I'm honestly not sure how these Deep Wound changes are meant to make it more obvious

Removing the darkening overlay entirely kind of makes it less obvious, while also reducing the little spark of flavor that it had. Having your screen get darker over time made it feel like bleeding out.
It's pretty hard to miss a big screen overlay, but a small bar in the middle of the screen seems far less obvious. The bar should stay, but the vignette probably doesn't need to go.
Because the core reason of the change is to nerf deep wound's ability to hinder survivors sight during chase. That is all.
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While you're right that removing the vignette does actually make it less obvious, the vignette itself was obnoxious. I wouldn't have been opposed to toning it down as opposed to removing it altogether, but something about it had to change. It made the screen way too dark when you were closer to bleeding out.
I'm not sure how much it would help, but I wouldn't mind if they also added deep wound as an actual status effect on the right, just as another reminder that it's there.
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Removing the dark screen is a huge W. Making you lose chase because you cant see isnt a mechanic.
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The screen being very dark when you were close to bleeding out was a non-issue considering that was 100% avoidable. Just mend instead of greeding gens.
The full bar vignette didn't really obscure your vision that much anyway. This might end up being a nerf to a killer that already struggles in chase a lot… unless people start dropping dead because they forget they needed to mend, anyway.
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I mean I would support giving Legion some buffs anyway regardless of the deep wound changes, I feel like they're a bit undertuned
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On Switch handheld, the dark overlay turned many areas pitch black. I once thought I was mending in a corner to discover I was in the middle of the street on Dead Dawg.
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I'm doubtful we'll get anything anytime soon. BHVR's speed with balance changes is so slow, it's infuriating.
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The screen going almost completely dark over time in an already dark game isn't flavor, it's simply unnecessary and unpleasant. This is a welcome change.
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It only goes almost completely dark if you are actively doing an action for nearly 20 seconds instead of mending. It was completely avoidable.
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I have impression that over-lay is related to Dredge tunneling. If you hit someone in deepwound as Dredge during Nightfall, the deep wound+Nightfall stacks. your screen would be near pitch black. Now Nightfall and Deepwound darkening will not stack into making the survivor nearly completely blind.
it's nothing burger change unless cared about dredge nightfall+deepwound stacking.
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From the killer's perspective, I care about Legion mainly. Deep Wound is already basically a non-threat and having your screen go dark if you let the timer elapse was a potential downside for not mending urgently. Now that's gone there's not really much reason to not do ~15s of a generator before you mend.
I'm not saying Deep Wound should be lethal, but it should be an urgent thing if you're not currently being chased.
The overlay also looked really damn cool from the Survivor side and I'm genuinely going to miss it. I really hate it when cool bits of flavor are removed from the game like this, it takes away from the horror feeling just that little bit more.
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i think legion should be able to damage deep wound by hitting you with feral frenzy.. that would make it more of threat. to balance that out, i would invent an item that works like key where you can drain the item to gain 35% haste for 3 seconds or invent an item that grants iframes for 0.75 seconds vs his m2 feral frenzy. the item recharges when you are in 16 meters of legion location. This would work similarly to old distortion. it does not activation time. the activation time is instant(No mind channeling).