General Discussions

General Discussions

Wishlist for dbd 2025, tell me yours, maybe a dev will read and make your wish come true

Member Posts: 237
edited January 25 in General Discussions
  • Map day/night variations
  • New chase music for killers who still don't have it
  • Bloodweb improvements, faster to spend all bps
  • No more tier 1 and tier 2 perks to help new players against the massive perks grind to level up
  • Jill Valentine Battlesuit /Nemesis RE3 Classic/Blighted Freddy
  • Survivors exposed during Dredge nightfall
  • Plague Visceral skin: Medusa
  • Pig rework/buff/jigsaw music theme menu/chase
  • New menu/lobby
  • Kindred basequit for 15 seconds (edit 30 seconds to 15 seconds because survivors can use this 2 times per hook + effect not enable during endgame colapse)/Corrupt Intervention basequit for 1 min (edit 45 seconds, 1 min because this can only be used 1 time in the beggining of match to avoid bad rng for killers) PS: basekit kindred 15 seconds would help a lot solo survivors and basekit corrupt 1 min would help killers against gen rush + another extra 1 min if using corrupt intervention perk, total 2 mins
  • Customizable loading screens
  • Endgame screen with details and a new background image: chase time, gens completed, saves released, etc
  • Anti slug when only last 2 survivors in the match, allowing the survivor on the ground to give up and die if he stays more than 2 minutes on the ground
  • Hag 4.6m/s and Blight 4.4 m/s
  • M1 killers passive buff to break pallets 15% faster than killers with power
  • Remove useless gray offerings + new itens for survivors/killers to use
  • New Mori options to buy on store with fragments
  • 100k bp's for each daily ritual
  • 2v8 permanent and 4v1 with extra bp's incentive for surv and killer queue
  • EDIT: new map variations for all maps, especially The Grave of Glenvale and finally the Swamp rework
  • EDIT: Survivors able to see each other's perks in menu.

happy 2025 dbd year

Post edited by skylustv on

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  • Member Posts: 2,194

    More skins in the Everlasting Frost collection!

  • Member Posts: 199

    More sable bare feet cosmetics

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Why? Honestly why does it matter if you are the last survivor? You really think your Boil Over perk is going to save you?

    As to the topic, a Phantasm Chapter with The Tall Man as Killer (with a Lady in Lavender Legendary) and Reggie Bannister as survivor (with Michael and Jody at least as Legendaries, if not also Tommy) and then also a Noir Claire Legendary from the RE2 Remake!

  • Member Posts: 190

    Eyrie of Crows finally getting the nerf it needs

  • Member Posts: 252

    The Grave of Glenvale has the prettiest skybox in all of Dead by Daylight — but you only get to appreciate it for five seconds as you are exiting the basement. If I could only have one wish come true, I would wish for a new nature-y map to be added to The Grave of Glenvale that really shows how beautiful that realm is. At the design level, imagine Dead by Daylight … in the Grand Canyon, or on a Rock Nature Trail. The beautiful skybox would be retained, and there would be a big, big, big, big, big sunset on the map. Y'know how Lake Ormand Mine has unique structures that don't rely on trees to block line of sight? Imagine if they molded the rocks we saw on the outside of the Saloon to form tiles and made beautiful structures to run around.

    Until the day I die, I will also fight for Animal Onesies to be made for every original Survivor in the game. I also want to purchase the Animal Onesie that my favorite character (Vittorio/David) wears from the Official Dead by Daylight Store and wear it in real life while I stream the game on Twitch.

  • Member Posts: 65

    While looking into people's common frustrations of bloated inventories and bloodweb sluggishness, I urge you and your team to create a second inventory and offering slot for event offerings. If at all possible share offerings, or possibly specifically only share event offerings between roles. All event offerings work both ways for killers and survivors. Creating a secondary slot for burning event offerings will allow players the freedom to choose map, basement, hatch, or additional bloodpoint offerings without forfeiting any in game festivities. A shared inventory also partially addresses common bloodpoint concerns. I know myself as well as many friends often forgo playing the new years characters as anyone added after the anniversary event won't have any offerings and we would be forfeiting our points to play them.

  • Member Posts: 645

    Knock out! Perk change that need to happen:

    -Putting a survivor into the dying state with ANY (Was basic attack) attack blocks their aura from being revealed to any survivor for 15/25/35 seconds.

    This change will help out SoloQ survivor mains and make it less annoying for them.

  • Member Posts: 645

    I agree with this. The other option is to make another map for that realm. I haven't got both Ormond or Garden of Joy offering in ages. I still do but stupidly rare occasion. Make Forsaken Boneyard have 50/50 whenever someone uses that offering. In my opinion, btw!

  • Member Posts: 3,936

    To give 10 relatively small little things I would like:

    1. Decimated Borgo to get some medieval sconses to light that map up a little. Dark is cool, but I can't see naff all... 😶
    2. Counterforce to be made a token perk, it forever annoys me it isn't. 😑
    3. Sabotuer to not go on cooldown if cancelled. Saboing a hook instead of healing the unhooked survivor is so annoying. 😬
    4. Pig to get her head trap back in the menus. Plz ;🐽;
    5. Lightborn to give immunity to the effects of blindness instead of immunity to being blinded. Allows perk interactions and synergies 🫣
    6. Xenomorphs tail swing slowdown on miss to go back to 2m/s. Never saw it working without the bug, and Xeno needs it 🪡
    7. Bubba's tantrum fix from 5s to 3s to be decoupled from his tantrum build up rate while revving. 3s only rev kills any chainsaw mind games and is such a pain. 🪚
    8. Shattered Hope to work like Fire Up for broken totems. It needs some reason to exist ☠️
    9. Toolbox sabotage speeds to be rejigged so that Commodius isn't the best sabo Toolbox after Alex's. It's the best repair one... give me a reason to use the others plz... 🧰
    10. Trapper traps and Hag traps to be removed from maps... it's just silly 🙄
  • Member Posts: 3,745

    I would be happy if we get the NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons back to cycle through your chars.

    Chase music volume slider - or just a bit less loud.

    Less aura reading. Less endurance.

    Event modifier - no perks no addons.

    No basekit unbreakable - but i could see a reverse anti face camp mechanic where the meter fills if there are only two survs and the killer leaves you at like 24-32 meters radius.

    I hope Predator comes someday - with the iconic movie theme.

    Rise of sportsmanship and less give ups.

  • Member Posts: 1,147
    edited January 24

    Things I want to see:

    • Rework of the daily ritual system to be more like other live service games (e.g. new daily / weekly / monthly challenges that can be worked towards throughout the month and reward players with BP or a small amount of Iri shards)
    • More customisation slots for multiple builds / cosmetic load outs. Three was probably fine when the game first came out, but there's so much more content in 2025 and it would be neat to be able to save more of our favourites.
    • Better rewards for Survivors under the emblem system. Especially in the Survival category, which gives you next to nothing if you don't Survive, meaning I very rarely earn more than 15K per trial. Now that the incentive rarely exceeds 50%, it's especially unrewarding to play Survivor at times.
    • A solution to 4 man slugging and slugging for the 4K play styles. Not super common occurances, but still frustrating to encounter.
    • Vaulting perks to work with Legion's Feral Frenzy. Or alternatively, Frank's Mixtape to be made basekit and reworked into a dedicated vaulting speed add-on (20% vaulting speed over pallets and windows. Could also be token based if a flat 20% is considered too strong).
    • Legion added to 2 Vs 8.

    Things I want to see but think are very unlikely in 2025:

    • Content / chapters from my personal wishlist of IPs (Ghostbusters, Gremlins, Stranger Things Part 2, Evil Dead Part 2, Jurassic Park, Terminator).
    • Susie (or another member of the Legion) to enter the fog as a Survivor.
    • The Distortion nerf reverted and Self-Care buffed. I don't use Distortion personally, but I still think they were wrong to nerf it.

    Edit: Oh, and I forgot. Better performance / optimisations for the Switch and other consoles. Please also make certain maps less dark on Switch (you can barely see anything downstairs on the new Borgo map).

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    A killer that uses fire

    Evil Within

    A actual werewolf

    We're simple like that

  • Member Posts: 880

    A fix for auto-aim throwing my attack into a goddamn wall

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    -Knock Out reworked to not be a slugging perk.

    -Matchmaking taking into account load outs on both sides. Someone going in with a weak load out shouldn't be paired against someone using the strongest load out possible.

    -Survivor matchmaking to include emblems instead of only escaped/die. This would hopefully help prevent survivors that are useful from getting paired as often with survivors that are useless.

    -Periodic vaulting of perks. There's over 100 on each side and more perks get added every 3 months. Do a 3 month rotation where random 30 perks on each side are available. That'll actually stir things up instead of the current nerf a perk to useless and over buff a different perk to change the meta.

    -Survivors able to see each other's perks in menu.

    -Ability to see what challenges you have selected and their progress in the menu screen. The amount of times I forget by the time I'm loaded into the match is just sad. 😂

    -Map offerings used to remove a realm as an option instead of increase the odds.

    -Make Coldwind night time again

    -More ground cover for Trapper traps

    -Make Trapper traps blend in better with the maps so survivors can't see them from a mile away like on Eerie

    -Option to turn off the custom music for certain killers and replace with the original DBD music.

    -Option to use a large amount of BP at a time. So say you have 1 million BP, instead of sitting hitting the center web over and over you can enter 1 million or 500k BP and the bloodweb will automatically jump the the equivalent level and you'll receive a certain number of random items/add ons/offerings equivalent to that many levels.

    -2v8 permanent, keep killer selection to 8 with original 3 always available and rotation of the other 5 killers every 1.5 - 3 months. Add more survivor classes.

    -Chaos shuffle, remove add ons/items/offerings. As long as those are available it's more like semi-chaos shuffle.

    -Events like Halloween and Anniversary, since they're now in their own separate modes, make it a requirement to do specific event objectives to kill/escape instead of optional and replace load outs with classes related to the event. This way someone can't just join event mode knowing if they ignore the event stuff they can just dominate the other side trying to enjoy the event.

  • Member Posts: 2,367
    edited January 24

    • knock out/third seal completely change
    • ghostface basekit drop leg knife sheath
    • continue to buff weak killer/survivors perks
    • hex ruin at 150%
    • actually nerf tombstone peice this time
    • revert chucky nerf. (he was fine after rat poison got axe)
    • continue nerfing overpowering maps like (badham, disturb Ward, eyrie)
    • delete all the edge map pallets on forgotten ruins, shatter square and Haddonfield. Put them somewhere useful
    • Remove the 4%
    • new items for survivors that not limited for an event.

  • Member Posts: 7,224

    Okay, here's mine:

    • Ability to customize the lobby, including the ability to use older backgrounds and lobby music
    • Nerf Nurse and Blight
    • Addon passes for several killers including but not limited to: Pyramid Head, Wesker, Twins, Pig, Myers, Bubba, Dredge, and more
    • Trapper buff
    • More perk adjustments on both sides (mostly buffs at this point with a few exceptions)
    • Knock Out rework
    • Boil Over rework
    • Something done about slugging the last 2 survivors
    • Toolbox rebalancing including a nerf to Commodious toolboxes (and event toolboxes which are the same)
    • Syringe nerf
    • Remove map offerings
    • Anti-camp bar visible to all survivors on the HUD at all times
    • More Chaos Shuffle
    • Improvements to daily rituals/increase bloodpoints
    • Buff maps (the item) and make keys more useful for purposes other than opening the hatch
    • More loadout slots for each character (ie. more than the 3 we currently have) as well as an in-game perk randomizer
  • Member Posts: 1,716
    edited January 25

    I only want one thing, a revert to sadako’s (Onryo’s) first version’s mechanics from before the reworks (1.0), while keeping the anti pallet stun ability, lock in condemned and the other small buffs. She was so much more fun and scarier.

    Post edited by Langweilg on
  • Member Posts: 237

    omg hi!!!! <3 hope you're enjoying all dbd 2025 player wishes

  • Member Posts: 142

    Bring back Billy’s original chainsaw animations before patch 3.7.0 they were so satisfying and not sure why they changed them.

    And OG map lighting or make it a modifier for nostalgia reasons.

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited January 25

    First of all you may want to ask questions before you assume things because I do not use boil over Second of all its my wish and my opinion and what does it matter to YOU if I want that? I can happily explain to you why finisher mori is the worst thing brought ever.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 141

    A new button under the Bloodweb where you can choose offerings/items/addons to burn for the entity you dont ever use and getting 85% of the BP back and maybe as Prestige/event rewards we get titles to customize even further.

  • Member Posts: 199
    edited January 25

    Since we've got a dev here I might as well make a post in honest for once.

    Custom Games Expanded settings such as:

    • Disabling Hatch
    • Adjusting numbers of generators from 0 - 7
      • if you're extra spicy allow for more spawns, if it breaks it breaks
    • adjusting chest spawns, killer belongings (TV, Trap Boxes, Hooks,…)
    • Enable/Disable Different Event mechanics
    • A 1v1 mode where a survivor and a killer spawn at fixed places. Add a timer to the scenario if you're really into it

    In general I think that the Custom Game mode is as barebones as it gets. It's great and all but it could be so much more.

    Otherwise, the matchmaking should be looked at. Many of my games make no sense to me, either as Killer or Survivor. Like I can clearly see huge gaps and it feels like I am being matched up with just about anything that's at hand at the moment.

  • Member Posts: 7,056

    Sir Ryan, all I wish for in life are 2 things:

    Oni's POV chase music, and Trickster's PTB menu music.

    Please, S'il vous plait, por favor..

  • Member Posts: 2,267
    edited January 25

    Bring back night time Coldwind (I feel they murdered these maps)

    Adjust the maps so they aren't full of dead zones with unsafe pallets and no real loops

    Get rid of stupid weird loops, the old ones were fun and fine, just don't make them back to back so the maps are unfair to killers

    Address abuse of the slugging mechanic

    Prevent getting the same killer back to back

    Delete Twins/Trickster (okay kidding, never going to happen)

    Make 2v8 more common as it is the most fun and removes a lot of the games frustrations (certain killers not being in it helps)

    A spend all BP option so we don't have to spend half a year spending BP all the time

    Post edited by MaTtRoSiTy on
  • Member Posts: 2,501

    Official servers for classic DBD

  • Member Posts: 95

    There is only one thing on my wishlist.

    -Fixing the audio bugs in the game (flashbang silence, bad/misleading directional audio)

    I dont ask for much. But ik that this prolly wont happen.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Oh I would love this, they really don't seem to like people playing these old versions as there was a video on YT recently that showed where to download the old versions and how to set them up for custom games (I doubt I can say much here).

    The video got yeeted from YouTube really fast and the content creator told me he had no idea why but it seems someone complained and got it removed. Wonder who that could have been lol?

    But yeah, playing the old versions is such a nostalgia hit, reminds me of what we lost with Coldwind maps especially :(

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    edited January 25
    • DLC transferring from Switch to other platforms as was originally advertised as already within the game
    • Dead zone and response curve settings for controllers
    • Optimization so my PS4 fans stop sounding like jet engines when there are a lot of particle and/or lighting effects
    • Put the BP boosts back on Distressing and Beast of Prey
    • Return of the Lunar New Year event
    • Return of Lights Out 2.0
    • Year-round snowball fights

    Edit (some new stuff plus some things I forgot but other posts below reminded me):

    • Revert Chucky to how he was on release
    • Fix audio occlusion
    • Normalize survivor sounds
    • Aim dressing shouldn't cause killers to miss a hit they otherwise would have gotten
    • More animated banners and badges (c'mon, I understand with charms, but these are flat illustrations)
    • Fix SBMM so I'm matched with teammates of similar skill, solo queue is miserable
    • Bring back The Knight's "The Bloodwyrm" head cosmetic
    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • Member Posts: 150

    I want a written apology by the devs for how badly they handled the Skull Merchant situation and an outline of what they are planning to do to fix their screw up.

  • Member Posts: 57

    All I really want is to see more Iron Maiden Legendary skins being added to honor Paul Di'Anno after his passing and to help celebrate the band's 50th anniversary.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited January 25

    Lots of fun…Be great to find an entire community that plays classic. If you ever wanna do some customs on a private server, hmu.

  • Member Posts: 4,155
    1. Fix Hag
      1. Survivors shouldn't be able to run at a trap with the camera facing backward, so they can purposely run into traps without getting hit
      2. Hag also feels like she has no power if the survivor is literally anywhere without nearby traps, because it takes so long to place a trap.
      3. And do something so it doesn't feel like she's stuck camping a 3-gen, because her trap teleport range, and trap setting speeds are so bad that she can't really patrol the map and still feel like her power is being useful.
    2. Fix sound occlusion, or the chase music volume, or whatever changed last year that made it way harder to hear footsteps and grunts of pain while the chase music is happening. Some of the killers have chase music that obfuscates survivor noises more than others, and those chase music need to be quieter.
    3. Fix Aim Dressing so it no longer steals hits from the killer.
    4. Show us our MMR scores, and split the game between ranked mode and normal mode.
    5. Make all the toolboxes have 16 or 18 charges, because 32 charge toolboxes scale way too much when survivors stack generator perks and addons.
    6. Normalize the survivor noises so we don't have anymore super quiet survivors. Check all the different survivor footwear and all the different floor materials, to make sure running footsteps always make noises that can be heard.
    7. If a survivor is slugged for 60 seconds, teleport them to a 2v8 cage. Survivors are purposely placing themselves in situations where they can't be hooked, and then complaining that killers are leaving survivors slugged for long periods of time.
  • Member Posts: 131

    I wish that SWF would get nerfed so that Killers could be rebalanced, maps could be rebalanced and perks could be rebalanced; so that finally SoloQ could be playable and playing Killer wouldn't be frustrating unless playing as one of the top Killers that ignore most game mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I'll keep it to the 3 big things I think should happen that aren't total game overhauls

    1: When a survivor can get off the hook because of deliverance, wicked, or anti-camp, their aura should be displayed in a different color (or otherwise clearly indicated). This would make these very important perks usable in soloq.

    -giving more information to survivors on what perks are being used by other survivors would be a generally good idea, but I think the above would be by far the most impactful.

    2: There needs to be a fix for survivors going next so quickly. If the first hooked survivor tries to kobe right away it ruins the game. I think the game would be fine if no unhook attempts could be attempted in the first 3 minutes (barring a guaranteed escape), but there are lots of suggestions out there for possible solutions.

    3: A fix for slugging for the 4k and slugging builds. Knockout should be totally reworked and blindness perks reconsidered. If all survivors but one are down, they should have rapidly increased bleedout and/or a give up option. Sitting around on the ground isn't fun, and killers trying to get that 4k are a good example of players maximizing the fun out of games.

    General suggestion: I've heard in a stream the desired kill rate is 60% to 65% percent. I think a goal of 55% to 60% is a much better target.

  • Member Posts: 1,985
    edited January 25

    It’s been nerfed twice already. Personally, I think it’s overrated. The main is trash now since the god pallet is either gone or has really low RNG (can’t remember the last time I’ve seen it spawn). The map is a little strong at first, but if the killer prolongs the match, survivors are screwed after they burn up most of the resources. The best thing it has going for the survivors right now, is that it has the best killer shack to minimize mind games, and there are little to no filler pallets. It does suck to be Trapper (my main) on this map, though.

    As for my 2025 Wishlist:

    • Chucky reverted back to launch Chucky
    • Penalties removed from perks like Calm Spirit, Botany Knowledge, and Iron Will (seems unnecessary and weird)
    • Scourge Hooks be every Hook
    • Remove penalty not to be able to pick up placed traps with Trapper Sack add-on
    • Add one more trap to Trapper’s Basekit and allow him to carry 3 total
    • Houndmaster’s other dogs added
    • Bring back Flashlights burning Wraith, Nurse, & Hag Traps (was fun)
    • Original chase music for those killers who do not have
    • Rework/Buff Territorial Imperative (worst perk in the game)
    • Rework Red Herring (terrible survivor perk)
    • Get rid of useless survivor add-ons for maps and keys that show the exit gates or teammate auras (wedding ring add-on is ok). They clog the blood web and are never used
    • Bring back level 70 charms that glow, flash, or light up (banners and custom pics are not it, for the final reward of paying $10)
    • Add Demogorgon and Alien to 2v8 if their IP’s will allow it. It would be a blast to play this combo
  • Member Posts: 2,113

    I'd like to see Ghostie get some genuine love. Those "basekit buffs" didn't really accomplish anything, as the basekit "buff" was weaker than if he brought the original items - so ghosties STILL have to run the addons anyway just to stay on par with their original power. They should have just made the drop leg knife sheath basekit.

    Once buff I'd LOVE to see for ghostie is that if he is crouching, any survivors within a limited range currently interacting with something will have their auras revealed until they are no longer interacting with said thing. This would allow him to at least prepare his ambushes slightly better without having to turn the corner to stalk only to find out the survivor was on the wrong side of the gen, his cover is blown, and the survivor is now sprint bursting away from the gen.

  • Member Posts: 499
    edited January 25

    I would like to see Shanoa and Simon Belmont as Legendaries for Trevor (yes i know they are alredy cosplays but i want the full characters as they are my favorites of the entire licence).

    I am also hoping the new daily system they mentioned last anniversary will be engaging enough with new stuff to do every day/week/month so that you don't feel like youv'e completely run out of stuff to do until a new rift or event (as ive 100%ed the challenges/achievements ages ago).

    Hoping for prestige rewards as i alredy have a few p100s

    Hoping and looking forword to new rebecca chambers cosmetics

    If they were to do an anime collab id hope for tokyo ghoul and pray for Rize

  • Member Posts: 509

    League/ladder system

  • Member Posts: 114
    edited January 25
    • fix audio occlusion issues
    • Fix spirit husk bug and don’t have it locked behind a P2W skin
    • Fix flashbang/firecracker audio
    • Make a nerfed version of kindred base kit (either rework the perk or have it extend the range of aura reading or have the base kit version on a timer and have the perk make it indefinite.)
    • Make a nerfed version of pop (10% base kick regression for 20 secs after a hook, perk adds the other 10) or pain res (5% regression on most progressed generator, perk adds the other 15%, only applicable to fresh hooked survivors) basekit to reward killers for hooks and make it reasonable to run other good, but non meta perks
    • More in depth tutorials
    • All game modifiers available in custom games
    • Make Chucky SnD have faster acceleration on startup
    • Nerf Dracula wolf form (decrease frequency of scent orbs, eliminate pallet break ability in dash) and buff hellfire (faster cooldown)
    • Fix plague corrupt purge hitbox/velocity
    • Make hag 4.6
    • Make blight 4.4 and revert speed addons, increase blighted corruption token recharge time.
    • make bloodpoint store where we can trade in worthless/under used offerings (looking at you event offerings and most non party streamer blood point offerings) and addons for blood points or specific offerings and addons (yes make the exchange rate for certain things ridiculous so people aren’t stacking busted stuff every game)
    • LET US BUY CUSTOM KILLER MORIS THAT ARENT LINKED TO SKINS. Please bhvr if money is what you want, put it in untapped character customization like this and less behind new bloated content.
    • Eliminate perk tiers
    • P100 rewards (custom badge, banner, outfit, charm, mori, access to new bloodweb items, etc)
    • Replay system
    • Pregame/postgame lobby chat for console
    • Remove self-unhooks unless you have a perk that allows it.
    • Revert Call of Brine back to 200%, don’t allow regression to stack
    • Make rusty flute for spirit partially basekit, then nerf broken watch and flute.
    • Add anticamp progress to hud
    • General game optimization fix
    • Server maintenance
  • Member Posts: 606

    More skins for me.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Implement cheat protection

  • Member Posts: 22

    A reward of prestige 100.
    Change of the lobby screen

  • Member Posts: 309

    Sadako wishlist I'd love to see

    • Make bloody fingernails/old newspapers basekit

    •make tapes have something negative to have like having survivors holding a tape should be destroyed when taken damage/or make ring drawing add-on basekit

    • Make sadako continue to be immune to getting stunned when she's still flickering after manifesting

    •have some of her worst add-on reworked/adjusted

    •her tv spawn should be prioritize over chest when a using chest offering/event that contains chest

    •fix some of her bugs that's still happening like her demanifest invisibility not lasting about 1.2 seconds and reikos's watch not working at all

  • Member Posts: 708

    I agree with buggy! Removal of the finisher mori would be my top thing. I wrote in response to your comment only because I wanted to show support for buggybug's comment :)

    That or multiple changes to make it healthier for the community. I started writing my thoughts about how to make it better, but this is a happy wishlist post.

    Also, Noir Claire? Is that a thing? Sounds cool!

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