Hex perk buffs
- Hexes look like dull totems for the first 30 seconds in the trial (new)
- Hexes are dull until their effects are triggered by survivors (new)
Hex: Haunted ground
- 2-3 (was 2) Hex totems will spawn in the trial.
- When (was either one of the 2-3)a Hex totems is cleansed by a survivor, all survivors suffer from the exposed status effect for 60s.
The remaining trapped Hex totem immediately becomes a Dull Totem(removed)
Hex: Corrupt intervention (now a hex)
- At the start of the trial two hex totems spawn and the furthest 3 generators get blocked by the entity (was for 120s). When one hex corrupt intervention gets cleansed, the other one becomes a dull totem and the perk deactivates. Both hex totems are blocked for the first 60 seconds into the trial.
- Removes the antennas from generators at the start of the trial. (New)
Hex: Ruin
- All generators are affected by hex: ruin. While a generator is not being repaired by a survivor, it will immediately and automatically regress repair progress at 150% (was 100%) of the normal regression speed.
Hex: Shadowborn (rework)
- Everything becomes darker for survivors and the fog is very close for them. The killer sees everything like normal.
Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
- For each Totem remaining in the environment, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt is granted 1 Token. For each Token, all Survivors suffer from a stack-able 10/11/12 %. Action Speed penalty to Cleansing and Blessing Totems.
- For each dull totem all survivors suffer from a 3% repair, healing, vault and sabotage speed penalty. (new)
Hex: Undying (revert with some adjustments)
- While Hex: Undying is active, Survivors within 2 metres of any Totem have their Aura revealed for 4/5/6 seconds.
- When another Hex Totem is cleansed, that Hex transfers to an available Dull Totem, losing 2 (was any) Tokens in the process. The same hex perk can only be transferred twice (new).
- Adds 3 more dull totems to the trial. (new)
Hex: Retribution (no longer a hex)
- Survivors (was cleansing or blessing) in a 4-6m radius of any Totem, suffer from the Oblivious Status Effect. That effect lingers for 35/40/45 seconds.
- After cleansing or blessing a Hex Totem the Auras of all Survivors are revealed to you for 15 seconds.
Hex: Two can play (no longer a hex)
Anytime you are stunned or blinded by any Survivor a total of 4/3/2times, and if there is not yet a Hex Totem already associated with Hex: Two Can Play and there is at least one DullTotemremaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Two Can Play activates on a random Totem: (removed)- Survivors who stun or blind you are blinded for 3,5s (was 1.5s). This does not affect carried survivors.
What do you think of those changes?
I copied those perk changes from one of my older discussion, where nobody replied, because it was too long. Therefore I plan on splitting it up into new discussion.
The change for Retribution to not be a Hex doesnt make sense.
First off, for Deathslinger's Adept, it would make the perk just outright useless. His Shareable Perks does not include another Hex.
Second off, Hex: Face The Darkness + Hex: Thrill of the Hunt exists, and being Oblivious makes it so you are not considered within the Terror Radius for the sake of perk effects, meaning Face The Darkness will always proc while cleansing a totem, pair it with Hex: Thrill of the Hunt and you cannot cleanse Hex Totems. Having Retribution be a Hex creates more vulnerability with this perk combo since either perk(s) can be cleansed.
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The change for Retribution to not be a Hex doesnt make sense.
First off, for Deathslinger's Adept, it would make the perk just outright useless. His Shareable Perks does not include another Hex.
Why doesn’t it make sense? The first effect makes survivors around any totem oblivious for a certain time and the second effect requires another hex perk.
Second off, Hex: Face The Darkness + Hex: Thrill of the Hunt exists
I didn’t have that on my radar. Thank you for the tip and the feedback. I’ve change it, so this can’t happen.
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After thinking about it more. Your argument about hex thrill of the hunt, face the darkness and retribution makes no sense. You can already make totems uncleansable for three survivors like you discribe and my suggestion doesn’t change that. The fourth survivors, who carries the effect of thrill of the hunt, is not affected by it and has to cleanse it or get healed like right now.
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You can already make totems uncleansable for three Survivors like you describe and my suggestion doesnt change that.
Except it does.
Healing the Survivor that proc'ed Hex: Face The Darkness removes the scream effect and disables the Hex Totem until another Survivor is injured again. It's the singular tiny weakness in the build.
When Hex: Face The Darkness is down, you can cleanse Hex: Retribution (or other Hexes), which forces the Killer to respect Hex Totem locations or risking having them cleansed while they are close by.
Having Hex: Retribution not be a Hex reduces the level of counterplay for this build, it just outright buffs it by reducing the risks and counterplay.
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I like your perspective on buffing hex totems so they are harder to cleanse at the beginning of the match. I think bhvr wouldn't like the first two mechanics you are introducing because it would add another layer of complexity to the game. What if instead of "hiding" hexes at the start of the match, they instead follow a different set of rules regarding where they spawn? I do think your desired outcome could still be achieved without adding more mechanics to the game. I'm not familiar with the current system that decides which totem is hexed, what if it was changed to make any hex be placed on the furthest or second furthest totem from the survivor spawn locations? I agree with the problem you've identified, I think there are multiple solutions to this.
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I love the Shadowborn rework. It's very good.
Hexes not showing themselves right away would be nice.
Corrupt doesn't need to be a Hex. It's great as it's now.
I really hope that Ruin will get a change like you suggest.
Reverting Undying is not a good idea, since it makes totem defense brain-dead-easy.
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I like the general idea of hex totems that only become visible as hex totems after 30 seconds.
If you only have a chance to identify them as such after 30 seconds in the match, this solves the problem that a survivor spawns near a glowing totem at the beginning, cleans it and a few seconds after the match starts, the killer has already lost 25% of his perks without having the chance to physically stop it.
This means that a Suvivor has to decide in the initial phase whether he wants to take the time to destroy a (possibly dull totem) in order to possibly render a perk of the killer useless, or whether he would rather leave his spawn location before the killer appears there to investigate the nearby generators.
As for the rest of the changes, I find them a bit too strong in places, but I can't really judge them, as I rarely play with hex perks myself (as they are always put away too quickly, while I'm constantly kicking out boone totems that are activated again and again -.-).
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Corrupt doesn't need to be a Hex. It's great as it's now.
It was an idea I had a while ago and I found it interesting. It would also be a cool challenge trying to keep 3 generators blocked for as long as possible.
Reverting Undying is not a good idea, since it makes totem defense brain-dead-easy.
I don’t agree with this. Only to clarify, I didn’t revert it without adjusting it. It can only transfer 2 times and not four times like before the nerf.
The current version lacks in my opinion and often is only a wasted perk slot, because it only transfers a hex once and the aura reading is also not good.
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Hex: Two can play (no longer a hex)
Anytime you are stunned or blinded by any Survivor a total of 4/3/2times, and if there is not yet a Hex Totem already associated with Hex: Two Can Play and there is at least one Dull
: (removed)Totemremaining in the Trial Grounds, Hex: Two Can Play activates on a random TotemSurvivors who stun or blind you are blinded for 3,5s (was 1.5s). This does not affect carried survivors.
In my dreams lmao.