What are your thoughts on the Chapter/Patch release schedule?

SoGo Member Posts: 1,955

So, currently, BHVR launches a new full chapter every 3 months, giving us 4 per year. There are also mid-chapters.

My personal opinion is that this is a bit too much. There is already a lot of stuff in this game, and more often than not, the new content comes into the game buggy and half-baked. Add events and modifiers into the mix and you get the current dev cycle.

I think that 3 chapters per year every 4 months (or even less) would make it so devs have more time to update and change the things already in game, as well as make the new content better and more polished.

What do you think?

What are your thoughts on the Chapter/Patch release schedule? 31 votes

The current schedule is fine as is (4 full chapters + 1-2 mid-chapters)
HerInfernalMajestyGlamourousLeviathanOctoCatSmoeMaxitollionysolarjin1TitssaneesSleepyHSoGoSinndicaIzofinChoyzeiTheSingularityRUBICON555Not50kTeewitherwander 16 votes
We have to slow down (3 full chapters max.)
GibberishOnryosTapeRentalsSpacingLlamasJawsIsTheNextKillerGentlemanFridgefussyChikyMechWarrior3vol4rfixblitzskinBurnedTerrormisuPleaseRewindLangweilgP0rshulzF1Billy 15 votes


  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 405
    We have to slow down (3 full chapters max.)

    I like the updates in dbd because for me time seems to pass by so fast and generally that sucks but dbd putting a new killer every 3 days makes the time flying by a little less bad however i wouldn't say no to 4 months per chapter if the chapter introduces something mechanically different instead of recycled ideas like dracula and hound master was.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,373
    We have to slow down (3 full chapters max.)

    I agree - we need a breather. I think they do too.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,955
    The current schedule is fine as is (4 full chapters + 1-2 mid-chapters)

    Glad you agree with this. I just hope that BHVR will, too.

    (I accidentally misclicked the other option on the poll and can’t remove it, that’s why it shows me selecting the other one.)

  • Maxitolliony
    Maxitolliony Member Posts: 114
    The current schedule is fine as is (4 full chapters + 1-2 mid-chapters)

    kind of sad there is not a more content option. 4 killers a year for 3 months a piece is a really long time and the game gets really boring fast. i would love 8 killers a year with a lot of ptbs to try out new killers if people like them or not. this is remove killers who are bad for the game but people can try them out on ptb before getting scrapped. right now we are getting killers no one asked for and ruined the game and i know a lot of them to list them all.

    its cool the devs want to make a lot of skins but for how much money they are making i would like to see more content as well. i see so much skins and legit no killers. 4 killers a year and like 20 skin bundles or so. hmmmm

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 496
    The current schedule is fine as is (4 full chapters + 1-2 mid-chapters)

    I find i run out of content too quickly and have to wait months for anything new to keep things going. This rift for example i finnished it like a month and a half ago, and got trevor and dracula almost to prestige 63 each, since the last rift. And all we had in between was the houndmaster nobody liked and a freddy "update" instead of rework.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,955
    The current schedule is fine as is (4 full chapters + 1-2 mid-chapters)

    The reason you see more skin collections than killers, is because there is much more work with a killer than there is with a skin.

    There is a lot of things that are neglected in favor of new chapters already and this would increase it tenfold. Nothing would get done.

    Also, I highly doubt that it would bring us something new and exciting, only hastily put together rehashes of old killers.

    But that's just my outlook on things.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,387
    We have to slow down (3 full chapters max.)

    It is a lot to learn when they release a killer then 6 weeks later we have to relearn an old one. I haven't a clue how to play as or against the Skull Merchant any more, and against Onryo do I collect a tape or leave it alone? Is Chucky good or bad now? Can controller players play as Singularity now? Learning all these changes while also learning new killers is so difficult.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,955
    The current schedule is fine as is (4 full chapters + 1-2 mid-chapters)

    Exactly! And every month, new/reworked stuff comes in, a ton of stuff breaks, it's a mess.

    I am mostly lucky, since these recent reworks didn't really affect my mains, but I'd be overwhelmed with them too if they did.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071
    We have to slow down (3 full chapters max.)

    I'd rather have them update old stuff than constantly pump out new things. Whats the point of having 100 different Killers if only like 3 of them are worth playing. Like Trapper has been in the game since launch and they still have not given him a meaningful rework that will take him out of trash-tier. Just small QoL features and minor buffs that aren't enough to make him no longer garbage.
    Same thing with Myers, he's the second DLC character added to the game, but he's still garbage and hasnt gotten any kind of meaningful rework, just slight tweaks here and there. Not to mention his character model is still stuck in 2016 and looks awful compared to other Killers who have had visual updates. It's weird that such an big horror icon is treated so badly by DBD.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 897
    We have to slow down (3 full chapters max.)

    they need to slow down and focus on fixing the spagetti code

  • P0rshulz
    P0rshulz Member Posts: 66
    We have to slow down (3 full chapters max.)

    I'd like it if they'd slow down.

    It would allow them to put more detail into the killers, survivors, and maps they are putting out. It would give them more time to polish them and give them fancy bells and whistles.

    If they slowed their role, they could also work on their infamous spaghetti code.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,178
    The current schedule is fine as is (4 full chapters + 1-2 mid-chapters)

    Let's look at the killers that game out in the last 2 years:

    Skull Merchant: Was considered weak on release and needed to be buffed. Then survivors started complaining about her and she ended up getting reworked twice, and now she is unplayable. She was bug free.

    Singularity: Was a really frustrating killer to play, so much so that he needed to be buffed twice. Now it is in a fine state. Didn't have any notorious bug on release.

    Xenomorph: Was also very frustrating when released, and needed to be buffed. Wasn't buggy as well.

    Chucky: Was fine on release, but survivors started complaining about him, which caused him to receive multiple nerfs in succession making him basically useless nowadays. Did have some bugs through his lifespan.

    Unknown: Didn't have any notorious bug fixes or balance adjustments. Was pretty much a perfect release.

    Vecna: Was really weak on PTB and was heavily buffed when coming into live. Then got nerfed but it is still a solid killer. Didn't have any notorious bug.

    Dracula: Got released in a good state, although having his wolf form be completely useless. The wolf was buffed but it is still worthless. The general kit got nerfed, but he is still a solid killer. Also, no notorious bugs.

    Houndmaster: Came out very weak and very buggy. She got buffed multiple times and now in a balance perspective she is okay, if a bit still underwhelming. Not the worst in the balancing aspect. As for the bugs, she had a lot of them and still has some after multiple bugfix patches. Also kinda janky.

    In summary, the only killer releases that were handled very poorly when talking about bugs were Chucky and Houndmaster. Ok a balancing perspective, most killers have achieved a fine state in their lifetime, although some of them have been gutted by the survivor player base.

    I would say the release schedule is fine as it is, as we haven't been getting bad and buggy content very frequently. When we do, it seems more like an outlier than anything.