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If a killer misses your dead hard and you survive why don’t you get it back

Evanmacmillan Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

so yes a post about dead hard in 2025 I’m getting ready for the hate but why doesn’t it come back when the killer missed like we get it two times a game and just because the killer whiffs on it we don’t get it back it makes no sense

Also another thing I would like to make a suggestion about more ways to earn your dead hard like safe unhooks or taking two protection hits I think you should be able to earn the perk more ways than just being hooked.

If I could have it my way lithe and sb would be obliterated and dead hard reverted without the hook condition I’m a p100 trapper main and hate chasing sb and lithe and chasing dead hard is such a breath of fresh air I really don’t know why this perk got nerfed again I get hit with one dead hard a game max.

This perk was so counterable in every way possible I always heard the pallet argument but you just hit them at the end of the dead hard through the pallet.

If dead hards so counterable why do people run it? Because it’s a perk that rewards risky aggressive play instead of holding W with haste I’m mainly a 50/50 player and I couldn’t imagine using lithe and sb as survivor because I would literally fall asleep at my monitor it’s so boring…


  • Daniel_Silva04
    Daniel_Silva04 Member Posts: 112

    Dead Hard has always been one of the most problematic perks in the game, and they finally managed to make it fair.The perk is fine in its current state, it doesn't need any more changes.

  • Evanmacmillan
    Evanmacmillan Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    so I dead hard at the perfect time but the killer misses it’s my fault I don’t think so HAHAHAH

  • Evanmacmillan
    Evanmacmillan Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    Dead hard was only problematic before 6.1 if you actually suffered because of endurance dh that much you were obviously just not playing correctly and just giving them the dead hard

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,068

    I'd like you to tell me how counterable it is with demo, chucky, bubba, hillbilly or any other killer you have to commit the attack with. It's not even funny how easy it was to use it against those powers, it was arguably even better then the old one.

  • Oputeeva
    Oputeeva Member Posts: 253

    So true, those killer mains still have ptsd on DH and won't allow any buffs to it…

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 707
    edited January 23

    You lost me once you started arguing that dh has ever been truly counterable. Anyways, you dont get it back because you failed to use it correctly, not because of the killer. Baiting DH is fair play that should absolutely lose you the perk.

    Also in my opinion your perspective as a trapper main could be clouding your judgement of DH and other exhaustion perks. Bear traps are one of the few things DH does nothing against, so a good trapper like yourself can effectively corral the user to their doom without worrying about it.

    Compared to Lithe/SB which are extremely effective against trapper by allowing the user to bolt away from the entire web, leaving the low-mobility trapper in the dust.

    All this to say I disagree but 100% respect the trapper main motivation

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 707

    Purposefully missing the lunge is a tactic killers often use to avoid granting the survivor more distance, as missing a lunge has less of a distance deficit; Furthermore I would argue at that point DH has done its job and given you extra distance where you would have otherwise been hit.

    I'd also like to note that there is always the "dead hard while running directly towards the killer" strategy; if their really missing that often, use it close enough that aim dressing makes it impossible.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 707
    edited January 23

    I disagree. While DH for distance was the most problematic aspect of the perk, the on-command 0.5s of invulnerability were nothing to scoff at either.

    Many killers rely on their M2 to get hits, which are often highly telegraphed with strict timings between cues and hits; Timings that the DH-using survivor could use to great effect with little counter.

    That is to say that for example, a huntress cannot avoid hitting DH with a hatchet against any competent survivor because the extremely strict timings between her rev, charge, throw, and travel time permit the DH user to simply react to its firing. This applies to many other killers on the roster to this day in the post-6.1.0 era.

    I'd also like to note that the spirit of DH for distance lives on in the perks current iteration as well. No, you cannot instantly gain 4m of ground, but the 0.5s of endurance do allow the survivor to move during it. As a result, many survivors will preemptively use their DH ~2m from a pallet, allowing them to reach it where they otherwise would have gone down.

    Although, this only applied to pallets. I would like to acknowledge that the usage of DH at a vault or deadzone is genuinely impressive and unproblematic, as the survivor is force to either trick the killer or die (as opposed to simple reaction time or prefiring).

  • Evanmacmillan
    Evanmacmillan Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 15

    bubba eats dead hard Billy is so over tuned that dead hard really don’t matter against him either demo you could just fake your shred chucky current state would probably suffer the most out of any m2 killer

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 707

    I would disagree for billy because his power comes from the combination of mobility and instadown, so having the ability to deny half the combo is quite effective against him, although it will do little to stop him from pressuring the whole map. Demo is an absolute demon at baiting but, like others, can do little when faced with a DH to pallet.

  • DestroyerBG
    DestroyerBG Member Posts: 98

    Now the biggest problem is there is no actual free perks to use that counter tunneling. They literally made dead hard be anti tunnel perk because you get it after being unhooked. And we also have to make it a gamble as well now so you get 2 shots maximum with it. Meanwhile when you use it you gamble if you will even have the killer hit or he just misses and he gets you 5 seconds later. Dead hard is barely used now because it is literally predictable once you use it. SO YOU GOT ONE PERK THAT IS USED ONCE EFFECTIVELY IF THE KILLER DOES HIT YOU if you put so many ######### requirements on one perk LITERALLY no one would use it over something else.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 707

    Dead hard is not an anti tunnel perk, is a chase perk designed with harsh restrictions to compensate for its strength. If you'd like relaible, free anti tunnel, consider off the record from Zarina; it doesn't synergize with dead hard well, but functions as a guaranteed one if you are being tunneled. Furthermore blood rush from Renato works incredibly well with sprint burst if you'd like a chase/anti tunnel synergy (without paying money).

  • DestroyerBG
    DestroyerBG Member Posts: 98

    thanks I will probably buy her one day with the iri shards. At least you did not decide to say decisive strike that ######### perk is just paid and you cant get it easily. Okay if dead hard is chase perk I guess I should wonder why not all survivors use it

  • KatsuhxP
    KatsuhxP Member Posts: 1,068

    How do you fake a shred with demo in a meaningfull way there lol? There no way someone would fall for that, you have way too much reactiontime.

    Bubba maybe gets that on an open field yes, as soon as anything is nearby even if it's just a huge object, you're done if you didn't hug the survivor starting the chainsaw xD

    Sure billy will probably still get you, but it's a fact dead hard is guaranteed there.

    And chucky always suffered because of dead hard, it's horrible because you can't even try to bait it xD

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 496

    Doesn't sound perfect to me…

    You know that killers can also miss on purpose, right? I do it often with Blight when I expect DH. I have to force survivor to use it somehow…

  • ChrisPBacon
    ChrisPBacon Member Posts: 12

    If dead hard only gets used when a killer hits you, that means you are guaranteeing yourself a total of two extra health states per game. Old decisive strike proved that bhvr doesn't like to guarantee survivors extra health states. From bhvr's point of view, I bet current dead hard is currently one of their favorite perks because it provides the most thrill for survivor players. Since it's something that can only be performed with precision, that means when it's done correctly it gives the player a quick hit of dopamine. A lot of aspects in dbd are like this, flashlight saves, pallet saves, finding the hatch, etc. People often tend to forget that bhvr's purpose is to make games that are fun, rather than to make games that are "correct". Im not saying I disagree, I just want you to ask yourself if you prefer a game that is "correct" or a game that is fun.