Sadako/ Onryo addon pass

Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694
edited January 20 in Feedback and Suggestions

🔴 Iri videotap

  • Hitting a Survivor within 8 seconds after Manifesting turns on the last TV turned off. (partially reverted).
  • Sadako can teleport to a turned off TV, which activates it afterwards again. She does not spread condemned, when teleporting to a turned off TV đź“ş. (new)

🟣 Telephone

  • Survivors suffer from a -8% (was -3%) hindered Status Effect for 3 seconds, when Manifesting within 7 meters of them.
  • Reduces the required time to manifest and demanifest by 0,2 seconds. (new)

🟣 Tape editing deck

  • Causes all Survivors to start the Trial with a VHS Tape. All survivors must bring their VHS-Tapes to the TV, that is farthest from their current location.
  • Survivors who are in a 3-5 meter radius to an active TV get twice as many stacks of condemned and are revealed by killer instinct. (new)

🟢 Ring drawing

  • Condemned Survivors spread their Condemnation to other Survivors, who complete a Healing action on an injured Survivor. (revert)

🟢 Rickety pinwheel

  • Survivors suffer from the obvious effect and hear no lullaby (new), when within 12-16m (was 8m) of turned on TVs. This effect lingers for 1-2 seconds (new). When turning the TV off, the addons range is quartered (new).

🟢 Well water

  • Every time a generator gets completed every survivor receives a stack of condemned. (New)

🟡 Sea-soaked cloth

  • Survivors suffer from the blindness Status effect when within 12-16m (was 8m) of turned on TVs. This effect lingers for 1-2 seconds (new). When turning the TV off, the addons range is quartered (new).

🟡 Well stone

  • At the start of a match she crawls out of a TV next to a survivor and the TVs are not on a 30s long cooldown. (new)
  • Reduces the time it takes for TVs to turn back on by -9 seconds (was -7s).

🟡 Clumb of hair

  • Reduces the threshold for full Invisibility while Demanifasted by 12m (was 6m) and this effect lingers for 1s (new) 

🟡 Reikos watch

  • The haste from protection gets turned into hinderd and given to survivors for the duration of the speed in a 16m range of the TV. (New)

⚪️ Cabin sign

  • Hitting a survivor breaks their tape. (New)

⚪️ Newspaper

  • Increases the duration of your full Invisibility after Manifesting and while being demanifasted (new, merged with reikos watch) by +33 %.

Addons that become basekit or partially basekit:

  • Newspaper: She is invisible for 1.2 (was 1) seconds after manifesting.
  • Well water: She stays undetectable while flickering after manifesting.

In the following you find 2 discussions about, how I would change Sadako to make her more fun for both sides.

Thanks for reading!

What do you think of the addon changes?

Post edited by Langweilg on


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited January 18

    wake me up when Onryo's manifiest duration is properly fixed to 1.2 seconds. When you do fix it, I'd recommend buffing

    Telephone: "Survivors suffer from a -3 % hindered hindered Effect for 3 seconds when manifiesting within 7 metres of them."[Old effect]

    New Effect

    A survivor suffers from a 5% Hinder effect for 1.2 seconds when:

    • After manifesting
    • During the passive Demanifested

    You can no longer gain bloodlust.


    Personally, I think add-on should be base-kit so that the invisibility matches the duration of hindered. If add-on becomes base-kit, I would make it that De-manifesting charge time is reduced by 30% as a new effect. Unfortunately, this would be asking for rework level changes instead of tweak-level changes. tweak+bug fix is likely easier.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694
    edited January 19

    wake me up when Onryo's manifiest duration is properly fixed

    You will probably sleep for 100 years until a prince comes to wake you up.

    A survivor suffers from a 5% Hinder effect for 1.2 seconds when:

    After manifesting

    During the passive Demanifested

    You can no longer gain bloodlust. 

    The addon would still not be very good like that, but I like the idea. The hindered and its duration is too low and losing blood lust would be detrimental.
    4 • 0,05 • 1.2x

    It would safe each time you become invisible 0,24 meters. After 5 times 1.2 meters. After 15 times 3.6 meters. That’s not very much and will barely affect your matches.

    Personally, I think add-on should be base-kit so that the invisibility matches the duration of hindered

    Do you want your idea basekit or the current version?

    De-manifesting charge time is reduced by 30% as a new effect

    I suggested this too for telephone. Just a bit weaker.

    Unfortunately, this would be asking for rework level changes instead of tweak-level changes. tweak+bug fix is likely easier.

    I don’t think this is much work for behavior, but l’m not a programmer. In my mind those things would be very easy to do if they would want to.

    Would be interesting if a dev answers and tells us how much time they would need to do a proper addon pass.

    What do you think of my other addon ideas?

    Post edited by Langweilg on
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited January 19

    distance is very pinnacle in this game. even smallest amount of distance can turn non-hit into hits. when you decloak, you flicker very quickly and it lasts 4 seconds. that is -5% hindered throughout entire loop and the Mirror add-on increases intermittent invisibility from 4 second to 6 seconds. Awhile back, Wesker used to be tunnel survivors with -7% hindered. this is one -5%. the change is not as you weak as you say. it is little worse than what another killer used to have.

    The addon would still not be very good like that, but I like the idea. The hindered and its duration is too low and losing blood lust would be detrimental.

    if they put it base-kit, you could use rekiro's watch to increase invisibility to 1.5 seconds. I see the bonus more like Dracula's wolf form where you gain 4.5%(5%) haste for picking up scent orbs. the duration is 1.2 seconds but total duration is 2.4 seconds. this is because hindered debuff does not go down when she is invisible, it only ticks down after she reappears. if add-on is used, it would add 0.5 seconds for total of 2.9 second of hindered. for reference, dracula's scent orb are 2.5 seconds. so it is little under or little over depending on add-on usage.

    I do not agree that is too weak or number too low. they're very much in line with another killer that has same mechanic base-kit. I choose slightly different drawback compare to the wolf.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694

    I choose slightly different drawback compare to the wolf.

    I don’t think your idea would need a drawback tho and what is the drawback of the wolf? I thought there wasn’t one.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    some reason, they have turning-rate reduction when you try to walk backwards.