Post your yearly stats here!

The DBD yearly stats are rolling out, and I think it'd be cool to have a thread where we all share our individual stats!
Here's mine:
Some interesting notes:
The hours played seems to only take into account actual match time, not time spent in lobbies. Compared to my recap, SteamDB says I have ~600 hours of game time this year. That's over half my time in queues and menus!
I escaped ~44% of all my matches, which is pretty decent I think! I play a lot of solo and considering the average survival rate is 40%, I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far.
In my killer matches, I got ~8 hooks per game (I think it was like 7.8 something). Killer has always been my better role in all my time playing so this doesn't surprise me too much, but I'm still impressed x3
My estimations of being a 40/60 Survivor/Killer main are pretty much bang on too, with a ~37/63% ratio between the roles.
What did your year in DBD look like?
Don't have mine yet.
The hours played seems to only take into account actual match time, not time spent in lobbies.
I wonder if it is only taking into account the main game, and not special modes.
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Where do you check to see if they sent? Email?
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Yeah, the email your BHVR account is linked to if you have newsletters on.
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I really want to seen mine but the emails are so hit and miss. Sometimes I’ll get them and other times I won’t. I got their email about the chaos shuffle starting so hopefully I’ll get this one too.
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this is super dope and glad to see u still going strong in dbd. 44% excape rate nothing to laugh at. Legion main cool
man I'm refreshing my email but no stats yet 😟
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I had 1,224 killer games played. I play every killer in the game to varying degrees on PS5, and I averaged out to about 7.5 hooks per game. I think that's pretty great overall. I'm happy about that.
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Sadly I dont get Emails like this. I only get Ads from BHVR. I know that Chaos Shuffle has returned, but I dont get fun things like this.
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PSA: Rule found his in spam for some reason.
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There's websites out there that give you all those stats.
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This is what I got
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BHVR should just show the magic MMR number
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Funny how my own personal Escape rate is pretty close to 40%.
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This newsletter thing is infact entirely pointless.
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Unless you're on Xbox, or Playstation, or Switch, Or Epic….
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Got just mine now recently
Would seriously like to see stats like this in the actual game
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I received my stats earlier today, but I doubt they're entirely accurate.
My email said my most played survivor was Felix. I used to main him for maybe my first year, so this would've been true back in 2022, but I definitely only played as him in a handful of matches over the past couple years. I'd assume Jeff would've been my most played survivor in 2024, due to him still having hundreds of anniversary offerings I've slowly been working my way through. Maybe Gabriel instead, but it DEFINITELY wasn't Felix.
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Fair enough I guess.
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I’m happy with my stats 40% escape rate and 8 hooks per game. I’ll take it
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34% escape rate and 7.5 hooks per game. Those numbers sound right to me.
The hours make me think 2v8 isn't counted at all, and maybe not chaos, because I played a lot of those.
Went to my gmail promotions folder for those who might have trouble locating it.
Same for me. It said Claudette and I don't think I've played Claudette in 2024. She was the survivor I mained when I started the game and I played a lot with her, but in 2024 I switched up my survivors constantly, but never touched Claudette (maybe if I had a daily or archive, but not sure if that even happened).
It listed Wraith as the killer I played the most and I also think that's wrong. That the killer I played a ton of when I started the game, but at least I have played him in 2024.
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And it doesn't work for the majority of players.
Only for PC players.
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I strong armed him and got em
Being a hero apparently isn't good for ones health XD
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Anyone else not receive theres yet? Despite enabling personalised emails
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I haven't received the stats for one of my two accounts. I worry because it's never received any emails despite enabling personalized emails pretty soon after the original announcement about iri shard rewards for doing so.
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I haven't yet either
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I'd never have guessed about my most played characters. Real surprise 🫢
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Thank you for this post, it's great to see all your stats! <3
For those that don't have them yet, do not worry, they're rolling out in batches
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Dwight_Fairfield???? Maining Dwight Fairfield???? Well I'll never!
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Oof, gotta work on those escapes. I wish it also showed how many moris I performed.
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75% escape rate, 8.5 hooks per game. 9.4 minutes average match duration. Felix and Wraith. Although for the characters I think people's suspicions that these represent the overall most-played ones rather than being limited to 2024 are correct.
I had really hoped for more detailed stats. At the very least things like killers most faced, maps most played. Ideally even encounter/kill/escape percentages per killer and map. Perks most used/faced. Or at least a top 5 for things like these.
Instead we don't even get total kills and hook stages, so while we can see our survival rate we can't see our kill rate. Still neat to have, but quite disappointing.
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LEGION! Eewwww lol
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Are the stats only counting regular 1v4 mode and not the event modes? My PS recap has me at 218 hours but the DBD email has me at 24.9. I go for the fastest queue and played mainly the event modes, there's no way I spent nearly 200 hours in DBD lobbies.
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havent gotten mine yet.. guess theyre saving the hottest and sexiest for last
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I've been a very dedicated legion main for nearly 5 years at this point x3
I'm very high up on the leaderboards for Survivors downed in Deep Wound. I was well into the top 100 at one point but I'm not quite sure what I am now considering I've just come back from a decently long break.
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I don’t have stats because I think it’s stupid that we have to jump through hoops to get them. I don’t want to sign up for a newsletter and I don’t want to sign up for a BHVR account. These stats should be available to every player, regardless of what platform they play on, and they should be live every time you log in. You shouldn’t have to do a bunch of extra stuff and then wait for an occasional update to get emailed to you. Ridiculous
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Here are mine:
This gives me an escape rate of 35% (better than I expected) and a hook rate of 7.4 hooks per game.
I'm assuming these are just my stats for the regular mode across both Switch and Steam. Although I'm sure I've played more hours than this overall, since if there's an event or modifier on, I pretty much play those exclusively or I don't play the game at all.
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Got mine 😄
I was expecting chucky and sable to be my most played but i guess i played these characters a lot earlier in the year.
My escape rate is pretty low at 34% 😩 As killer though i am averaging 8.2 hooks a game (i have to wonder if this includes hook stages though)
My playtime split seems to be around 74/26 for killer and survivor respectively.
Hope my escape rate can be better next year lol2 -
Nothing here yet...
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Mine seemed about what I expected.
Most played was Leatherface and Nea. I was a little surprised Myers wasn’t #1 but I suspect it was close. And this was the year I got Nea to prestige 100 because she’s a cool gay skate punk.
I played survivor about 60% of the time (and it’s always solo queue, since none of my friends play), and I escaped about 37% of the time (I’m pretty mediocre as survivor despite playing it the majority of the time).
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32% escape rate and 7 hooks per game. It said I played Yui and Trapper the most but I know for sure it was the Pig. I switch my survivors a lot so it's possible about Yui. Not bad for Soloq I guess.
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Well DBD is definitely lobby simulator when comparing stats with platform stats
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I thought Nemi would be my top. I guess not. If this is accurate I'm happy with my escape rate since I'm a 100% solo player. I'm not surprised my hours played is low. I really dropped how much I played last year.
I wish there was more detail. Top 5 killers/survivors played and how many hours on each. Maybe your top 5 perks used. Maybe even the top killers/survivors you face etc… It really needs to be fleshed out more.
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Character stats are lifetime and not 2024 lol. I had over 10k trials with Quentin but had to retire them last year when they reached P100 and ran out of cake.
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sure looks like the stats of a hottie to me
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I'll take 43% in solo queue. Stinky Nurse main.
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how often are u 4stacking? I'm really curious
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idk make of it what you will.
I've been maining Unknown since it came out, though.
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I do not play survivor without a full team of 4 friends. The only thing I ask of them is to stack bloodpoints. Most do not run meta perks or items, some don't even use comms. I have a fairly significant number of hatch escapes. Would be interesting to see some more detailed stats next time they offer.
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Games played/hours seem a bit low to me, but the stats aren't bad :D