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2024 recap stats

Has anyone got their stats email and thought it was kinda incorrect?

Here's mine

As you can see it claims I played as Ace the most but that definitely doesn't seem right in 2024 as I cannot even remember the last time I played as him. I feel like the chosen survivor and killer are a complete overall not just for the year.

Excuse the rest of the mediocre stats. I kinda wish it was a bit more in depth too

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  • Member Posts: 3,598

    Im guessing you need to be on the Newsletter to get this?

  • Member Posts: 8,331

    My PS recap said I played 218 hours of DBD, the DBD recap email said I played 24.93. I think it only included regular 1v4 mode because I played a little of that before the anniversary and since then have only played event modes. I played mainly survivor during the events because I want the faster queue so it's not like I played 25 hours in matches and spent just under 200 hours sitting in lobbies waiting.

  • Member Posts: 653

    i'm on the newsletter and still haven't got my stats :(

  • Member Posts: 342

    That's a good point - I haven't compared the hours with the PS recap.

    Quite a drastic difference in your hours for sure.

    Strange that they haven't been more specific what with all the different events we've had.

    Did your most chosen survivor or killer look right?

  • Member Posts: 342

    Oh fingers crossed you receive it soon. Remember to check junk folder too.

    I saw Paulie Esther had his before I did so different regions may be sent out at different times perhaps?

  • Member Posts: 5,965

    I'm suspecting the most played characters are across your entire career. Not sure about the rest, I haven't gotten mine yet.

  • Member Posts: 342

    Seems most likely as I did main Ace in the early years (not realising how much chest focused play was throwing)

  • Member Posts: 745
    edited January 18

    I got mine, and something seems off with my stats. It says that my most played survivor is Claudette, even though I have been mostly playing as Nea last year, because I've collected over 200 anniversary cakes for her, and I'm leveling her to be my first P100 character

  • Member Posts: 342

    How long/how many years have you been playing DBD?

    If previous years of gameplay are included then I feel like many players supposed most played characters of 2024 are going to be incorrect. Interestingly, the hous, hooks and escapes definitely aren't counting prior to the year.

  • Member Posts: 745

    I've been playing about 4-5 years. I did start the game playing mostly Claudette, though. But the stats were supposed (to my knowledge) be about last year, not the whole career

  • Member Posts: 8,331

    For survivor it was Zarina which makes sense if it was regular 1v4 mode since it was the Zarina rift challenges. I played mostly Kate though in the events so should've been her for most played for last year. Even if it was my entire career, not just last year, I think it probably should've been Kate because even though I did main Zarina for a time I mained Kate alot longer and during my heaviest play period of DBD.

    As for killer it was Doctor which could be right since I tend to go between him and Trapper when I do play killer. Doctor I would've been able to play during Anniversary and Halloween where he's my easy BP farming killer. I also would've been playing those modes as killer more than 2v8 just because of the wait, although towards end of 2v8 when the wait lessened I did play alot of Trapper.

    The games played as killer is 19 which is odd when I completed more than 19 killer rift challenges in the event modes. I took a long DBD break after Nic Cage was released so I had a bunch of killer challenges I was able to complete in the events.

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