More and more people want to take away player agency

They want killers to play in a certain way that benefits the survivors but not the other way around. How much are you willing to sacrifice before you end up 30 minutes in survivor queue because you cannot deal with killers doing certain ways that makes you cringe or DC? Player agency is being reduced over the years. Killers already aren't allowed to facecamp, to tunnel, to 3-gen because of 8x anti-gen regression, to breathe so much into your direction, and I'm pretty sure that soon Slugging will be forbidden as well with UB basekit added in a future patch.

I am certain that at some point of this game's lifetime will become so one directional that no killer is willing to play thus I end up not playing survivor anymore because of the queue times.



  • LockerLurk
    LockerLurk Member Posts: 339

    Honestly I just want hooking to mean more than Bloodpoints. :( I miss being able to actually use hooks for pressure, which is why Grim Embrace never leaves my loadouts anymore… because otherwise hooks do nothing much that a slug couldn't do better.

    And I just don't like playing that way.

  • Camilll3e
    Camilll3e Member Posts: 14

    That happens with every asym games. One side will complain and the other side will suffer.

  • Roco45
    Roco45 Member Posts: 131
    edited January 19

    The issue is SWF, it's not an issue with Surv in general or even Killer. SWF is ruining the game for everyone else.

  • TwinsMain2004
    TwinsMain2004 Member Posts: 148

    kill rate is not win rate

    I forgot the exact metric but you can win like 3 times as killer then get a draw like 7 times in a row and it'd be a 60% kill rate

    dont quote me on the stats as i forgot the but its basically this

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 433

    That's a lot to ask of most killers on the roster given how safe most maps are unless the survivors are seriously outskilled. Most maps have an overabundance of pallets and easily chainable strong tiles.

  • xGodSendDeath
    xGodSendDeath Member Posts: 433

    While you're occupying that survivor in chase, the hooked survivor gets unhooked and either stays injured or heals in 2 seconds with Resurgence or We'll Make It. Those two then tag team the nearest generator and finish it quickly. You'll have already lost 2 or 3 gens at this point against good survivors. You're better off taking a pallet or two from the person you're chasing then being a back to the hook Harry. The pace of efficient survivors is too fast for what you're describing

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,990

    Something about comp becoming the new rave. Or influx of new players from IP's coming in, could be bringing less desireable types. All kinds of reasons but hard to pin one or two down.

    But the comp scene seems to have taken off with people and when streamers are doing this, there will be sheep that follow and because their streamer said so, its law. This is my best guess.

  • DeBecker
    DeBecker Member Posts: 446

    Imagine this would not have been just a bait post and people really complain that they have so many options to circumvent gameplay and the other side dislikes them. Hilarious.

  • PleaseRewind
    PleaseRewind Member Posts: 125

    It used to work somewhat in SoloQ. I remember well a l lot of players couldn't help themselves and try for the save and didn't sit on gens. Especially when hook grabs were a thing. It's dead and buried thankfully.