basekit bt

  • EternalRique
    EternalRique Member Posts: 149

    I mean paired together they both are super strong; just use your dead hard for the endurance when you need it and boom, now you're in deep wound with your 3% speed boost with made for this.

  • RFSa09
    RFSa09 Member Posts: 969

    It would be cool on a DBD classic, but in the main game? Pls no

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,957

    Could? always.

    Should? absolutely not.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    DH is fine as it is, the only thing I would want for BHVR to look into is whether the DH animation changes a survivor's hitbox/movement speed, because killers often miss hits on players using DH in ways they would have not missed had the player not DH'd. Which is unlucky for the DH player because it often leads to them dying seconds later when otherwise their DH would have saved them.

    Well, that and to look into server validation again, although that's much less of a DH-specific issue than it is a general hit authority issue they should be looking to revamp altogether.

    MFT could however go up to 4 or even 5% Haste. Now that it is tied to Deep Wound it is not abusable - not only is it highly situational, but even if you do manage to get put into Deep Wound, the killer can opt not to chase you leaving you to have to mend and lose the perk's benefit again. It could even be argued that with 4/5% being less surreptitious of a speed difference and therefore allowing the killer to more easily notice and abort the chase until you have inevitably mended the change would balance itself.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    MFT being meta led to one of the worst metas the game has ever had for Killer players, killed M1 Killers dead, and ruined Killer diversity. It boosted Survivors to places they couldn't handle after it was nerfed and it was too impactful for most everything. As it is now, it's fine, and still decent as well as a deterrent to tunnelling if you're M1. It's fine now and doesn't need a change, it should never go back to how it was rest in piss it won't be missed.

    DH probably was fine after its first rework but OLD old DH was as problematic as old MFT was. I don't think it should be touched again, it still works fine even with the activation conditions it has now.

    No perk should ever completely negate a basic gameplay tool (lunging for DH) or require bringing certain perks or addons every game to avoid (MFT with exhaustion tools).

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 895


    1. DH and MFT are still strong perks, but right now they are at a spot where you can at least call them balanced.
    2. Apart from old Eruption, first iteration of Ruin and maybe CoB + Overcharge meta there are no killer perks that are remotely close to the power of old DH and MFT
  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,650

    Absolutely not. A rework would be more fitting if you ask me. I personally dislike any haste perks at least as long as haste stacking is a thing.

  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    See this is how I know the forums have an upvote bot issue after tons of the more salty Survivor Mains got banned from here and probably, made new accounts to upvote post. No sane, well rounded player would ever say we need old MFT and DH back, let alone nine of them, because everyone who has any experience at this game knows how bad and unhealthy those metas were for the game.

    I would actually 100% say MFT meta was as bad for Killers as old 3gen meta was for Survivors, and I say this without a hint or shred of irony whatsoever, because I played through it and it was genuinely that awful for M1 Killers especially. You really had to be mobility and powerful as Killer or bring Exhaustion stuff every round, yes, it WAS that bad.

    Anyone genuinely wanting this back is too new to know better, a troll looking to bait, or doesn't play enough Killer to understand why this perk cannot and should not ever go back to its original form in any way.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    Idk how balanced it would be but I'd really like to see how original Dead Hard would perform if we kept the once-per-hook-state limitation

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 840
    edited January 18

    In chaos shuffle yesterday i got DH and iron will and was like ok, iron will is my base kit perk but I usually do not run exhaust not even dh, so am like ok lets see if i got the old touch.

    Sadly i had 2 useless perks because the killer got lucky and had languid touch so it just made both useless while being chased. But ofc its ok for killers to stack tons of haste crap but an issue if survivors have even a little 3%.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    Ill also add that with the upcoming changes to Deep Wound (with mending becoming automatic in chase) Made For This could certainly do with a change, however reverting it is not the answer, the nerf it received was justified.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 631

    Lol, no

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055
  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,286

    But that was broken. Getting free speed just for being injured?

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,194

    Part of me is being funny but I really do love perks that give you passive effects for being injured.

  • TWS001
    TWS001 Member Posts: 338

    They were originally somewhere between extremely powerful and completely busted. New Dead Hard is fine and still good but original MFT just hurt the weaker killers without antiloop, such as Pig. Anything that discourages variety isn't good for the game.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,990
    edited January 20

    Except to make them better and more useful. Such as reveting them to a stronger version. And Im sure you agree, they were much stronger than today's iteration.

    Yes, overtuned back then. But maybe not in today's environment. I'd be down for a ptb lol. /s

    Tbf, both are good atm. MFT is a little less good.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,183

    I wouldn't mind some more forum drama again 😈

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,959

    Fortunately, there are 100+ perks which just suck and need to be improved significantly, and they take priority over a perk that ruled the meta.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,310

    I think the issue with this suggestion is that an inability to Exhaust survivors was never really the issue with either perk.

    Post 6.1.0 Dead Hard was, as far as I can gather, mostly changed purely for experience-related reasons. A lot of players found it frustrating and overbearing to bait DH in every chase, and while I never really had that experience myself, I can understand why something would be changed on those grounds.

    You could argue that more good Exhaustion tools means killer players wouldn't need to bait DH, but at that point we circle around the conversation around whether you should ever NEED to run specific perks just to handle something overbearing on the opponent's side. Probably not a safe bet to touch DH when it currently works perfectly fine, it's an entirely worthwhile perk.

    Made For This had the major issue of stacking with other tools to create truly unfair levels of Haste that led to some survivors just not being catchable at all. I'm fully aware what the popular consensus was and is on this perk, and to be clear, I disagree with it: MFT on its own was never all that problematic since almost every killer had ways of dealing with it just in their power's basekit, and the ones that didn't could just play smarter to adapt.

    You could revert MFT if you made an additional few changes to it to support it, though. I'd pitch it something like this:

    • Made For This provides a 3% boost to movement speed while injured and running
    • Made For This deactivates if you are Exhausted
    • Made For This will not increase your movement speed above 3%; if something else has a higher number than that MFT simply doesn't do anything, and if something has a lower number than that MFT will raise it to 3% but no higher

    Effectively, two major changes: It doesn't have Endurance at all, and you can't stack it with other tools to give crazy sustained boosts. It'd be a hyper-committal tool that defines your build because it necessarily boxes a ton of other tools out and has anti-synergy with them.

    Still. That'd probably make people mad, so I don't see it happening. MFT isn't even bad right now, it's perfectly fine, so this kind of change isn't even necessary, just doable.