Add basekit anti-slug already

The situation is already going beyond the limits, look how the survivors are being tortured, not allowed to play, not even allowed to earn bloodpoints and xp, and also prevented from completing unhook challenges. It would not have hurt you to give this player a temporary ban, this player constantly humiliates your programmers and your campaign in his videos!
Slugging are fine and not that hard to beat if you are good
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We're going to ask this again because we never get a satisfying answer: What can the devs add that would both be fair and not abusable?
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The solution isn't an anti-slug mechanic. The solution is to simply have the game end when all survivors are unable to progress the game.
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Can make the perk itself then be unlimited but with a 2 min cool down on it , see this should not let it be too good but decent and 2mins is alot of time for killer to decide hook or slug. Just my opinion
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We do kinda like that idea but that isn't a basekit mechanic.
If adding a 2 minute base unbreakable then left with the squads who can, for practical purposes such as lights, keep the killer from picking up the survivor who will be effectively bleed out anyway but probably longer.
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Well then bots and finisher mori should be gone. Bots being gone mean I can eat a small penalty for my fourth can get a chance for hatch, or finisher mori removed. With both gone there is no reason to slug anymore other than being a ass since hook respawns do exist.
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I think it's about time I head back to the salt mines and dig out my good old Slugbubba for a couple of weeks and get myself some wins.
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I'm not sure if the developers are going to take the community seriously if we really try to run with "Make Hooks Great Again".
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Here are a few ideas;
1: The Survivors can pick themselves up under certain conditions such as;
- Only two Survivors remain.
- All remaining Survivors are slugged.
- A Survivor is slugged for 60 seconds and no teammates are within 20 meters (a distance that cannot be realistically covered for potential saves, preventing lose-lose situations for the Killer like in that horrid PTB).
Managing to get up using one of these methods (not in general) would grant a brief Endurance period (to prevent Killers from simply standing over a slug and down them instantly) akin to an unhook.
2: If all Survivors are slugged or if only 2 Survivors remain and one is slugged for more than 15 seconds, the slugged Survivor(s) can choose to instantly bleedout. These deaths would count as bleedout deaths (low bp, no hook actions) for emblem, challenges and pipping purposes.
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I’m guessing my solution of base-kit Tenacity and base-kit unlimited Unbreakable falls under unfair and abusable doesn’t it?
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anti-base kit, you can't pressure team mechanics for killer. how about no?
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maybe make hooks worth going for again
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Being an ass is about practically all it XD
Laughs aside, removing these doesn't really solve the issue of the killer choosing to slug. Removing bots just lets you eat the penalty for a decent reason. Removing the finisher mori also doesn't solve issue, it'll at best dial it down a bit. Slugging is a choice people make for whatever good or bad reason.
For the first the devs would need to program in the parameters which would take awhile so who's to say they aren't doing something like that already. Another thing is that one also doesn't solve the killer slugging everyone to bleed as the condition says 2 survivors. Third is one of those removes practically any incentive for survivors to pick each other up. If the killer loses the slugged survivor for whatever reason (from chasing a flashlight to being an arse) survivors know the slug got a weaker unbreakable to up eventually. We know that we'd be content to work on a gen or hide knowing eventually the team gets back up from the corner. The endurance part wouldn't really work as the killer would probably just keep repeatedly slugging (in the cases of slugging for the 4k).
For the second has the issue of certain scenarios. First is when the killer downs someone and the other is nearby (probably with a light) or is seen/located immediately after said down. Generally the killer goes to kill the dummy who's spotted in these types of scenarios and we atleast don't blame them in these cases. Second is when survivors practically hand themselves up to die (down one, see another, down them, see another, down them, hook this one, lost 2 slugs with the last hiding). This one robs the killer of points and challenges if the last one can survive 15 seconds.
If we'd be forced to choose, we'd pick option 1, granted after adding/combining conditions.
Proooooobably yeah
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All remaining Survivors are slugged.
Doesn't really have good implication. What if I manage to slug three survivors as Oni and chase last one? I should just follow them until everyone else bleed out?
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In this hypothetical mechanic, there would be a decent amount of time to reach before being able to recover, time which the Killer should use to hook. Maybe multiple conditions can trigger the mechanic etc.
And quite frankly, if you manage to down an entire team at once as Oni, then they are either greatly outmatched or you have 1000 ping, either way they aren't making a comeback.
Also, those are basic ideas, building upon them and then hoping that said ideas are implemented in a healthy way is the goal.
Side-note: If you would purposefully let 3 people bleedout for 4 minutes while chasing 1 Survivor but keeping him up out of spite, then you are part of the problem that this thread (and countless others since the ill-thought-out Finisher Mori was implemented) are desperately trying to solve.
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Yes, the solution is easy: every 30 seconds we can get up and plus 10s endurance that are not interrupted when healing another survivor so slugging won't continue!
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either way they aren't making a comeback.
so instead of going next maybe for better team, I am going to keep torturing some babies…
let 3 people bleedout for 4 minutes while chasing 1 Survivor but keeping him up out of spite, then you are part of the problem that this thread
Well, not my fault if system is flawed.
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Basekit, the op wants something basekit
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Yeah this is an amazing idea dude!
We should also just remove the hooks and let killers Mori right away. They are killers after all.
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Thank you dear for supporting my suggestion😘