FOV slider issue

SoGo Member Posts: 1,957

(Un)Fun Fact!

The FOV feature does not actually increase your FOV. It only scooches the camera back a bit, somehow achieving similar results. (I'm not a game dev, so idk how this works exactly)

The issue with this? It makes sounds slightly inaccurate (which hurts mostly Spirit) and completely inaccurate when a survivor is right next to you, as well as maybe (not 100% sure about it) enabling the Flashbang bug that makes you drop survivors even when you face a wall.


Could we please get this fixed?


  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 999

    This was already the issue with Shadowborn. They just made Shadowborn basekit by implementing it 100%. The developers also have the """excuse""" that they are not in rush to fix it because it is still Beta - remember how long the new wiggle feature was feature. It can take years and I think this issue has low priority for the devs because it is optional.

    However, I feel you because this sucks really hard as it makes everything so confusing, especially when playing a killer that relies on sounds like Spirit. Speaking of sounds, the sound design in this game is so bad like on Ormond sometimes sounds stop playing because there are too many or once you repai the gen in mainroom of lerry, the room becomes so awful for the ears.

    enabling the Flashbang bug that makes you drop survivors even when you face a wall.

    No, this is a different bug. Flashbang sounds worked when the FOV slider was implemented and worked when players used old Shadowborn. They became bugged two or three patches ago and with the latest patch, the developers said they fixed it which is not true - they still make sometimes no sounds, especially when something is between you (the killer) and the location of the Flashbang like a wall.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,009

    Hopefully when fov slider comes out of beta this will be fixed

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,934
    edited January 23

    So what you're telling me... is the flashbang working from inside killer model and all the weird occlusion on audio things is not an issue of the flashbang... but because the camera is in the wrong place?

    Doesn't this also screw up flashlight ranges?

    How interesting 🤔🤔🤔🤔

    I want to test this in a custom game...

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 1,957

    I want to test this in a custom game...

    Let me know when you do!

    The Flashbangs not making sounds might be a separate issue. The in-game audio is in general broken in many places, so it wouldn't surprise me of this was one of them.