Is Chaos Shuffle Rigged?

Chaos shuffle seems to heavily pick useless perks or bottom pickrate perks like No Miter for Survs and Soul bond for Killers i have yet to have gotten any meta or frequently used perks while playing
Considering there are hundreds of perks in the game, and both sides have maybe a dozen or so useful ones, it shouldn't surprise you that you get all useless ones.
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It's only "rigged" in the sense that most perks suck. Given equal odds to get each perk, you should expect most of your perks to be garbage perks in most matches.
Also there is no perk called Soul Bond so I'm confused about what you're referring to there.
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What I'm saying is that it's choosing a small handful of those useless perk
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I agree that it's probably just the amount of useless perks, but at least no mither seems to have a 25% chance to be given to someone. Almost every round at least one person has it xD
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As others have said, it is just due to the fact that there are so many bad Perks in the game. Those are Perks most people would never consider using and therefore you dont see them. But they will pop up in Chaos Shuffle and honestly, sometimes I am really questioning what the point of some Perks is.
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Hey! Leave my shattered hope alone.
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I feel much more lucky on Chaos Shuffle this time around. Tend to get some value out of most of the perks the game has bestowed upon me
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I suspect it is in part a stealth attempt go expose players (customers) to perks they would never consider in the hope it may motivate them to buy DLC to get that perk.
I don't think there is anything wrong with that either, it just isn't ideal getting trash/niche perks when your opponents play like they are in a tournament though
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Depending on who is playing in the game david is one of the free survivors. So if someone only has a handful of survivors there is a much higher chance that they get that perk.
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200+ perks but the player base only uses 10 on each side and you wonder why you always get useless perks?!
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It does feel rigged but probably not. There are some perks I get again and again and some never. I got Babysitter, Blood Rush, Boon Illumination, Clean Break, Scene Partner 5-6 times yesterday while some perks I have not gotten yet like Unbreakable, Windows, Lithe, Prove Thyself etc. But probably it's random..but still strange 😃
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The game carefully crafting the worst build youve ever seen:
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Wait chaos shuffle only counts for perks you have unlocked? I mostly played it as killer (where I have every perk unlocked) and never saw anything weird about them because I have at least half the survivors xD
Thank you for tellin me this, this makes SO MUCH more sense now!
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No it is true random perks, it doesn't matter which ones you have unlocke
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Ah oki then chance for no mither still seems pretty high.
Well maybe I just focus too much in it and that's why it feels like this xD
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Oh, well then my mistake, i thought it only counted stuff you unlocked.
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I don't think there's anything going on, but I have been given Treacherous Crows like 10 times. It feels like the randomizer is a used car salesman trying to sell me on an obvious lemon
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I for one hate this event. I try to play a survivor in solo queue and get the worts perks imaginable. The last match I played I have no mither, we're gonna make it, slippery meat, and something form Detective Tapp. Killer had Blood Warden, Lethal Pursuer, Deadlock, and Play with your Food. This happens ALL THE TIME. Considering most solo players are hiding and crawling doing nothing, it's a wipe every time.
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Thats always been a thing with chaos shuffle. The odds dont seem to be even an all perks. Some are more frequently on a set time frame. But its not like its claimed in here that there are meta perks less frequently, cause its just by the ssheer numbers of useless perks in the game.