Is 4 man slugging the new kid on the block for killer content creation

true talent is doing nothing but slugging in every video with knockout because hooking isn’t worth it and choy a smaller dbd youtuber also said he isn’t going to hook anymore and just slug. Is 4 man slugging the newest trend in content creation for killers?
its the fact it's encouraged and no action is taken or changes made…
How about we stop making "Balance" changes and make changes that improve the quality of matches.20 -
This feels a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Much like content creators pushing the 3-gen strat during the Overbrine era, all they're really doing is ensuring BHVR step in and slap a bandaid on slugging before they do anything about prioritising hooks over kills (which is what Tru3 and co are likely pushing for with their slugging). The devs will be expecting an influx of new players with FNAF coming up, there's no way they're gonna let a content creator-led slugging meta be those player's introduction to the game lol they'd all just leave.
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They will, of course, be absolutely shocked, stunned and amazed when the devs add basekit anti-slug.
I've already ordered in a truckload of popcorn ready to enjoy the rage.
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I think they're trying to encourage BHVR to resolve the problem by making hooking more beneficial for the killer player. Right now, it's the opposite. You can bypass a bunch of strong survivor perks, save time by not walking to a hook carrying a survivor, and you can avoid all forms of flashlight/flashbang/pallet/sabotage saves all by just slugging everyone. It's even more encouraged right now because of bugged flashbangs that survivors are abusing.
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I have said this from the beginning content creators are the downfall of this game. Yes they do advertise but at what cost? They show 5 gen slugging and then you veteran players leave because they can't counter without a good team. You're left with toxic survivors as well. I think the devs need to start reinforce some things as well.
I really think the hook respawn was to prevent slugging and we all know that if they can they will. I don't even understand the last person mori decision and everyone told them it would lead to more slugging and here we are.
It shows lazy killer aspect as well. I
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And they'll all have shocked Pikachu faces and complain when BHVR intervenes.
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I think it's more nuanced than that from what I heard. When bhvr was making the anti tunnel perk updates. They didn't really think into how they could be forced onto the killer. Like A OTR survivor body blocking. Or a survivor with DS. And the survivor can still run around with those protections and try to mess up the killers pressure. And they can do that up to twice if the killer doesn't just eat the DS. And with other perks like shoulder the burden or survivors constantly forcing trades the killer can have their pressure halted a lot. Slugging since noone devotes a build to it because they are more worried about tunneling (or weaponising being unhooked) you can completly go around both of those issues. Also sometimes you get your first down early and instead of devoting 15 seconds to hooking. You can force the survivors more out of position by having one on the floor. One going to pick them up. You go to a gen and push another off. Suddenly your pressuring 3 areas compared to just hooking which you might distract like 2 of the team.
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This whole situation reminds me when I was in preschool and other kids in my class would make a big ruckus to get the teacher to give them attention or respond to them. They know what they are doing is wrong and upsets other players. They do not care because they are sending a message to BHVR and they want BHVR to do something in response to them. The worst part about this Catch 22 is that BHVR really genuinely needs to do something about slugging regardless, but now they have to do it in a way that doesn't give True or Choy dopamine and satisfaction for "being part of changing the game" or the new learned behavior becomes "If I act like a child and make a big mess, I get what I want." and things progressively continue to get worse over time. There needs to be a healthy amount of criticism for the developers so they understand where to guide the future of the game. But when the community starts to cannabilize itself to prove a point and get attention, it really highlights issues communication issues.
Now that the BHVR employees have returned from their holiday break, I really hope the suits sit at a conference table and write "Why is our communication strategy not enough" on the whiteboard and figure it out. I also want someone at BHVR to analyze the flow of information from the community. Slugging is a very big problem now. When did the team become aware it was a problem? When did the community become aware it was a problem? Analyze how information transfers from the community to the team. Then I would look at the solution options they have in-house and find where the disconnect happened. We need to get to the bottom of this communication problem before FNAF drops because something did not work and we need to identify and resolve it.
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buff going for hooks then
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I hope so
The only way for BHVR to do something about it
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I think content creators hurt this game as well. I know there are some that are positive like Otz but then you have the negative ones. Also the gen kick meta and the skull merchant 3 gen strat didn’t start until content creators posted videos about it
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i am kind of shocked that Choy does it because I felt like he would be someone that actually cared about both sides. As for tru3, he only cares about the killer experience so it’s not shocking. He wins most of his games yet still complains
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"Give me something or else I'll make everyone miserable" is not just bullying mentality, it's a terrible way to influence the game.
If that were to happen then what? Keep slugging until the buff the next thing is the true answer. Moving the goal post after every "if their X gets nerfed or my Y gets buffed, then the awful tactics will stop" hasn't truly worked to fix player behavior in over 2 years now.
It just moves the goal post to "well, you nerfed X or buffed Y, but now there's this other thing that needs changed before the behavior stops completely".
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first it was “we slug because the hook breaks”
They fixed that and now it’s “we slug because hooks are weak”
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They just don't have to hide it anymore. Not that Tru3 ever really hid the fact he does what it takes to win, but It's all in the open now baby…
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I wouldn't use the build when I play as killer, I don't really want to play like that, but I can completely understand the build and for a killer who's channel USP is basically going all out to win against as higher level of survivor as possible, it's actually a very smart build.
It completely eliminates Dead Hard, DS, Off the Record, Kindred, StB, Baby Sitter, Resurgence, Borrowed Time, We'll Make it and a lot of other perks, impacts all exhaustion perks when running from gens, saves a lot of time for chasing and defending gens on the larger maps such as Red Forest, eliminates Flashlight saves, Pallet saves, Flashbangs, adds in way more gen slow down than any of the nerfed gen defence perks can whilst survivors search for downed survivors.
As things stand you stand more chance winning whilst playing like this than if you play in the normal, tradition way we are used to.
This is the reason I've not played a survivor game without Unbreakable and either Empathy or Inner Focus in my loadout for a month and have had success against it with this.
I originally can across a very similar build going against condemned spreading Sadako builds a few times before the 6.1 perk blitz and thought this would be seen more after that. Surprised its taken this long to emerge.
I fully expect a change to Knockout at some point soon just for the number of survivor perks this build denies.
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Glad we have Chaos Shuffle at the moment to avoid it.
Kind of echoing what others have said, but slugging changes were likely coming. All this is doing is potentially speeding up the changes and making them more extreme.
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I would add, however much of a smart build it is from a killer point of view, it is obnoxious to play against as a solo queue survivor team without the perks to combat it. Will be interesting what happens with this going forward.
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Knockout is going to get nuked into oblivion. And it probably should be. It's the most anti-solo queue perk there is. But certain killers will complain when it's nerfed even though the game is in a pretty good spot for killers right now.
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I’m fine with discouraging/punishing slugging as long as there is also some encouragement/benefit given to the killer for hooking. If there is only punishment for slugging, then it’s just going to make games ridiculously busted for sabo/flashlight/flashbang teams.
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He's not doing it for content, he's doing it because it is more effective. There have been experiments and many threads talking about how survivors get tons of benefits for being hooked, and that the game actually is actively encouraging you to slug as a killer.
Also he isn't slugging 4 people, he has optimized the strategy quite a bit beyond that.
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The goal posts move every time. Killers have been promising to play nice in exchange for survivor nerfs for years now but they’re yet to actually hold up their end of the bargain.
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Its more that people are doing what they do with every game, optimizing the fun out of it to find the most efficient strategy for winning. Slugging wasn't really seen as strong because people weren't really doing it much and didn't know the effective way to do it. Tru3 for example has optimized it, by slugging the first person, hooking the next, and then only hooking that one player while slugging the rest. Also it hasn't taken hold as much yet so survivors aren't countering it as hard. I suspect once the meta shifts for survivors to anti-slug perks it might change the math. But until that starts happening slugging will be the most effective way to win as killer.
The other, is that people have been looking for "the next thing" since the last round of gen defense nerfs.
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i mean if everyone start running teamwork:power of two and blood pact with all people slugged, everyone just going to be speed-demons when healing people off the floor.
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Honestly? If this is what it takes to show BHVR how much of a problem slugging is, then I’ll happily pull out the Slugging Singularity build and bleed people out right along with him
If it takes a ton of people abusing this ######### to get it nerfed, then by God will I help get it nerfed
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apparently now killers slug because survivors get ds, otr, babysitter, deliverance and so now I guess the devs should just delete those perks so we can get slugged and tunneled while we use perks like diversion and bloodpact.
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Its more that, they need to take a look at the fundamental game. I think the game would me much healthier, if, instead of bandaiding everything with a perk, they go back and make tunneling and camping from a base gameplay perspective, impossible. Then balance the game around that, and not punishing the killers for going for hooks. Actively reward getting hooks in a world where tunneling is literally impossible, and you'll see a much more fun game that everyone can enjoy.
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Gestures vaguely to every killer perk that activates on a hook. They don't need to buff hooks. You just want all the upside of a mechanic and none of the counterplay from the other side.
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Those perks are garbage lol
Pain res worst it's even been
Pop worst it's ever been
Grim is overrated and generally isn't very good
DMS can be baited extremely easily, and you only lose a few seconds doing so
Gen Defense perks arn't worth using anymore
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Imagine trying to win in a video game, oh the horror ! Can you even feel your hands anymore after all this pearls clutching ?
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Killers at this point feel like they control the game because they can dictate everything and it happens, which is every nerf survivor received whether it was balance or not. Killer streamers win all the time, take shortcuts with broken killers and builds, shortcuts such as tunneling at 5 gens, slugging, etc, and still somehow say the game is survivor sided while they win. BHVR empowers people that want an unbalanced game.
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Gen Defense perks arn't worth using anymore
Then why is every killer still running them?
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Those perks have been nerfed constantly to the point where they are starting to not be worth it anymore unless you stack them. And survivors hate that too.
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Shortcuts according to what? The in-game manual says the killer is supposed to do anything in their power to stop the survivors from escaping.
Your made-up rules and ideas about how a killer should play don't mean anything at the end of the day.
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Killers are indeed slugging in Chaos Shuffle. There’s no respite there.
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Give survivors skillchecks while they are slugged. Problem solved.
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It's the STYLE now. They be slugging sluggin every match now. Who needs to hook survivors 3 times when you can down each survivor once and bypass all that? Sounds fair right to survivors?
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Your made-up rules and ideas about how a killer should play don't mean anything at the end of the day.
Oh they'll matter. They'll matter when enough of the survivor population has been driven away that they start populating event queues with bots because killer queues are through the roof.
They're already working on this system, they even tested it on the most recent PTB. And when it happens, I won't be surprised one bit.
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And when they were individually strong killers just stacked a bunch of them too so what difference does it even make?
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Any chance you could read the first part of that bullet point?
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That is all fine if survivors can counter it. They can't.
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Tell that to the folks who drop the attitude and overcome the challenge by equipping WGLF, MFT, Bond, Empathy or Exponential. This is one of those 'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink' moments.
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It's not that Tru3 only cares about killer, it's that he knows his audience. People new to killer or those that struggle with killer tend to gravitate towards him and he simply tells them what they want to hear (for full disclosure, I am a former Tru3 subscriber). This is how he makes his income, he needs to draw in and maintain that audience. That's why his words don't seem to match his success rate. At the end of the day content creating is just a job.
I also don't think content creators see it a both sides issue. Tru3 and other content creators have been campaigning for a hooks over kills approach, which honestly isn't a bad idea. It would require a greater display of skill. But that's a long term change. It becomes a both sides issue when they make the game painful for survivors in order to get their point across. BHVR are more likely to take short term approaches and in this case the end result will be a basekit counter to slugging.
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Well its more about all the things slugging ignores. Survivors bringing unhook perks to extend their chase time, basekit BT, basekit anti camp, the basekit extra 20 seconds on hook, spending time pickingup/walking to hook, pallet saves, flashlight saves etc. Like sure you don't get access to pop pain res but they've been nerfed to a point where Eruption and Surge are unironically around the same level of strength while ignoring the stuff mentioned.
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Perks is not a solution, I only have 4 perks. Besides, I've had unbreakable before and guess what, it's only 1 time. Killer slugs again and now I have a dead perk. Meanwhile, killer can slug indefinitely. See the problem yet?
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It sounds like you'd make fun of him anyways even if he did appropriately drop chase
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And where in my build am I supposed to slot these perks?
According to these forums I’m also supposed to bring perks to help with solo queue, camping, tunnelling, and 3 genning. Oh and I should probably bring some chase perks too in case I run into one of the S tiers.
My perk budget is getting a little stretched here…15 -
Yeah, it happens, but its a different beast.
Slugging for bleedout is always annoying and its own problem.
Slugging without knockout, especially a full knockout build, is annoying and makes for a boring game.
Slugging with a full knockout build makes me want to uninstall the game.
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killer has 4 perks
yall have 12 total
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Skill issue if you can't equip a perk for every situation.
I'll point out I'm being sarcastic because I'm sure there will someone who will scold me.