very scared of the upcoming pinhead changes

a while back bhvr announced they have things planned for pinhead
i am very worried about what they have in store because this killer, imo, is the best designed killer ever put out
pinhead's power is soooo unique, there is a very low margin of error for both sides and many niche things you have to learn when playing him to succeed. its a true test for both sides when hes being played
he is the embodiment of map knowledge + game sense, as well as knowledge of the power itself and mechanical skill with the controllable chain
his gameplay loop of finding the box, interrupting survivors trying to do it, chaining survivors in chase makes him feel like one of the only killers in the game with true 1v4 potential, and that 1v4 potential is given in an interesting way with the chains imo.
we know bhvr likes to cater towards the majority and we know how much people complain about pinhead in solo q so my concern is that they will nerf or change an aspect of this killer that makes him unique. i think he is perfect as is
and it sucks because if they do anything bad to this killer then it will likely go through no matter what, pinhead mains are few and far between due to the skill needed for this character like i stated above
yes ik, people will say that he is miserable against solo q (i think thats an exaggeration) but literally every killer is miserable against solo q because solo q sucks.
i really do not hope they deface this masterpiece of a killer just because people who only play the inferior gamemode complain
Pinhead box gameplay is in the perfect state however his main power the Chains is terrible even if you get a hit with his chain it's easily forgotten cause the chains breaks on objects and the environment so easily which is why impaling wire is basically a mandatory addon.
I genuinely hope they remove chain break on environments when he gets changed
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The box is fine, but his chains badly need to be stronger. Pinhead's main issue is that his chases are much too long, and too weak overall because of how little his chains can really do in chase. I would like to see them be used more like a projectile tool, or at least harm or hinder Survivors breaking free of them, because using the chains is the most fun part of the Killer and actually takes a lot of skill to do well.
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Pinhead shouldnt be able to break his own chains either. The box is perfect but you get little value out of your shots when Deathslinger and Houndmaster can do a much better job for far less stress.
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They don't need to do any changes to the box. His chains in chase should be slightly stronger and Original Pain should be reworked, it's literally just a tunneling addon and isn't healthy
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Hopefully just nuking engineer's fang and original pain. Very sleeper addons imo.
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Only issues I see for Pinhead: -
The Original Pain add-on that deep wounds you when you break a chain.
His ability to slow and tunnel a person off hook is already good, the OP add-on just makes it a completely free uninteractive unga bunga snore. There is nothing the survivor off hook can do, cause they are animation locked until the unhook finishes and are a sitting duck... so I think this needs an entirely new effect. Something cool and unique, like:
- When hitting a survivor with a Possessed Chain Attack, if any other Survivor is within 4m, all survivors in range will be bound by 2 chains.
- Healthy survivors will gain an additional 2 chains.
This switches this add-on to being far better punishing body blocking and targetting the healthy survivors, over tunneling injured ones. May even allow a hit on the injured survivor and follow up on the healthy survivor.
PWYF and STFBL losing stacks on chain hits.
Probably a coding limitation since the Engineers Fang CAN injure, and handling that is clunky, but it would be great if that could be fixed.
Maybe attaching an attack property to the killer special attacks that is checked as part of PWYF and STBFL would future proof this perk, and have the respective add-ons set it on/off.
The loss of STBFL hurt Pinhead a lot, although he got Rapid Brutality to make up for it, it would be great to see him able to use it again.
Oher than that, I think he's fine.
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All I really want is to go against a Pinhead and not have the game finish before the first generator pops. I am a veteran player but I could not explain to someone what his counter-play is on a basic level. Every time I go against a Pinhead, another player tends to quit/DC/suicide before the first generator in solo-queue. At that point, I’ve already joined the fodder to go next.
I don’t think the developers should inherently change characters because they are disliked, but there is something about him that causes people to not want to play the game … and it seems more than the usual.
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Sucks for you then cause that's a common request for pinhead so it's gonna be implemented most likely based on feedback
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They already nuked Fang; the addon sees almost no use. They can just rework those 2 entirely
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I get what you mean. I’m a SoloQ main, so whenever I see pinhead in my games it usually goes 1 of 2 ways: everyone gets out aside from maybe 1 due to end game camping. Or 2: everyone is dead at like 4 gens.
I think SoloQ in general deserves much more grace than it receives, as it doesn’t make sense to continually dismiss its struggles if you prefer people to play it over SWF. You need there to be some kind of incentive to play Solo over SWF and right now there isn’t much of one. That being said I think a major reason why it’s so tough is because survivors have no way to practice against killers unless by chance. Killer can do custom matches with any survivor perk or item even if they do not own it themselves, giving them an opportunity to play against different perk combinations on any map they need practice on. It’s great. Survivors would benefit so much from the same kind of tools.
Pinhead is kind of rare so many people may not even know the counter play because they don’t see him often. Right now the game expects you to learn it through trial by fire and you never get to decide when those trials happen. It could be once every month or so which means it’s going to take you a very long time until you can comfortably perform counter play when you obtained not only knowledge of it but also the skill to pull it off.
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I think that would be best for both tbh. I think fang is like pinky finger and iri head; even if they are no longer strong they’re still zzzz to face and I’d rather them be reworked to be interesting or cool like dracula’s exit gate hellfire shield or gate blocking or literally anything else
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Well they are doing that thing where you can play as a killer for events and such, which should hopefully help address this somewhat…
I fundamentally believe the best way to learn survivor is to play killer. Knowing how the killers power works is the first major step to understanding the killer, and then knowing the killers limitations is the second… you get both so much quicker playing the killer than playing against them as survivor. After that it's practice and optimising movement, which is only earned playing vs. the killer, but you can make up a lot of ground just having knowledge.
I have a friend who holds the opinion that vast majority of killers are overpowered for numerous reasons, and I've exasperatingly explained to him again and again that he has never played killer, so he doesn't know what the killer can do, and importantly what the killer can't do, so of course he thinks they're overpowered.
I mean anyone who plays with me will tell you I'm a total goober, but even I am better than a lot of players with 3 times my hours simply because I can read the game and I know how most things work. It is a slippery slope though, because I see so many bad plays from survivors where they give the killer exactly what they want and then are suprised when the game runs away from them… I've many times said "What the hell are you doing!? Where are these idiots when I'm playing killer!?" xD
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killers should not be changed because people refuse to learn counterplay and just give up instead
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Pinheads slowdown is strong against very uncoordinated teams, good against ok teams, and almost non-existent against really good teams. His chase badly needs to be looked at, as do some of his addons. Original pain, as mentioned by the others is the one addon that needs to be changed the fastest.
Let's compare Pinhead to Pig. Piggy is undeniably the killer with the strongest build in slowdown in dbd. Pinheads is a lot weaker. Therefore his chase should be much better than hers, right?
On a lot of maps, this sadly isn't the case, and we are talking about the ambush here.
He should easily beat her in chase, due to his weaker slowdown. Therefore his chase should be buffed.
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I understand your perspective and want to start by saying I respect it. Even if we don’t agree I don’t think that makes your knowledge or opinions any less valuable and I appreciate the discussion.
In my opinion, I don’t believe that playing one role automatically makes you good at the other. While playing both roles can certainly offer valuable insights (like learning basic killer mechanics as a survivor or understanding survivor strategies as a killer) the two roles present unique challenges and demand different skills. For example, looping as a survivor is will be different from looping as a killer, in one you’re running away and the other you are running towards, so you have to look at the resources around that loop differently depending on which role you’re playing. Watching how survivors loop or even playing killer can give you ideas, but successfully executing those strategies as either survivor or killer requires practice, muscle memory, and the ability to adapt under pressure. Simply put, knowledge alone isn’t enough—it’s a skill you need to build over time. (In my opinion)Another issue with relying on playing killer to improve as a survivor is the cost in both time and money. To fully understand a killer’s power and limitations, you need to not only purchase that killer but also spend time learning how to play them effectively. I feel this isn’t a reasonable expectation for everyone, especially for players who might not enjoy playing killer in the first place, and are only looking to learn how to practice against them and aren’t interested in the role overall.
And when compared, killers have access to survivor bots and survivor perks that they don’t need to personally own since perks aren’t locked behind paywalls for practice purposes. Offering killer bots for survivor practice would simply level the playing field by providing similar opportunities for survivors to learn and improve in my opinion.
I don’t personally feel players should be forced to play a role they don’t enjoy just to improve their experience on the other “side.” Which is why I think that killers having access to a resource like survivor bots is great, as they aren’t forced to practice a killer they aren’t familiar with in live games, and they can better understand survivor perks and perk combinations to prepare themselves to counter okay. Killer bots would allow survivors access to the same resource that killers already have. A resources that I personally think is very valuable. But I understand others may feel differently, and that’s okay! :)
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I don't think there's much else that could be done to Engineer's that isn't a total rework. It is pretty boring but after the previous nerf it got it's not actually super strong.
For Original Pain I was thinking if they want to keep the addon similar while removing what makes it problematic (deep wound enabling tunneling) they could just replace deep wound with mangled and hemorrhage instead, so it still acts as slowdown on injured survivors like it can now but without negating base BT/OTR
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In hindsight, it did seem I was contradicting your point, that's me giving a half answer... 😏
I think I agree with pretty much every point you've made. I suppose when I say "playing killer is the best way to learn", a more accurate assessment/statement would probably have been "a vital part of understanding survivor is understanding killer gameplay and motivations, as well as mechanics".
For example, I feel a lot of Survivors who have never played killer, look at things like tunneling and slugging as inexcusable problems with the game, and a decision a killer just makes at the detriment of survivor enjoyment... and that isn't true in a lot of cases. There are instances of it being forced by the killer undoubtedly, but more often it is the byproduct of an opportunity a survivor player has given the killer, and I think a player who plays both regularly looks at those same scenarios with a "if you make it profitable to do it, of course the killer is going to tunnel/slug". That's obviously one example, there are numerous others, but you get my point.
You do raise a point though that it perhaps shouldn't be a requirement to play killer to effectively learn survivor... and I realise now the framing of my previous point had an unintended "we don't need that, because there's gonna be this!" sound to it...
So to clean that up, I don't see the ability to play vs. killer bots (even those you don't have) in a custom game would be a bad thing to learn killer power/counter gameplay. Would be a great feature if done well... I suppose my only contention would be that I wouldn't put much faith in a bot being accurate enough to effectively learn said counterplay against a real player... which is not an indictment of BHVR, just an acknowledgement of how difficult that would be to do...
AI often has to effectively cheat in order to be effective, which is why the Nurse bot was cracked because she basically had permanent wall hack on you at all times (and survivor bots are the same).
So if it could be done... Aces! 😁🤘
Practical? 🤔😶
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Ah, yes I better understand your point. And I am in agreement! While I don’t believe people should be forced to play either role, I absolutely do think everyone should at least try both roles in order to better understand the struggles and challenges each represent. Both roles being free does give us a rare opportunity to truly experience “if you were in my shoes” and I think it’s fairly obvious when people don’t take advantage of that opportunity because a blatant lack of empathy is usually displayed. Such as your examples of tunneling and slugging and how people in a mob-like mentality around it always being bad all the time and it how it shouldn’t be possible to do.
Personally, I dont want either slugging or tunneling to be completely removed from the game entirely, as they are sometimes unavoidable or necessary. I view them as tools, just like anything else, like pallets or perks. But what I do I believe is that there should be an equal amount of reward/risk when it comes to those tools, just like any other. What’s debatable about slugging and tunneling in contrast to perks or pallets is because these tools essentially are free in the sense that they don’t require any perk slots, nor do they rely on rng, and can be somewhat “spammed” (unlike perks with cooldown or pallets that have a one time use) and of course being that the counters to these tools do require perk slots, many perks of which are on paid characters. In my opinion, the ability to use those tools and the tools themselves are not balanced the same way other tools or tool requirements in the game are, which I think is the “core of the issue” so to speak. I do not support the total elimination of them.
Anyway, all that to say that I agree that if people would experience the struggles of both roles, instead of dismissing either of them by blatant bias or lack of empathy, it would help both roles better understand why things happen the way they do and could lead to more productive conversations on further adjustments with that knowledge in mind. ✌️
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they are gonna kill pinhead my guy
iri box gone reduced to atoms
Original pin gone reduced to atoms
Engineer fang becomes base kit without the injure part
chain hunt? doesn't start unless pinhead picks up the box and has a higher cooldown and less active time
Survivors also solve it quicker and cant be interuped with chains while having 100% aura reading on the killer while holding it and the solving progress holds so you can just tap it when your about to do down
But for real i wouldn't be surprised if they absolutely gutted pinhead and gave him a few pity "buffs" to his bad anti loop chains
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And unfortunately it seems a lot of people only play one side, because I see a lot of complaining from Survivors here about how overpowered every single Killer is - including Stealth Killers and even once, Trapper. Trapper? Yes, Trapper.
I also see a lot of Killer only Players complain about flashlights, not because they are annoying (they are) but because they are "overpowered". Um, in all my thousands of hours of play, confession time, I have only managed to blind with a flashlight a grand total of… two times. They made Flashlights easier, and some of us still cannot use them.
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I just hope they remove the chains breaking with the environment, as it makes him so frustrating by making his power, which is already one of the hardest to hit, get basically no value.
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I don't think they would be gutting him if they made it so he can't interact with the box. If he downs someone holding the box, then it will activate; I feel like that is fair. It kind of sucks when they go and activate the box right when the match starts.
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I heard that man... maybe 10 flashy saves total myself... any killer worth their salt makes it really hard. 😅😅😅
The only way I got that "2 blinds while killer is carrying another survivor" challenge done was to blind them as they hooked. I think they changed it to 1 hook, but I'm so glad that works... cause can you imagine? xD
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that would gut him insanely bad
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Honestly my friend I can't do any blind challenges unless I just run Blast Mine and pray. I refuse to use Flashbang because its sound is glitched (I don't use broken, way too OP, or glitched perks), and flashlights don't work for me. :)
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Unfortunately using the box is important for Pinhead for several reasons. It's half his entire kit, he gets info, he finds a chase target, and he gets some slowdown pressure that way. And him being able to interact with the box at the start and even juggle it is actually, fully intentional by the Developers as it's really no worse than being hit with Lethal Pursuer is. No matter how annoying some Survivors may find it he is supposed to be able to do that and it would actually be very unfair to him if he couldn't.
If you take away Pinhead interacting with his box, you not only gut him - you destroy him by removing half of his power. It would be like if BHVR decided to take away Dredge's ability to interact with lockers in any way, or took away Ghostface's ability to crouch, or took away Trapper's ability to pick and re-place his traps at all (without the addon for it).
I don't want to make any judgement calls about you or your skills, but it seems like by this post you either don't play much Killer, or don't play Pinhead. Nobody who has played this character would ever suggest removing half of his kit this way.1 -
My suggestion doesn't eliminate the box or the ability to slow people down. It simply reduces the lethal pursuer's access multiple times throughout the match. I understand that those who regularly use the character may have a different viewpoint.
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it kinda does tho, one of pinheads main strengths is the ability to gain the edge at the start and slow gens while you chase a survivor which no other killer can do, from that point its up to the survivors to break the chain hunt cycle.
its not overpowered or anything to be able to get the box at the start, thats what makes this character unique, its the ability to shift the start of the match towards your favor if you understand how the box spawns2 -
If I were to guess they'll probably buff the chains themselves but in exchange neuter the box to where it's just a suggestion like pig's traps.
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I understand what you are saying but still can't agree with this. That is one of the main strengths of the power, and I promise it's avoidable by hopping in a locker when you hear the little "he just picked the box up" jingle. It isn't that hard to avoid… and also the Killer does not see where the box is unless he uses a specific addon, so there is no true "Lethal Pursuer" effect at the start. He has to triangulate that all himself, unless he is using aura perks LIKE Lethal Pursuer - which by the way, a perk being really good on one Killer does not make the Killer's power "too much" nor deserving of a nerf like this.
My point stands.
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Other players have said it well. The box is fine as a mechanic, but Chains as an ability should be made more consistent. Pinhead phasing through his own chains would be an easy fix, and then maybe find a way to make chains spawn logic post hit more consistent.
Aside from that, the addon that essentially lets you tunnel offhook without contest should go.
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ive been playing him alot more recently and the chains are just a joke, you can hit someone 5 times in chase with the chains and still not get a hit. they should not shatter the instant the survivor puts something in the way, it should be like a mini slinger where they break over 1 second or so. they break too fast
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Impaling Wire does feel almost necessary depending on the map. I can see an argument for making it basekit or partial basekit, but I'd settle for all chains consistently connecting whenever a hit is landed. It's so annoying (if not funny) to tag a survivor and see half the summoned chains just not hit.
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I feel that would kill his identity outright; Pinhead is just Box Seeeker #5. As Pinhead, I feel like I'm playing the same "box game" as the survivors which is exciting.
As a pinhead-main survivor player, nothing brings me more glee than finding the Box before Pinhead does. It's like i won a mad dash scavenger hunt! If Pinhead didn't care I feel that sense of "discovery " would disappear.